The footage

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Third person POV
"Captain Drake came and ungratefully suspended me," Robert finished. "I had put my life at stake to spy on him and he just suspended me."
"But why?" Nancy asked. "You did nothing wrong."
"I lost all the evidence," Robert said. "I had lost my phone somewhere in the forest, together with all the evidence I collected."
"That's really sad!" Amanda exclaimed. "How could he? You still did get some evidence from my camera, right? I filmed everything. I know my hands were shaking, but I still did!"
"I didn't show him the camera," Robert said. "I needed to find you. I needed to see if you were okay. What happened to you?"
"They kidnapped me and kept me hostage in a shack in the forest," Amanda said. "They drugged me through food and kept me there for about a week. I don't know what their intentions were, but when I returned, I returned the same way I was before I got captured, only, I was a little injured from running."
"You were luckier than me," Robert said bitterly. "I lost the evidence, and almost lost my life too. But... I actually remember feeling my phone in my back pocket, after I ran away from those bad guys."
"Maybe someone stole it from the hospital," Frank suggested. "You were out-cold for ten days right? Anyone could've gotten hold of your stuff at the time."
"That makes sense too," Robert said. "I have to go back to he hospital to ask them if anyone came to visit me in the five-day period I was out-cold."
"Where do you live now?" Max asked.
"In a hotel," Robert said. "My roommate thought I had died and practically ditched me. I'm currently looking for somewhere else to stay."
"So that's why you were playing with your phone the other day when you were spying on us from the willow tree," Ned said, remembering the day before. "Why were you stalking us anyway?"
"I wasn't stalking you, I just wanted to return the camera!" Robert said. "I didn't trust anyone of you guys, that's why I waited for the moment Amanda was alone so that I could talk to her personally."
"You could've just given it to me, or left it with the principal or something, right?" Amanda said with a shrug. "Or you could've given it to the police."
"The police wouldn't believe me," Robert said. "They think I was making up stories to conceal my failure. Also, I didn't manage to see the video, but I did manage to see the picture of the campus. I wanted to see the footage you took, but your camera died."
"We need to see the footage," Amanda said. "Come on, the charger is in my room."
"No, wait, it would be too suspicious if I stay here too long," Robert said. "You charge your camera, I'll meet you somewhere tomorrow."
"Sure, we're quite free," Nancy said. "Thanks, Mr Maxwell. You helped us clarify things."
"Oh please, just Robert is fine," Robert said with a smile. "I'm not all that much older than you."
"Someone said you were in your late thirties to early forties!" Burt said, looking at Amanda from the corner of his eyes.
"What?" Robert asked, surprised. "I'm only twenty-seven!"
"You looked a lot older when you were being attacked," Amanda pointed out. "I'll show you the video tomorrow."
He thanked them and ran off.
"Strange guy, isn't he?" Ned said, watching him run off. "He stalked us just to return Amanda's camera!"
"Yeah we need to get this recharged," Amanda said. "Come on."
Amanda ran off to the teacher's quarters. Amelia was there in the room they shared together.
"Hey mom," Amanda said, running to where she kept her charger.
"Hi Amy," Amelia greeted. "What are you looking for?"
"My camera charger," Amanda said. "Have you seen it?"
"You found it?" Amelia asked, surprised.
"Yeah, it's a long story," Amanda said, frantically looking for the charger. "Where's the charger?"
"It's there," Amelia said.
"Where?" Amanda asked. "It's not here!"
Amelia rolled her eyes and went towards her. In a matter of seconds, Amelia took the charger out and gave it to her. Amanda looked at her in surprise, but just took the charger and started charging her camera.
"How did you find it?" Amelia asked. "Did you go back to the jungle?"
"No," Amelia said. "The man survived. He didn't die."
"Which man?" Amelia asked.
"The one those rogues 'murdered'," Amanda said. "He tracked me down to return this camera."
"But how?" Amelia asked.
Amanda explained everything to her and she listened in surprise.
"How unfortunate for him!" Amelia exclaimed. "He actually knows who kidnapped you?"
"Yeah he does," Amanda said. "We need the footage from this camera as proof."
"You could just connect it to your laptop, right?" Amelia pointed out. "Like... you could take the memory card and plug it into a PC or something, right...?"
"Mom, you're a genius!" Amanda exclaimed. "Okay where's my laptop?"
Amelia pointed to it and Amanda scrambled to get it. She removed the memory card from the camera and inserted it into her laptop. Amelia sat next to her and peeked at the laptop screen. Amanda bit her up and gingerly clicked on the icon marked 'drives'.
The computer started loading a bit before displaying the files in the memory card. It was mostly pictures of nature, herself, her friends, and some of her projects from photography club.
Amanda viewed everything one by one and found it. It began with a shaky scene of Robert being attacked by the criminals, followed by the sound of Amanda screaming. Amelia hugged Amanda, seeing how her daughter was shaking with the recall.
The camera dropped and a few seconds later, rolled away. They heard the voices of the rogues coming towards her.
Someone picked the camera up and soon, the two women saw a distraught Robert looking into the camera. The camera was turned around to face the scene of Amanda being captured, followed by Robert's heavy breathing.
The camera shook as Robert hung it on his neck. It looked as if he was in a dilemma of what should be done.
He ended up turning the other way and running off. The camera shook violently as he did. The only thing that could be heard was the sound of running feet, quick breaths and grunts. Robert fell down a few times and eventually started dragging his legs while grunting painfully.
He came to the road and soon a car was seen. The camera hit the ground and eventually, went out.
"End of film," Amanda said. "Gosh... that was... that was... I don't know what to say."
"It was terrifying," Amelia finished grimly. "I still feel like that Robert guy could've saved you..."
"He was in much more of a problem than me," Amanda said. "Those rogues didn't do anything to me, but if they caught hold of Robert, it would be end of the line for him."
"That's true too," Amelia said. "But, what do we do with this footage?"
"I don't know," Amanda said. "I'm not sure if it would serve as proof for Robert. The police doesn't believe him and besides, he lost all of the evidence he collected.

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