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Still Robert POV

I woke up in a slightly clear part of the forest. Rawlings was there, fingering a large butcher's knife.
"Oh look, Sleeping Beauty's finally awake!" Rawlings said mockingly. "Guys look at her! Wanna put another spell on her?"
They all laughed. It was the kinda laugh that I find annoying, even if I'm not stuck in a situation like this.
I grabbed Rawlings's foot and pulled it towards me, securing his leg with both of mine. But before I could put force on it, someone hit me on the head from the back, the impact sending a sharp pain into my head. I could hear nothing but my painful grunts, but even those were muffled.
Rawlings escaped my grasp and lunged towards me. He started strangling me, causing all the blood to rush up to my head. My head felt really heavy and my eyes felt as if they were about to pop out of my skull. I tried to push him off, but the other rogues held my arms and legs down.
"You... won't get... away with this," I managed to say through the painful clench in my throat.
"But I already am," Rawlings said, and I could still sense his evil grin behind the mask he's wearing. "No wait. Strangling you isn't fun. You need to feel more pain!"
He let my throat go and I gratefully gasped in some fresh air. I looked around a bit, trying to find my way of escape. But before I could take a good look around, Rawlings held me down again. The rogues thought it was fun to hold onto my arms and legs down again.
"Please, no!" I exclaimed when Rawlings advanced towards me with his green eyes. I always thought that green eyes were mesmerising. But these eyes, they were an acidic green. The evil gaze in them looked as if they might spit acid at me.
"Please! You'll regret this!" I begged. "Let me live. I will run away and never return. You can count on that."
I never knew I would come to a situation where I need to beg for mercy. But here I am now, begging for my life from a bunch of unmerciful rogues.
"We let you go and then you, what, tell your friends about our secret base and get us caught?" The other rogue said. "That ain't happening, police boy."
Rawlings took out a knife. It wasn't just a knife, it was a dagger. I looked around if I could find anything that would help me escape this position.
Behind the trees, I saw a young girl. She was holding a camera. The kind that professional photographers use. She definitely saw everything because she was shaking in fear. She barely held onto the camera.
For a moment, she locked eyes with me. I looked at her pleadingly, asking for help and at the same time, motioning for her to run.
I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my abdomen. I looked down just in time to see Rawlings pull the knife out, now dripping with redness. I was surprised to find myself screaming at the wound. He looked at me with an evil grin behind the mask before stabbing me once more on my side.
My throat became sore from screaming. Tears were streaming from my eyes as my life flashed before me. Those good memories, the bad ones, the faces of my parents, my good friends, Captain Drake, everyone I knew flashed before my eyes.
One of the rogues took out the butcher's knife that Rawlings was playing with earlier. He handed it back to Rawlings, who took it with a chuckle.
He turned back to me and held it like how a butcher would if he wanted to cut slabs of meat. He swung it up to slice me. I closed my eyes as tightly as I can and awaited my death.
But suddenly, a scream cut through the forest. I opened my eyes and saw that the young girl was screaming in terror. The rogues turned towards her threateningly.
"Hey lookie what we have here!" Rawlings said in glee. "Come on guys, let's take her too. She would be fun to kill."
The girl dropped her camera in shock and let out an ear-splitting scream, and for a second I thought I would really go deaf.
I pulled myself up into a sitting position to examine my wounds. They were deep. I really had to go to a hospital now. I hope the knife didn't pierce through any of my crucial organs.
Doing my best to stop the bleeding with my coat, I got up, tying the stab wounds with my coat. I grunted in pain as I stood up. My legs were wobbly, but I can't lose now. That girl gave me a second chance.
One of the rogues accidentally kicked the girl's camera away. It slid on the ground and hit my foot. I picked it up and hung it on my neck.
Those rogues were trying to capture that poor girl. She was screaming as she frantically tried to escape, but I don't think she would make it. No one noticed how I was up on my feet.
With her camera, I ran away, clutching at my torso. Call me selfish, but I can't die now. Not after all the evidence I have collected. It would be stupid if I did. I fought so hard for my escape and I couldn't just let myself die now.
With all the energy I had left, I dragged myself around and out of the jungle. I felt my back pocket to see if my phone was there. Thankfully it was. At least I didn't lose my evidence in all that mayhem.
I think those rogues brought me closer to the main road because it didn't take long for me to see the paved tar lane. I walked on it and dragged myself as far as I can. I saw a car and started running to it with all I have left in me. As I was getting closer, my knees gave way and I found myself crashing down on the road. My vision darkened but I heard the sound of tyres screeching and the sound of car doors slamming.
I tried to get up but I completely blacked out.

I woke up and my eyes hurt as I saw the bright lights of a hospital room. My torso was bandaged and so were my arms and some parts of my legs. My head was bandaged too and my face had some adhesive bandages stuck on it too.
I looked around and saw that the girl's camera was on the bedside table, together with my wallet and other belongings.
A doctor came in and checked me.
"Mr Maxwell?" The doctor asked and I nodded. "Good to see that you're awake now. You were barely alive when a couple brought you in. You had two stab wounds on your abdomen and you had a blunt trauma in your head. But fortunately, we managed to save you. Do you have any idea how this happened?"
"Some bad guys stabbed me," I said shortly.
"This is a matter for the police," the doctor said seriously. "I will call them now."
"Tell them my name," I said. "They would know me. And tell them to send Captain Russell Drake. I need to tell him something important."
The doctor nodded and left the room. The nurses soon brought in my first meal in who knows how long.
"How long have I been here?" I asked.
"Five days," the nurse said. "Eat up, Mr. Maxwell. You need the nutrients."
I looked at the food. It... didn't look appetising...

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