Chapter 14

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*Audri's pov*

I began getting ready for school. I was extremely nervous and scared to go, seeing as how today is the first day back ever since Ivan asked me out. What are people going to say about us? Considering we are an interracial couple. Plus Ivan is the school's bad boy he's popular and his reputation is up there and then there's me. The shy good girl that no one wants. The more I think, the more I get nervous. People like to talk and gossip, that's what teenagers in high school do. My heart was racing and I couldn't seem to calm down. There's nothing I hated more than being the center of attention. I know most girls just love the attention but I don't.

I sigh and grab my bag and money. I get my car keys and rush out after telling my mom bye. I stop to get breakfast and snacks then drive to school. I finally get to school and park my car. I look at the huge building in front of me and sigh.

"Let's see how this goes," I mutter to myself and hesitantly go inside the hell hole known as school.

I go to my locker and Kel runs up to me.

"Hey! I miss you! We like never hang out anymore," Kel says and pouts.

I laugh softly and say, "I'm sorry,"

I glance over at Ivan's locker to see him with his group of friends. I see Ivan smile and wink at me but he then goes back to his conversation.

I blush and smile to myself completely forgetting Kel was right there talking to me. Ivan looked so freaking cute! The way he leaned against that locker, flashing his perfect smile as he listened to whatever his friends were saying. I didn't realize I was checking my man out till I heard Kel talking to me.

"Hey, are you listening? We gotta hang out," Kel says, shaking me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah, sorry I just had to think of what class I have first," I lie. I wasn't ready to tell Kel about Ivan just yet, she is my best friend and all but she's not the best at keeping secrets and I just wasn't in the mood for questions and comments from like everyone.


Lunch finally comes around after long dreadful classes. I sigh and go get my lunch. After I shut my locker I turn to walk away but I'm pinned to the locker by Logan.

"What's your problem? What do you want?" I ask, trying to get away from him.

"Why do you hate me? I miss you," He says.

"I gotta go. Leave me alone and don't talk to me again alright," I say and shove him away.

"Come on give me another chance. I want to be with you, I made a mistake," He says and pins me again.

"No fuck off," I snap and shove him again.

He chuckles and says, "baby, you know you want me,"

Logan begins leaning in, I try to shove him away but he's obviously stronger than I am.

"Logan seriously leave me alone!" I snap.

"No baby, not until you kiss me," He says and keeps leaning in.

The hallway was pretty secluded, most students were at lunch or just didn't bother to help me. Logan plants a sloppy disgusting kiss on my lips, he wasn't as good as Ivan. Logan tried to get entrance into my mouth but I wouldn't allow it, I kept resisting and trying to push him off me.

Next thing I know, Logan is clenching his jaw and trying to move it around to see if it's broken or not. I look to see a pissed off Ivan standing there with his fists balled up.

"She said to leave her alone," Ivan growls.

"And it's none of your fucking business so why don't you walk away," Logan snarls and spits blood on the floor.

"If I were you I'd leave now or it's not going to get pretty," Ivan growls.

"Why the fuck should I listen to you?" Logan snaps and shoves Ivan.

I had to stop the both of them before anything happened. I got between them and tried to break them up.

"Audri, get outta here you're going to get hurt," Ivan warns me sternly.

Everything happened so quickly, I was pushed to the side and the two began to fight. Teachers came rushing to break it up and sent both of them to the principal's office along with me. I have never been to the principal's office because of being in trouble and stuff. It was always good things. 

I was nervous and scared for Ivan.  He was probably going to get suspended or something but he didn't do anything wrong. He was standing up for me. I had to do something about it.

All three of us  sat in front of Mr. Burt's desk.

"Who would like to explain on why there was a fight going on?," Mr. Burt says, clearly furious and pissed off.

"He punched me first!," Logan exclaims and sighs heavily and crosses his arms.

"Well maybe you should've left her alone when she asked you too," Ivan grumbled.

I was stuck in between them. I sighed and listen to both of them argue.

"Neither of you should even be fighting in this building. You know the school policy!" Mr. Burt lectures.

"But..." Logan says, trying to explain.

"Zip it I don't want to hear a word from either one of you. Audri, I want you to explain what happened," Mr. Burt tells me.

" What makes you think she's gonna tell the truth," Logan mutters and taps his foot.

"Dude just shut up so we can get this over with!" Ivan snaps and sighs.

I sigh and begin to explain.

"Logan was being touchy and kissed me by force and wouldn't let me go and Ivan stood up for me by punching him... That got him off me.." I explain as I fiddle with my hands and sigh, I hated being a snitch but I had no choice.

Mr. Burt nods and says, "boys is this true?,"

Both Ivan and Logan nod and sigh.

" Logan I'm afraid I'm going to have to suspend you for four days for harassment and violence, Ivan I'm going to have to suspend you for two days for violence," Mr. Burt says.

"But Ivan didn't do anything wrong. He stood up for me," I exclaim.

"Yes I know Audrianna but it's not my rules, it's my bosses. It's school policy, you just have to understand." He tells me.

"But that's not fair. Can't you just let him off the hook," I say.

"Audri just drop it, there's no point in arguing. I'll see you in two days," Ivan says and gets up and leaves the office. 

I sigh and follow him and call after him.

Ivan turns to me and says, "Audri, you have class. We can hang out after school ok."

He kisses my head and turns to leave.

I sigh and say, "I'll take care of this,"

"Audri stop ok. It's over and done with. By the way, what the hell were you thinking when you got in between us. You know how dangerous that is?! You could've gotten hurt," He says in a slight tone.

"I-I'm sorry, I was just trying to help..." I tell him and look at the ground.

"Well next time don't, I care about you and don't want you to get hurt alright. Please don't to that again," He says and lifts up my chin and meets my eyes with his.

I blush and smile softly at him. He smiles back and gives me a quick peck.

"I'll see you after school," He whispers and winks and leaves the building.

I blush and smile and shake my head and head to class.

Happy thanksgiving guys!! This chapter is crappy but I'm trying. Thanks for reading!  Happy Thanksgiving! :*

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