Spark Of Battle

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Come now or never...
We're all here waitin'...
Come with everything you have,
but don't be mistaken.

Y/n's team stand in front of Beacon, guarding it with weapons drawn.

We are the fight,
don't care who is right...
We only know who's left behind
and who will be taken.

Y/n's eyes tighten as he looks at Roman, with two silhouettes behind him, a smaller one, and a taller one.

One day
You're gonna lie there
Dead in your grave
They're gonna say
that you never did enough!

Team JNPR join beside Y/n and his team, Jaune nods at you.

You'll never play in the big leagues,
Never compare to me
You'll never be
a warrior!

Team RWBY joins Y/n to his right, they all draw their weapons.

You're gonna fall to your knees,
and the more that you bleed
you get weak and it's
all over!

Weiss moves from beside Ruby to beside Y/n, she looks at him and smirks.

You never could compete
You'll never compare to me
You'll never be
a warrior!

Y/n and Weiss grab hands and run forward together at the villains.

Try to tear us down!
We'll rise back up!

Alecks and Tyler begin to dismantle the enemy with flames and a hailstorm of bullets.

We're higher now!
Your will your weapons not enough!

Team JNPR kill a few Grimm and turn around only to find a King Taijitu emerging from the ground.

We stand as one!
Prepare to fall!

Weiss and Y/n look at the horde of Grimm and go together to kill them, their respective teams and JNPR join.

Yeah you can try,
But you can't Break Through This Wall!

Y/n stands face to face with a dark, feminine silhouette, gripping his weapons angrily.

"Let's go Tyler!!" He throws the throwing daggers made of flame at Yang, she dodges them and moves in, but Tyler's flames are too fast to recover. They move to his hands and he creates a wall in front of him, blocking Yang's point of attack. The wall breaks open creating fireballs and one hits Yang, Tyler jumps from behind his defenses and tries to grab Yang with his fiery hands. Yang fires her gauntlets at Tyler's feet and launches both of them, but Tyler grabs Yang's arms and flings her into the arena, making small cracks. Yang immediately jumps at Tyler but he just creates fire in her path, she flies through it, partially burning and when she arrives on the other side of the flame, Tyler has created a fist made if fire, he slams it into Yang, she covers herself the best she can, but Tyler's strength in the end overpowered her. She's sent into the ground again, Tyler lands flicking his wrist, the fist disappears into smoke. Yang stands up, clothes charred from Tyler's attacks, her eyes a furious red, Tyler calmly breathes in and out. Flames begin to spiral around his hands and he looks at Yang. She begins to run at him, Tyler remains calm.
She prepares a massive haymaker and she misses, she tries a few kicks, but Tyler is totally outclassing Yang.

"He's incredible." Blake says.

"Y/n? Did you know about that?" Weiss asks.

"No, I didn't know those were his wea—."

"THEY ARE SO COOOOOL!!!" Ruby exclaims. You and Alecks face palm.

"Here we go." Alecks says. Ruby begins to basically bounce around the entire building rambling on about how awesome Tyler's weapons are.

"No Weiss, I did not know his weapons were gauntlets." You reply to her after Ruby's outburst.

"They act similarly to Atlas tech." You look to your right and see Team CFVY.

"But instead of filtering Dust, his gauntlets filter his fire. Allowing him to create whatever his imagination desires." Velvet continues.

"You know a lot about Atlas tech, you must be Velvet." You say, you look at Tyler and see a single bead of sweat roll down his head.

"I'm Y/n I—." You put your hand out to shake her hand.

"Ironwood, I was in the crowd when you told everyone off at your initiation." She places her hand in your and you shake it.

"I've heard you've met Alecks, my best friend." He waves to Velvet.

"Hello again Alecks, pleased to see you again." She says to him.

"Pleasure's all mine." He replies. Everyone looks back to the fight, Tyler is winning by a lot.

"So that's what a Protector can do." Velvet says.

"I guess we're pretty cool, right Weiss?" You ask.

"Dolt." She says to you in a softer tone than normal, must be because you're both together now. You look at Yang's Aura and see its at 30, Tyler has this fight in the bag, unless Yang can land a massive blow, but Tyler is just too fast and darts behind her, but you notice Yang smiles, she quickly turns around and plants a kiss on Tyler's cheek. This completely knocks Tyler out of his flow state. While confused by this, Tyler is knocked out of the arena by Yang.

"Ms. Xiao Long is the winner. However, please do not perform any PDA during class again." Glynda says to her. You run over to Tyler and so does Alecks.

"Yes ma'am!" Yang says.

"Yo bro? You okay?"

"...Yea..." He says stoically, eyes still broad and wide open.

"That was an amazing fight Tyler, and because you still sorta won, I won't kick your ass." You tell him.

"...Yea..." He repeats.

"Hey hottie? You okay?" Yang says walking over.

"...Yea..." You facepalm.

"There's more than one word to say Tyler."

"You both did good." You tell her.

"Yeah... well I'll see you three later!" She walks off and leaves the building.

"We have to get you home buddy, I think you're broken." Alecks jokes.

"...Yea..." You and Alecks take a shoulder each and pick him up.

"So when were you planning on telling me about your weapons?" You ask him, referring to his gauntlets.

"It's a hell of a disguise I'll give you that." Alecks compliments him.

"You gonna yell us how they work? I'm sure Ruby would love to know too, and that would make Yang very hap—."

"YEAH." You and Alecks laugh at your love-drunk friend.

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