The late night pedestrian

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Nancy enjoyed the movie with Ned. They watched a mystery movie with some comedy. Bess and Dave watched a romance comedy while George and Burt watched a superhero movie that they didn't regret.
After the movie, they met outside and the guys finally realised that their friends had taken their girls to the same place.
They split up and went to different places for dinner.
Ned brought Nancy to a fancy but affordable restaurant.
Nancy enjoyed her meal with Ned. Ned was glad that he succeeded in cheering Nancy up. She wasn't thinking about the case.
"This is a nice place, isn't it?" Nancy said while eating. "The food here is really good."
"Yeah, Max told me about it," said Ned.
He hesitated to say more. Max always brought Amanda to this restaurant.
For some reason, everything led back to the case. He made sure to not talk about it again, afraid that his efforts to cheer Nancy up would fail again.
They were done eating and left the restaurant after paying.
"You wanna go back to the campus or wanna go somewhere else?" Ned asked, starting the car.
"Can we go watch the moon?" Nancy asked. "The moon's bright and full tonight. Shall we go?"
"Sure," Ned said, smiling. "How does Victory Park sound?"
Nancy agreed and Ned drove her there. He parked and took her in.
They had a stroll under the bright moon. Nancy enjoyed herself. This was her first time going on a date with Ned ever since they enrolled in this college.
They talked while gazing at the moon.
"It's getting late," said Nancy. "We better go back. As it is we're unfamiliar with this place..."
"Eh that's why GPS exist," Ned said with a grin.
"Ned, we're in the middle of nowhere," said Nancy. "Our campus is right next to a forest. The GPS on your phone wouldn't work without internet data."
"Oh come on, I know this place like the back of my hand!" Ned boasted. The guys and I always went on walks here, remember?"
Nancy looked at him doubtfully.
"Fine... let's go back to the campus," Ned finally agreed.
They climbed into Ned's car and started riding home.
Ned had a hard time finding his way. The place just didn't look the same as it did in daytime. He lost his way, but just didn't want to admit it.
"Are you sure we're not driving around and around in circles?" Nancy asked when he passed the signboard for the hundredth time. "Ned, I think we're lost."
"No we aren't," Ned said confidently. "I'm just taking the long way."
"Yeah right," said Nancy. "We passed that sign like ten times already!"
"Well, that's because there's ten of it in this road," said Ned. "And I'm sure we'll be seeing lots more of signs like that."
They drove and drove. The road was as dark as pitch since there were no street lights around. Well, even if there was, it wouldn't reduce the creepy feeling of the forest-lined road.
This was because Ned took a wrong turn and ended up driving on the other side of the forest instead.
Nancy was getting kinda scared but decided to not say anything.
Ned was just as anxious.
"C-Could you use your GPS and navigate us back to campus?" Ned finally said. "I think we're lost."
Nancy sighed and took her phone out.
She searched her campus and led the way.
"Turn right," the GPS voice said. "Then turn right."
The GPS system seemed to be muddled since it instructed them to turn right directly into the forest. It wasn't working so well due to the low data coverage in that area.
"Oh no, it's misbehaving!" Nancy said in dismay. "Now what do we do?"
"Don't worry, we'll figure something out," Ned said comfortingly. "Read the next sign board."
But to their dismay, there seemed to be no signboards around that area.
"Oh what do we do?" Ned said, seeing no hope. "We're running out of gas too..."
"Wait wait let me try again," Nancy said, trying to navigate back to campus. "Just keep driving, there might be some service on the way. We'll find our way."
Ned kept driving while Nancy kept trying to get the route back to campus.
"Try using my phone," Ned said, digging in pocket while driving. "It might work."
Ned was frantically searching in his pocket that he wasn't watching the road. Nancy saw a silhouette on the road and yelled.
"Ned! Watch out!" Nancy shouted.
Ned turned back to the road just in time and hit the brakes so hard that the car skidded. They heard a scream.
"Oh no!" Nancy said, getting out of the car to see what was up.
Ned came out too.
On the ground, a few feet away from their car, was a figure with tattered clothes and messy black hair. It appeared to be a girl. She was lying face down on the hard tar.
She wasn't wearing any shoes, only torn socks. Her feet were bleeding and she had a few scars. She was unconscious, but it was evident that Ned did not hit her with the car.
Nancy ran to her and turned her around.
"Ned, it's a girl!" Nancy shouted. "I don't think we hit her, but quick, lets get her into the car!"
Ned nodded and helped Nancy lift the girl and put her in the car.
Nancy sat with her on the backseat. She leant the girl onto her shoulder.
Her body was as cold as ice, but thankfully she had a pulse and she was breathing at a normal rate.
Nancy took her cardigan off and put it around the girl. Ned saw this as an opportunity to finally offer his coat to her. He couldn't do this before because she always seemed to be wearing a coat or having a coat whenever she was out with him.
"Here, take my coat," Ned said, passing it to Nancy before getting in to the driver's seat again.
Nancy saw the smirk on his face even though it was dark. She smiled too as she put his coat on.
"Here, try on my phone," Ned said, passing the phone from the front. "It might work."
She took it and tried. She opened the navigation app and entered the campus's location.
"Is it working?" Ned asked from the driver's seat.
"Wait, it's loading," Nancy said, staring at the phone with hope. "Oh come on, please!"
To her surprise, the clear route to the campus materialised on the phone. She sighed in relieve.
She instructed Ned while trying to keep the girl warm with her other hand.
They were both overjoyed to see the campus's lights coming to view.
"Yes!" Ned said, excited. "Finally!"
Ned parked the car in the parking lot and helped Nancy bring the girl out.
"Where should we take her?" Ned asked.
"To the infirmary," said Nancy. "She looks like she needs help."

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