Welcome Home (Vol.7, Pt. 1)

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"What... is going on?" You say.

"I have no idea." Qrow responds.

"Well it looks like they're expecting an attack, a big one." Tyler responds.

"Manta 5-1, you will land in docking bay Lambda-7 immediately." The air traffic controller says over the radio.

"What do we do?"

"Winter!" Weiss says.

"Get us away from the fleet." Weiss tells Maria.

"Don't have to tell me twice." Maria responds. She takes the ship down toward Mantle.

"Mantle..." You say loudly.

"Bad experiences right?" Ruby asks.

"Yeah..." You say. Maria flies over Mantle, and you see your father on a massive screen.

"...many would describe these as uncertain times, and while that may be the case for the rest of the world, I can tell you what is certain. The Kingdom of Atlas will remain strong, and it will remain safe. That, is my promise."


"He looks..."

"Strung out." You say.

"Winter can take us to the General. We just need to get a hold of her."

"Uh... Weiss?" Yang says. She walks over to the window.

"A reminder..."


"Failure to cooperate with Atlas Military Personnel is a punishable offense. If your sector is not on lockdown..."


"No offense Weiss, but I'm not sure that's a good idea anymore."

"There's obviously something very wrong, if we could just talk to her then—!"

"Look, I'm not sure we should talk to Ironwood until we know exactly what's going on with Mantle."


"Everyone calm down. I know someone who can help with both."


"Geez lady take a hint!" Maria mutes the radio and flies downward to land the ship. You look toward Weiss.

"Hey, are you okay?" She looks back.

"I should be asking you that question. How's it feel being back in Mantle." You look around, taking in the familiar sights.

"Looks exactly how it did when father saved me."

"How so?" She asks.

"It's still Hell." You all walk off the airship and continue throughout Mantle on foot, you look up at a building toward the looping videos of your father and Winter. The foggy sky being illuminated by the white uniforms on screen, you can't help but wonder how long Mantle has been under occupation from Atlas. You and your group round a corner to see a woman walk out of shop.

"And no more heavy lifting, you hear!?" You hear a voice shout out from the building. you all turn the corner and you see an old friend from your childhood.

"Pietro!" You say.

"Ah yes! Who are you again?" You smile.

"Y/n Ironwood, the General's son." He squints at you and thinks.

"Ah yes! Y/n Ironwood! The General's son, and yes, Maria! With the cybernetic optical implants, I adjust them every ten years or so." He uses his walking chair to move around the counter to greet everyone.

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