Sol and Luna Pt. 2

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                                    Atlas' Heart


They see you as small and helpless...
They see you as just a child...
Y/n is sitting in an alley, alone.

Surprised when they find out that a warrior will soon run wild!
Y/n grabs the nearest weapon and goes to fight.

Prepare for your greatest moments...
Skip to Y/n at 16, training with his weapon against an opponent.

Prepare for your finest hour...
Y/n meets the Schnees and sees Weiss, who doesn't see him.

The dream that you've always dreamed is suddenly about to flower!
Skip to Y/n at 17, packing his bags for the Huntsman Academy of his choice.

We are lightning!
Y/n with his best friend, leaving for the Academy, Beacon.

Straying from the thunder!
Y/n is readying his weapon for the many Grimm in front of him.

Miracles of ancient wonder!
He opens his eyes, and a blue flash escapes them.

This Will Be The Day we've waited for!
He charges forward toward the beasts and takes them out, one by one.

This Will Be The Day we open up the door...
Y/n standing on stage with Beacon's Headmaster and his team being announced. He sees Weiss and she sees him.

I don't wanna hear your absolution...
Y/n prepares for a night on the town.

Hope your ready for a revolution...
He takes many different criminals out.

Welcome to a world of new solutions!
Him and his team approach Ozpin's office.

Welcome to a world of bloody evolution!
They open the door to see General Ironwood there as well.

In time, your heart will open minds...
You walk toward him and hug him, he returns the hug.

Your story will be told...
Show Y/n and his team overlooking the cliff Beacon stands on.

And victory is in a simple soul!
The broken moon rises again...

A couple of weeks later...

"Annndd DONE." You step back from the workbench and look at your newly created dual pistols.

"Sol and Luna, welcome to the Ironwood household girls, here we do daily training regimens and rigorous weapon testing. I'm sure you'll fit right in."

"Oh yeah, you'll fit right in

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"Oh yeah, you'll fit right in. And, just like Dad, Luna is loaded with gravity dust instead of normal rounds." You load the darker of the twin pair with gravity rounds and head off to the training room. You set the holograms to a harder setting this time. You get in the middle and start out with Luna. You place her in your right hand and get ready. Six holograms appear and charge you with pikes, you wait for them to get closer, just before they hit, you launch yourself upward with Luna's gravity dust. You launch yourself forward and land on one of the holograms, you change Luna into her bladed form and slice the hologram in two.

You land with the blade behind you, you quickly pull out Sol and pop two holograms in the head. The last three all charge you, you turn Sol into her blade as well, slicing through the holographic pikes, you run up to one and kick it in the face. You dodge an incoming slice from a pike and turn Sol into her pistol, firing a barrage at the hologram, causing holes to fill the target, you jump up and split the enemy in two from the head down. The last two try to team up on you, you change Luna back into her pistol version and wield your weapons like tonfas, expecting a CQC fight. You were right and both of them pull out swords and attack you at the same time, you begin to parry every blow, you manage to land a good kick to one of the holograms and you focus on the one in front of you, you parry and deflect its blade, you quickly pull your tonfa across the throat of it, it's head slowly rolls off.

You quickly rush the last one and stab it with Sol, you then stab it with Luna, you pull Sol and Luna out and out the barrel of Luna to its head, the target disintegrates. Six opponents down in minutes, granted, they were still nowhere near your father's level. Your father could take 30 of these things on Headmaster difficulty.

"Hmmm..." You get a bit to curious for your own good.

"Just how tough is Headmaster difficulty?" You press the button to change it that.

"Just one hologram, need to test the waters." You walk down into the arena and prepare yourself. One red hologram appears in front of you, the others were yellow. It rushes you incredibly fast, you barely had time to react.

"Oh man I screwed up..." You fire Luna at the hologram, hoping to both hit it and get away from it. It deflects the gravity round and runs at you.

"Oh crap!!" You get away from the hologram, The hologram charged you, you fire Luna behind you, you take Sol and fire at the opponent, hitting it multiple time, you hit its blade enough in the exact same spot to where the blade breaks. You jump up and the hologram goes to punch you, you use Sol to deflect the punch and you bring Luna down the middle of the hologram. And it falls. You breathe out, and recollect yourself.

"Oh yea, I really like these two, you girls are keepers! I thought I was gonna have to use my Semblance there for a second!"

"Y/n!" You hear your dad behind you.

"Hey dad!"

"What were you thinking? That hologram could've killed you!"

"I just wanted to see if I could keep up with your difficulty level, I apologize." You look down to the floor.

"Son, I want you to know that I care about you, I don't want to see you being reckless and you don't have to try to prove yourself to me, those weapons are amazingly crafted and work excellently, I'm already proud of you even before those weapons were made. So please, don't do that again without me here at least. Okay?" He places his hand on your shoulder.

"Yes sir." He begins to walk away, but you have to tell him something.

"Dad?" He turns around.

"I need to talk to you about something, about being a Huntsman."

"Atlas Academy will gladly accept you into its ranks, you're skilled enough as it is."

"That's... not it actually." He tilts his head in thought.


"I want to attend Beacon Academy."

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