Veteran on the case

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"What are we even supposed to do?" Joe asked when they were having lunch together. "We're literally stuck here! How are we gonna solve a massively thrilling case?"
"Beats me," Frank said with a shrug. "Nance?"
Nancy shrugged too.
"We need some outside help," Nancy said. "Only... the only friends I have are also stuck with me..."
"What day is it?" Bess asked suddenly.
"Monday," George said and Bess immediately groaned. "Yeah, I know right?"
"We need to do something," Nancy said with a sigh. "Any suggestions?"
"I'm free for the most of tomorrow," Ned said. "What about you guys?"
"We have three classes," Nancy said with a shrug. "Frank and Joe?"
"Two classes," Frank said. "But thing is, even if we're free, what are we supposed to do? We have no clue!"
He decided to call his father to ask.
"You guys focus on your college," Fenton said, much to their dismay. "I'll handle it."
The Hardy Boys groaned.
"Dad!" The both retorted in unison.
"No," Fenton said firmly. "I can't let you three aimlessly wander about without an education. And Nancy too. Carson says that if you three go sleuthing during your class time, he's gonna send Nancy to a different college. And I'm gonna split the two of you."
"Nooooooooooooo!" The three detectives chorused.
"Then, no sleuthing," Fenton said. "Focus on your classes. I'll handle everything. After all, I still have it in me to solve mysteries. Don't underestimate me just because I'm a veteran."
The Hardys sighed and hung up.
"So I guess we have nothing to do now," Frank finally said. "Dad's right. We have been skipping college for way too long..."
Joe was dramatically panicking. Nancy frowning.
"But we can't live without sleuthing!" Joe blurted out. "Frank! What do we do?!"
"Nothing," Frank simply said.
"But how?!" Joe argued. "How do we concentrate when there's a huge mystery at large?!"
"We just have to," Nancy said. "Frank, ask your dad to keep us posted."
"Will do," Frank said. "And we'll make sure that he calls."
They went back for their classes. They couldn't really concentrate since the mystery was still bugging them.

Fenton ended the call and put the phone down with a sigh.
"Sorry, boys, but this is the only way to keep you safe," Fenton said to himself. "Robert's case isn't an ordinary case to solve. It involves a very dangerous crime syndicate. I'll have to do this myself."
Fenton disguised himself and met with Robert again.
"You need to tell me all you can about this syndicate," Fenton said. "You're the only one that knows about it more than anyone else. Especially because you worked undercover as one of them."
Robert nodded and began to tell about them.
"They are the ones responsible for bringing in illegal drugs," Robert said. "They're also responsible for the assassination of important people."
Fenton looked surprised.
"They had the best assassins and gangsters for it," Robert continued. "And as for the drugs, they even smuggled it out of the country. We managed to catch some, but there are still plenty that lives."
Fenton slowly nodded.
"Then who is this green-haired fella that's been chasing you?" Fenton asked.
"He's a hacker," Robert explained. "He steals information using the deep web, then sells it to whoever that asks. He also steals passwords and banking details from them."
Fenton nodded again.
"He was actually searching for you at the hotel you stayed at in Ouray," Fenton said. "But I managed to divert him. I said you were going to Maine instead."
"Are they really that stupid?" Robert asked, amused. "For a bunch of syndicates, they're pretty stupid..."
"That's true," Fenton said with a chuckle. "They're probably driving there as we speak. But I need to solve this case. This syndicate needs to stop!"
"I will be with you," Robert said. "This is my case after all."
"No, you stay out of trouble," Fenton said. "As it is, you have two stab wounds. You haven't even fully healed from them yet. You need to rest, Robert."
"No, Mr. Hardy," Robert said, shaking his head. "I can't let you go alone. I need to do my share of justice. Even if you stop me, I won't refuse."
"By all means," Fenton finally said. "After all, you're the one who knows where their hideout is. I'll tell Carson to bring us backup if needed. He can be our outside help."

Robert showed Fenton into the forest near the campus.
"It's somewhere around here," Robert said as they searched around the trees. "Look for a giant boulder. A strange one..."
"That one?" Fenton asked, pointing to one at the side.
Robert looked and went towards it.
"Looks like it," Robert said. "I think this is it. Yeah."
He tried to push it off, but it was far too heavy.
"How do you open it?" Fenton asked, watching Robert struggle with it. "Looks heavy."
"I don't know," Robert admitted, still trying to push the heavy boulder. "Rawlings always just pushed it aside with ease! He can't be that strong, right?"
"Maybe there's a lever?" Fenton said, examining the boulder. "I don't think anyone can push this alone."
They examined the boulder, but found nothing.
"There has to be something," Robert said, leaning against the boulder in defeat. "Either that, or we've got the wrong boulder..."
He stumbled as his feet bumped into a jagged piece of rock. Robert got an idea and stepped on it. The boulder loosened and he easily pushed it aside. Fenton looked really surprised.
"How did you do that?" Fenton asked.
"There was a lever within the rocks," Robert said. "I just stepped on it and look how loose it is!"
Steps started leading underground.
"We have to inform the rest," Fenton said. "I'll tell Joe."
He sent a text to Joe, hoping that there would be enough coverage there. But to his dismay, there wasn't since they were in the middle of a forest.
"Hopefully he receives it," Fenton said, following Robert down into the criminal base. "Or else we might not make it out alive."
"I did it once, and I can certainly do it again," Robert said. "And I'll make sure that you make it out too."
"Those are some really strong words there," Fenton said with a chuckle. "For someone who barely made it out alive."
"Well, at least I didn't get butchered to death," Robert said bitterly. "By the way, we're getting closer. You better keep it down."
"What are you gonna say if someone sees us?" Fenton whispered.
"No one would," Robert said confidently. "Just say that the boss called you, and you're good to go."
"Now that's lame," Fenton said, weirded out. "Anyway, all the more easier."

Nancy Drew and The Hardys go to collegeWhere stories live. Discover now