Atlesian Blood

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I look across the raging war and feel the steady beating of my heart.

The camera zooms in on Y/n from behind looking at Beacon.

Waiting in the calm before the storm
I pray my aim will guide me through the dark!

He opens his eyes and sees Beacon burning and covered with rubble.

Guitar Solo

Like turning pages
A memory fades inside my mind.

The camera zooms past the clouds and the sky and focuses on Amity Coliseum.

But through the ages
I tell the story everytime.

The camera flips to a fight in the arena of the Protectors in their match.

Our song of declaration
Will wake this broken nation.
Let's take up arms, friend
We'll fight until the bitter end!

Suddenly the arena is engulfed in flame and is completely empty with Grimm everywhere.

In a world so wracked with sorrow
We fight to turn around a fucked scenario!

The camera flips to Team RWBY going against a horde of Grimm and them losing.

Shake up the passage of time
Just stop and rewind, stop and rewind!

Ruby opens her eyes from falling down, she stands up and they shine silver.

Hold onto virtue
Take hope and take it when there's nothing left to do!

Flip back to Y/n facing against a dark feminine figure wielding dual blades with gears flying past.

Save what was once left behind
Just fall and unwind, fall and unwind!

Tyler and Alecks stare at each other with their weapons drawn and run at each other screaming.

Rise up with each arpeggio
Feel your heart beating steady and low.
You are an anthem marching strong
A Savior of Song, a Savior of Song!

Weiss screams out someone's name and a giant figure appears, splitting the screen in two.

——————Atlas's Heart——————

"Wait, they're from Atlas?" Alecks asks.

"Yeah." You tell him.

"Wait, what's so weird about that?" Alecks turns to Tyler with a stunned look.

"Hey remember, I wasn't really "in tune" with the world for most of my life!"

"Atlas folk aren't extremely fond of Faunus, you can blame Jacques Schnee for that. Which is why I'm stunned to see an entire team of them." You tell Tyler.

"So they're all super racist. What else is new about Atlas." You look at him and he quickly puts his hands up in a joking manner. You look
back to the Faunus team and try to make out their traits.

"I see a cheetah, a wolf, and a kangaroo. I can't make out the last one, she's wearing a hood. Watch her."

"Right." Tyler and Alecks stand there as the Team VLLT approaches.

"Hiya!" The wolf Faunus says to you.

"Uhm, hi." You awkwardly wave.

"Woah woah ladies, he's taken—."

"We know." The cheetah says. You keep your eyes focused on the hooded figure, who's remained completely silent. Holographic screens appear in the air, they spin until they land on the type of environment the battle will take place in.

Atlas's HeartWhere stories live. Discover now