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The camera zooms from Beacon toward Atlas.

———————Atlas's Heart———————

Ready Set Go!
We were racing to the goal line not long ago.

Y/n, Weiss and Alecks run through Atlas. Then the camera switches to a scene of Y/n staring out of a window.

Even though, there was so much we didn't know yet.

Y/n reaches his hand out, clinches and releases sadly and shakily.

Crossing that line!

Flip to Weiss, stuck in her room looking out the window.

We saw that there would be no going back in time.
Even though, there was so much we didn't know yet.

She pulls out Myrtenaster and practices her technique.

We're burning, and fighting, under the sun.

Flip to Alecks and Y/n walking and talking before a familiar face distracts Y/n.

Yeah, my skin is glistening.

Y/n and Ironwood are training in the combat area before the screen cracks.

From sweat dripping down my face.

He looks down with his hands before a tear falls.

As time will pass I believe,
There are many things that we may forget.

The camera zooms into the tear to show the trio falling through the air smiling and free with Ironwood looking overhead in Atlas.

Everyone, will become, a Silhouette.

Y/n thinks about Tyler, Alecks and Weiss, all back facing, before they turn into a dark figures and fade.

But why do we pretend we don't care
All about the things that we hold so dear?

Y/n opens his eyes and lands beside Weiss and Alecks, and Ironwood approaches from behind and pats Y/n on the back.

It's so when, it's hurting
We can laugh through the tears!

Y/n and co. look up at the nighttime Atlesian sky, glistening with stars.

Weiss's P.O.V

"Who's facing off against my father? The only one that could is the General." You walk up to his door and listen.

"...I'm talking about the good of the Kingdom! OUR Kingdom!" You hear some muffled talking except for your father's, who is loud enough to shake the walls. You slowly open the door and walk in. You stand in front of the door and patiently wait.

"You're a trusted friend and ally to this family James, but what you're suggesting is absurd!"

"You're blowing it out of proportion."

"The Council will never agree to it!" Your father stands.

"You forget, I hold two seats on the Council." General Ironwood does the same.

"You're Dust embargo has already cost me millions, don't think I have forgotten!"

"So this IS about you?" Your father sighs loudly. The door behind you shuts and they both look at you.

"Miss Schnee. My apologies. I should've been gone by now." He bows.

"I-It's okay." You tell the General, who has grown a five o'clock shadow and the grays in his hair are even more pronounced.

"We'll continue this at another time." He says to your father.

"Indeed, Klein can show you out."

"Don't worry, I know the way." He walks toward you and you move so he can leave.

"Until next time, Jacques." Your father nods.

"Please know, you'll always have a home at Atlas Academy, Miss Schnee. We'll be back in session before you know it." He leaves the room. Leaving you and your father in silence.

"Did you forget your manners while you were away?" Your father asks, you get upset by this, but calm down as to not test his patience. You turn and face him.

"No Father, I'm sorry." He sighs and walks to his desk.

"Can you believe there are people in the world that blame Atlas for what happened to Beacon? To Vale?" He sits down in his chair. You sigh and prepare for a talk with your father.

Y/n's P.O.V

Four days later...

"Again!" Your father yells, you strike the dummy with Luna.

"Again!" Then with Sol.

"Again!!" You spin and slash the dummy's face in two. You bend down, out of breath and tired. Your father walks to you.

"You're rusty."

"Well, yeah... not like it's been half a year since I've trained, or fought at all." You say with limited air.

"We need to get you back up to speed. How about you and me spar?" You look at him. He smirks and adopts a stance.

"I mean, I doubt I'll even be a challenge in my current state. But I'll try!" You spin your swords as they transform into pistols, you take aim. You're still taking breathes in order to gain energy to fight your father.

"Here I come!" He runs straight at you, you ready yourself before he transforms into Cinder, her eyes a bright red as flames form from them. She punches you straight in the cheek. You fall to the ground as you snap back to Atlas.

"Son!" He runs over to you, you sit up and look at your weapons, they turn into flames as you look up and see Cinder walking toward you again.

"NO!!" You back away.

"Aw, are you terrified of me?"

"GET AWAY!!" You yell, reality snaps back as you see your father holding his hand out. You look at it then back to his eyes, eyes of sadness and love.

"What... What's happening to me?" You ask him, still on the ground.

"PTSD. From the Fall of Beacon. You're traumatized from the events that happened, and all of the chaos and death. I know the feeling, come on." He picks you up by your shoulder.

"It's a long road to recovery, I hope you understand." He tells you.

"Recovery... yeah."

"As much as it's going to suck to relive, I'm going to need you to tell me what it was." He tells you.

"Cinder." You say quickly.

"I see..." You and him walk out of the training room and toward your room.

???'s P.O.V

"Wakey wakey... hehehe!"

"Congratulations Cinder, not only did Beacon fall, but you managed to steal one of its prized students."

"Quiet. Leave us."
People rush of of the room.

"Now, Mr. Sparks." The pale woman leans in closer to you.

"Let's talk."

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