Burning Hope

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I look across the raging war and feel the steady beating of my heart.

The camera zooms in on Y/n from behind looking at Beacon.

Waiting in the calm before the storm
I pray my aim will guide me through the dark!

He opens his eyes and sees Beacon burning and covered with rubble.

Guitar Solo

Like turning pages
A memory fades inside my mind.

The camera zooms past the clouds and the sky and focuses on Amity Coliseum.

But through the ages
I tell the story everytime.

The camera flips to a fight in the arena of the Protectors in their match.

Our song of declaration
Will wake this broken nation.
Let's take up arms, friend
We'll fight until the bitter end!

Suddenly the arena is engulfed in flame and is completely empty with Grimm everywhere.

In a world so wracked with sorrow
We fight to turn around a fucked scenario!

The camera flips to Team RWBY going against a horde of Grimm and them losing.

Shake up the passage of time
Just stop and rewind, stop and rewind!

Ruby opens her eyes from falling down, she stands up and they shine silver.

Hold onto virtue
Take hope and take it when there's nothing left to do!

Flip back to Y/n facing against a dark feminine figure wielding dual blades with gears flying past.

Save what was once left behind
Just fall and unwind, fall and unwind!

Tyler and Alecks stare at each other with their weapons drawn and run at each other screaming.

Rise up with each arpeggio
Feel your heart beating steady and low.
You are an anthem marching strong
A Savior of Song, a Savior of Song!

Weiss screams out someone's name and a giant figure appears, splitting the screen in two.

——————Atlas's Heart——————

"Pyrrha. Get behind something." You tell her. She gazed upon your true power.

"O-Okay." Pyrrha gets up to leave the arena. The Nevermore screeches a mighty squeal and charges you. You put a finger out and create an impenetrable wall of fire.

"Quiet." You incinerate the Grimm by folding the wall on it. You look up and see a flock of five Nevermores land all around the rim of Amity.

"Fine. I'll take you all on!" You ignite your hand and feet and fly directly at one, faster than it could react, you fly right through its chest, killing it instantly. Two others fly toward you, you decide to return the favor and you fly at one of them and kick it in it's beak, sending it down to Amity's arena. You hold your palm out as one slams it's head into your hand thanks to your Semblance.

"Die." You create an inferno out of the Grimm. Once the flame is gone, all that remains is soot and ash from its corpse. The fifth one let's loose a powerful cry, one strong enough to push away the others.

"A fine battle cry." You create a fist and squeeze hard. The metal beneath your feet begins to melt and crackle, like a thin layer of ice. As you stand above Amity, you hold your hand out and let loose a fireball at the beast. The shockwave throws everyone off of their feet, You stand there looking at it with your arms crossed.

"One hell of a light-show." The sixth and final Nevermore tries to sneak attack you, but your Semblance stops the jaws of the Grimm from swallowing you whole.

"Oh I'm sorry, were you trying to eat me? But, I'm not cooked enough yet." You concentrate your Aura into a physical form, and begin to push the Grimm's beak apart.

"ALLOW ME TO WARM UP YOUR MEAL!!" You create a massive flame in your hand and like a flamethrower, let loose down its throat. The monster squirms around as it's cooked from the inside out, until it eventually dies and dissipates. Once it's down you float down toward the arena. You can hear Jaune as you get closer.

"Is that... really Tyler? Or is it "Tyler"?" Jaune asks, putting emphasis on the second name.

"It's me Jaune. I'm sorry you all had to see that side of me. I promise to explain more in the future. But now isn't the time." You shut your form off.

"I really wanted to use that in the Tournament, oh well, I suppose this is the closest we'll get." You smile.

"I'll keep going. I'll make you proud sis'." You open your eyes.

"Well? What the hell are you all waiting for? Get your weapons!" You tell them all. They pull their Scrolls out. While you're distracted by the commotion, the Nevermore you kicked to the arena wakes up and tries to attack the group.

"NO!!" It's shot directly in the eye and it's head explodes. You look at where it was shot in the head.

"You losing your edge?" Y/n says to you.

"Tyler you bastard, I'll—." Y/n puts his arm in front of Alecks.

"No you won't, because that wasn't truly Tyler. What we just watched, that was Tyler."

"Y/n, what if he—."

"Am. I. Clear?" Y/n slowly turns his head to Alecks.

"Especially not right now. Beacon is going to fall. We have to help out who we can and evac who we can." Y/n walks over to Pyrrha and gives her a hug.

"It's not your fault. I know exactly what happened. Someone is at fault here and it's not you." Pyrrha accepts the hug. Jaune walks over with her weapons.

"We need to do what we can." He hold them out to her. She takes them and prepares herself.

"Everyone!! Beacon, Shade, Haven, and Atlas alike! Today we don't just fight for Beacon. We don't just fight for Vale. We don't just fight for Remnant! We fight for ourselves today! And for our fellow men to our lefts and rights! Today! You are not just Huntsmen and Huntresses!YOU ARE PROTECTORS!!!" Y/n says an inspiring speech to boost everyone's spirits and morale.

"Let's go!" You hear Ruby say as she points ahead of her. You walk up to Y/n. He looks at you with his arms behind his back.

"I'm going to make—!" Y/n places his hands on your shoulders.

"No, you will not. Because there's nothing to atone for. All you can do now is your job. Defend, inspire, protect." He shakes you lightly.

"Protect." He looks you in your eyes. Alecks walks up next.

"I'm sorry I snapped back there."

"You're good. I understand." You tell Alecks. He hangs his head.

"Hey douche." He looks at you. You put up a Shaka sign.

"We're good." He smiles and begins to chuckle, then outright hysterically laugh.

"I am glad that we can defend again! Let's go kick some ASS!!!" You blaze into the sky and head toward Beacon.

"I'll defend everyone."





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