The missing girl

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"I've called all of you here to give you all very startling news," said their principal, Mrs Lewis. "Mrs Jones has reported to me that her daughter, Amanda Jones, is missing."
The students started murmuring.
"No wonder she looked really worried during class just now," said Nancy. "Her daughter is missing!"
"And that's why Deirdre was worried too!" said Ned. "Amanda is Deirdre's distant cousin!"
"What?!" cried the others in unison.
"Deirdre is Amelia's distant niece?" asked Frank. "Well... it's a small world, after all..."
"That's really true," said Bess. "There was this one time, George and I didn't know that a hundred year-old man who lived in a secluded inn was actually our great grand uncle, until our parents told us about him..."
"Yeah that was very unexpected," said George. ""Since when did she become British? I mean, Amelia is British, and Deirdre is purely American. Wait, the head is saying something now."
"She was last seen near the forest that had a huge sign saying 'BEWARE OF MONKEYS' a few hours ago during break," said Mrs Lewis. "This was around three in the afternoon. After that, she hasn't been seen or heard of."
Ned, Burt and Dave started remembering something. They had heard something that sounded like a scream right in front of that sign around three fifteen! Ned regretted going not go and check out what the sound was. Burt and Dave kicked themselves for not listening to Ned and going to check out what the sound was.
"See I told you we should go and check on the noise," said Ned. "We could've saved a girl from getting kidnapped!"
"Sorry about that..." said Dave. "I really thought that it was a monkey..."
"You actually heard something in the forest?" asked Nancy. "Where?"
"Not very far from the campus," said Ned. "Only about five minutes walk from here."
"We should go and check the place out later," said Frank. "They might've left some clues behind."
"Can't we go tomorrow?" asked Chet. "Today is a very tiring day..."
"Well then," said Joe. "If we go tomorrow, the clues might not be there anymore. We better go tonight!"
"Fine..." said Bess. "I was just thinking about going to sleep a little early today..."
"That ain't happening," said George. "You lazy bum..."
"Hey!" exclaimed Bess. "Being the lunch lady was hard, okay?"
"Shh quite you two!" whisper shouted Nancy. "The head is telling us about some details."
"If any of you had seen or heard of her today, please tell me or Amelia," said Mrs Lewis. "For all we know, Amanda might be in grave danger, and you might be able to save her."
"Please, don't be afraid to tell us what you saw or heard," said Amelia, in a teary voice. "I want my Amanda back. Please..."
"Poor Amelia," said Callie. "She must be pained to see her daughter disappear like that."
"Yeah I know right," said Iola. "I hope she's okay..."
"I hope so too," said Jessica. "I know what it feels like to lose someone close to you, and it's not a pleasant feeling..."
"Who did you lose?" asked Chet.
"My mother," said Jessica. "She was missing for a whole day! My father and I looked all over the place for her and it turns out, she snuck out to buy us Christmas gifts and didn't tell us about it..."
"Did she get you guys good stuff?" asked Frank. "I hope she did, or else it would've been a very big disappointment."
"Yeah she did," said Jessica. "She bought is some very nice gifts."
The assembly went on with the principal saying a prayer for Amanda's safe return. After that, they were allowed to go back to their dorms. They all gathered in the dorm room that Nancy, Bess and George shared.
"Should we tell the principal about what we heard?" asked Dave. "She needs to know right?"
"Yes but not now," said Nancy. "We go hunting for clues in the forest first."
"Isn't it dangerous? asked Bess. "Can't we go tomorrow? It's pitch black outside, especially in the forest."
"Dangerous?" asked Frank, with a smirk. "You seriously don't know what dangerous is, or at least, you don't remember what it is..."
"Yeah that's true," said Bess, remembering. "But what if we get lost in the forest in the middle of the night, and go missing ourselves?"
"That won't happen," said Ned. "I'm an expert at calculating directions."
"Let's just see about that," said Joe. "If we get lost because of you, we're burying you alive in the forest."
"Wait what?" said Ned, shocked. "That won't happen, I'm sure of it."
"Yeah right," said Burt. "Last time we went to a forest, I had to get to us of there..."
"Well that's because my map wasn't accurate," said Ned. "I got the faulty copy of it..."
"We should get to bed," said Nancy suddenly. "We must get enough rest to go exploring in the forest."
"Got it," said Frank. "What time do you guys wanna go?"
"Eleven at night, right after lights out," said Nancy. "We should be back at three because the head of the dorm checks on us at that time. She makes sure that no one is outside and if she sees anyone outside her dorm, she'd give us demerits..."
"Who is she anyway?" asked Ned. "She sounds familiar..."
"Paige Griffin," said Nancy. "And yes, it's a small world. I met her back when I was at Waverley Academy. She had the same job there too. And now, she's in college, and she's still doing the same thing..."
"She must be a snitch," said Bess. "I think that's why the administration always gives her this job."
"We have someone like that in our dorm too," said Ned. "His name is Tyler Anderson. He tells on everyone who leaves the dorm at night and gives them demerits. Everyone except his best friends..."
"How bias," said George. "Anyway, I think you guys better get to bed."
"Remember, everyone," said Nancy. "Meet us at the foyer at eleven, on the dot, okay?"
"Okay," said everyone in unison.
They all went back to their respective dorm rooms. They were going to the forest as a very big group. Nancy, Bess, George, Ned, Burt, Dave, Frank, Joe, Chet, Callie, Iola, Jessica, Tony, Biff and Phil were all going to the forest with their flashlights. They felt better when there were many of them going together. It would be easier too, because with fifteen people, they can get a lot of work done in a short amount of time.

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