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Come now or never...
We're all here waitin'...
Come with everything you have,
but don't be mistaken.

Y/n's team stand in front of Beacon, guarding it with weapons drawn.

We are the fight,
don't care who is right...
We only know who's left behind
and who will be taken.

Y/n's eyes tighten as he looks at Roman, with two silhouettes behind him, a smaller one, and a taller one.

One day
You're gonna lie there
Dead in your grave
They're gonna say
that you never did enough!

Team JNPR join beside Y/n and his team, Jaune nods at you.

You'll never play in the big leagues,
Never compare to me
You'll never be
a warrior!

Team RWBY joins Y/n to his right, they all draw their weapons.

You're gonna fall to your knees,
and the more that you bleed
you get weak and it's
all over!

Weiss moves from beside Ruby to beside Y/n, she looks at him and smirks.

You never could compete
You'll never compare to me
You'll never be
a warrior!

Y/n and Weiss grab hands and run forward together at the villains.

Try to tear us down!
We'll rise back up!

Alecks and Tyler begin to dismantle the enemy with flames and a hailstorm of bullets.

We're higher now!
Your will your weapons not enough!

Team JNPR kill a few Grimm and turn around only to find a King Taijitu emerging from the ground.

We stand as one!
Prepare to fall!

Weiss and Y/n look at the horde of Grimm and go together to kill them, their respective teams and JNPR join.

Yeah you can try,
But you can't Break Through This Wall!

Y/n stands face to face with a dark, feminine silhouette, gripping his weapons angrily.

"So wait, we're not going to shadow a Huntsman today?" You ask Ozpin. He shakes his head.

"I'm afraid not, you still have to be the Protectors after all."

"There's going to be no one here, who do we have to protect?!" You raise your voice.

"I was under the assumption we'd still be students." Alecks says as well.

"The second years and above will still be here during classes, and some of the first years will be back early in the day. You must remain here, I am sorry."

"We'd better still participate in the Vytal Tournament."

"Of course." Ozpin says, you three walk toward the elevator in his office and take it back down.

"That is total bullshit." Tyler says.

"I agree with the Human Torch here. We're students too, we should go shadowing as well."

"Me three. Wait, I have an idea." You press th button to go back to Ozpin's office.

"Are we going to sneak out?" Tyler asks.

"Even better." You reply to him. Once the door opens, Ozpin sees you again.

"Is there something else I can help—?"

"We want to shadow you." Tyler and Alecks look at you stunned, Ozpin doesn't react.

"Very well. You will follow me for the rest of the day." Ozpin stands up.

"First order of business is overseeing the students picking their Huntsman to shadow. If you'll follow me." He walks around his desk and past you three into the elevator. You follow him and wave to your team. They follow, although not very happy about it. The elevator shuts and goes down.

"I will forewarn you, there won't be any Huntsman-esque activities with me, mostly just Headmaster duties."

"That's fine." You tell him. Once you arrive on ground level, you follow him. Tyler pulls you closer to him.

"What the hell are you thinking!?" He whispers to you.

"Think about it, Ozpin is the Huntsman, who better to shadow today than him."

"Uhm, anyone?" He retorts.

"Plus you'll get an opportunity to see if there's any juicy secrets..." You tell him.

"Fine." He falls back and continues to follow, you notice Ozpin had just finished a speech to the student body full of first year students. You take in the sights before Ozpin moves out. You three follow him tightly through the crowd of students. You see him stop at Team RWBY's board.

"Well that's not an option, any other ideas?" You hear Blake ask.

"We mail ourselves there!" Ruby says proudly.

"Well, that's one option." Ozpin walls out from behind the mission board. You three follow.

"Hey girls, pushing yourselves too hard?" Alecks makes a shaka sign with his hand.

"Hey boys, and no we're not." Ozpin coughs and catches their attentions.

"Unfortunately we determined the concentration of Grimm there was too extreme fur first year students. It seems that particular region is rather popular. In fact, I have the sneaking suspicion the four of you will make your way there no matter what mission you choose." Ozpin says questioningly.

"Whatever makes you say that?" Ruby says as her team looks at her disappointed.

"I'm still curious as to how the four of you found yourselves at the docks last semester. I'm interested to learn how you found a "hideout" in the southeast. And I certainly wonder why witnesses reported seeing robots and rose petals in a dance club some time ago." Ruby starts to stutter and look around.

"I doubt I'll ever find the answers I'm looking for. So, how about this? Instead of waiting for you all to break the rules, why don't we just bend them?" He presses a few buttons on his Scroll and the mission is assigned to Team RWBY.

"We won't let you down, thank you Professor." Ruby tells the man.

"Do not thank me for this. Your skills and training have helped you through all of your struggles thus far. Now you must use them outside of the safety of Vale. Stay close to your Huntsman and listen to him at all times, he can and will send you back to Beacon if he finds your talents and unsatisfactory." Ozpin looks at you three.

"That is all for today, you three may return to your dorms and await any trouble." Alecks and Tyler walk off.

"Sure, good luck girls!" You give them all a thumbs up and you walk up to Weiss.

"Keep each other safe okay?" You place your hands on her arms.

"Of course we will." You plant a kiss on her cheek and you watch as blush fills her normally pale face.

"You're really cute when you're flustered."

"Quiet you." She turns around and you watch Team RWBY walk over to the Bullhead.

"Isn't that Dr. Oobleck's ship?" Alecks asks pointing at it.

"Indeed." You tell Alecks. You all return back to your dorm to await a call for help.

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