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Come now or never...
We're all here waitin'...
Come with everything you have,
but don't be mistaken.

Y/n's team stand in front of Beacon, guarding it with weapons drawn.

We are the fight,
don't care who is right...
We only know who's left behind
and who will be taken.

Y/n's eyes tighten as he looks at Roman, with two silhouettes behind him, a smaller one, and a taller one.

One day
You're gonna lie there
Dead in your grave
They're gonna say
that you never did enough!

Team JNPR join beside Y/n and his team, Jaune nods at you.

You'll never play in the big leagues,
Never compare to me
You'll never be
a warrior!

Team RWBY joins Y/n to his right, they all draw their weapons.

You're gonna fall to your knees,
and the more that you bleed
you get weak and it's
all over!

Weiss moves from beside Ruby to beside Y/n, she looks at him and smirks.

You never could compete
You'll never compare to me
You'll never be
a warrior!

Y/n and Weiss grab hands and run forward together at the villains.

Try to tear us down!
We'll rise back up!

Alecks and Tyler begin to dismantle the enemy with flames and a hailstorm of bullets.

We're higher now!
Your will your weapons not enough!

Team JNPR kill a few Grimm and turn around only to find a King Taijitu emerging from the ground.

We stand as one!
Prepare to fall!

Weiss and Y/n look at the horde of Grimm and go together to kill them, their respective teams and JNPR join.

Yeah you can try,
But you can't Break Through This Wall!

Y/n stands face to face with a dark, feminine silhouette, gripping his weapons angrily.

As you and your team walk out of the combat arena, you watch Sun run up to Blake.

"Hey Blake!?"


"You know I was thinking, the dance is coming up soon and it's kinda lame, but I was thinking you and me, not so lame."

"What?" Blake says almost aggressive.

"The dance! This weekend, you wanna go or what?"

"I don't have time for a stupid dance, I thought you of all people would understand that."

"Hm, Blake is stressing herself to death." Alecks says.

"I know." You reply.

Hours later...

"All I'm saying is, that my Semblance is the most useful outta us three." Alecks boasts.

"Uhm did you forget I can literally move anything I want?" You touch his arm.

"Nonononono!!" You jump up and touch the ceiling, Alecks' arm flies up and he follows, he dangled from the ceiling like a decoration.

"Put me down you prick." You and Tyler are laughing hysterically as Alecks tries to pry himself off the ceiling, you cancel your Semblance and he falls on his face, this only serves to make you two laugh harder.

"Oh haha, look at me, I have spooky magnetism as my Semblance." He mocks you.

"I mean, you're not wrong? But the impression is shit."

"If you're gonna try to impersonate Y/n. You have to be thinking of—." You three walk around a corner and see Jaune standing outside of Team RWBY's dorm.

"WEISS!!" He strums the guitar eccentrically. She slams the door in his face.

"Oh come on! Open the door! I promise not to sing..." Jaune says through the door. You three begin to walk up to him.

"I-Uhm." You say shocked. The door opens to reveal Weiss looking very disappointed.

"I LIED!!!" He strums the guitar more. Weiss just looks at you confused.

"Weiss Schnee, will you accompany me, to the daaaaaaance oooooonnn..." Jaune forgers the day.

"Sunday." Alecks whispers into his ear.


"Are you done?" Weiss asks.

"Yes?" Jaune says hopeful.

"No." She slams the door, and Jaune just groans.

"Don't worry man, you'll find someone." Alecks says.

"Thanks man, who're you taking to the dance." Alecks grows a smile.

"Well isn't it obvious? I'm taking Tyler here!" He wraps his arm over Tyler's shoulder.

"Like hell you are!" Tyler quickly brushes off Alecks' arm.

"Well honestly, I was probably gonna go alone." Alecks tells Jaune. You and Tyler both say the same thing, even though you have a certain someone in mind.

"Well, I guess I'll see you two there then!"

"See ya Jaune!" You yell out. You tell Tyler and Alecks to go on back, you'll be there soon. You knock on RWBY's dorm.

"JAUNE I SAID N—, Y/n! Why hello!" Weiss says embarrassed.

"Heya, hi gir—, where's Blake?" You ask worried.

"She's really stressed about Roman, she's going insane and we don't know if we can get her to the dance." Weiss says.

"Oh trust me, she's going to the dance." Yang says.

"I hope so." Ruby replies.

"Well what can we do Y/n?"

"Well, I realized this a while ago, but remember when we went bowling the Gods cursed me with losing?" You say jokingly.

"Oh that's right! We never hung out!"

"I do however see that Alecks cleaned the hell out of your room."

"Swear jar."

"Hell isn't a swear, just not a nice word."

"I think I have a jar for this too somewhere."

"And me and Tyler never sparred. I'll have to remind him tomorrow." Yang says.

"So Weiss? I was thinking tomorrow? If you're good with that?"

"Sure! That would be wonderful."

"Okay, see you then. Night girls!"

"Goodnight Y/n!" Ruby yells out. You close the door and walk back to your dorm excited and nervous.

Weiss' P.O.V

"Okay Weiss, admit it, you like Y/n." Yang says.

"What? Preposterous!" You say blushing a little.

"Well, that's not entirely untrue."

"Please Weiss, it's way obvious. I mean, I'm awful at the whole defecting if someone likes you. But I can tell you like him."

"Quiet you. There's nothing wrong about two friends hanging out."

"Except that you don't want to be friends with Y/n." Yang says.

"Maybe I do, maybe I don't..." Weiss says.

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