Ignited Passion

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Come now or never...
We're all here waitin'...
Come with everything you have,
but don't be mistaken.

Y/n's team stand in front of Beacon, guarding it with weapons drawn.

We are the fight,
don't care who is right...
We only know who's left behind
and who will be taken.

Y/n's eyes tighten as he looks at Roman, with two silhouettes behind him, a smaller one, and a taller one.

One day
You're gonna lie there
Dead in your grave
They're gonna say
that you never did enough!

Team JNPR join beside Y/n and his team, Jaune nods at you.

You'll never play in the big leagues,
Never compare to me
You'll never be
a warrior!

Team RWBY joins Y/n to his right, they all draw their weapons.

You're gonna fall to your knees,
and the more that you bleed
you get weak and it's
all over!

Weiss moves from beside Ruby to beside Y/n, she looks at him and smirks.

You never could compete
You'll never compare to me
You'll never be
a warrior!

Y/n and Weiss grab hands and run forward together at the villains.

Try to tear us down!
We'll rise back up!

Alecks and Tyler begin to dismantle the enemy with flames and a hailstorm of bullets.

We're higher now!
Your will your weapons not enough!

Team JNPR kill a few Grimm and turn around only to find a King Taijitu emerging from the ground.

We stand as one!
Prepare to fall!

Weiss and Y/n look at the horde of Grimm and go together to kill them, their respective teams and JNPR join.

Yeah you can try,
But you can't Break Through This Wall!

Y/n stands face to face with a dark, feminine silhouette, gripping his weapons angrily.

"So Weiss, calling home huh?" Alecks asks.

"I am not calling home, I'm calling the SDC." Her scroll rings and it shows her father. She looks at it and declines the call.

"Not on talking my terms with your father?" You ask. The elevator door opens for you three to get in it.

"Not exactly Y/n." When you three get in, you see her practicing her smile.

"You don't need to fake a smile Weiss, just be you." She looks at you and forms a genuine smile.

"Thank you Y/n." The elevator opens to the communications room of the CCT. Weiss walks up to the front desk.

"Hello! Welcome to Beacon's CCT Tower, how may I help you?" The holographic lady asks.

"I'd like to make a call to the Schnee Dust Company please."

"Sure thing, if you head over to terminal three, I'll patch you through." She smiles at Weiss.

"Thank you very much." You three walk with Weiss to the video call screen.

"It might be best if you two stay back a little, they might not want to give me the files if they see, well, not me." You roll your eyes and wave Alecks toward you. Weiss goes on to call the company.

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