A King and A Queen (Volume 5)

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Three days later...

You walk up to the cockpit of the ship, visibly tired.

"Hello Alecks..." You say groggily.

"Holy shit man, what has she done to you!?" Alecks asks with concern in his voice.

"What HASN'T she done to me?" You answer his question with one of your own.

"Damn man, I feel like a man dying of thirst watching another man drown." He turns back around as you slump in a chair.

"We're nearing Lake Matsu's floating islands, they're pretty neat huh?" You inhale slowly.

"Yeeeep... preeetty coool..."

"Do you need some coffee? You sound like you're dying by the second."

"Coffee sounds nice." You giggle, you sound delirious.

"I'm losing my mind." You say. Alecks hands you a mug of scorching hot coffee, you grab it by the mug itself.


"Trust me Alecks, I can't feel anything right now." You chuckle again. Alecks places his hand on your shoulder and leans down a little.

"You poor, poor soul." You get up out of the chair slowly, almost falling over.

"I'm gonna go wake her up I suppose. Lake Matsu's not far from Mistral."

"Be careful man, if we had another Schnee attack, I'm actually afraid you'd die."

"Yeah yeah..." You yawn loudly. You slowly open the door, on the bed, under the covers, you see Weiss's form, her pale white skin glistens slightly under the sun coming in through a window. You walk over to her and shake her slightly.

"Good morning Ice Queen..." You wave the coffee in front of her nose to try and coax her awake, luckily you know her weakness and this works. Her eyes open slowly and she groans, her eyes make contact with you and she speaks:

"Good morning Ice King...~" She leans up and plants a short kiss on your lips, before grabbing the coffee and taking a sip.

"How did you rest?" You ask her.

"Very well, after what we did last night, it's a wonder I can even stay up a second."

"Yeah, I did claim my territory last night." She chuckles.

"I'll say, have you seen the hickey on my collar!? I look like I got stung by a Lancer!"

"I'll have you know you left quite the hickey yourself. Not to mention my back is forming scabs as we speak!" This makes her laugh loudly.

"We going past Lake Matsu's floating islands right now, it shouldn't be much long before we arrive in Mistral." The ship shakes.

"What was that?" You ask.

"I don't know, but I just got hot coffee everywhere." She says upset. She lifts the covers, revealing her body, she slips her dress back on and finds her rapier, Myrtenaster.

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