Amanda's chats

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"How long is it gonna take?" Joe asked impatiently. "It's taking forever!"
"That's right, Chet," said Frank. "You have the slowest charger in the world!"
"That's strange," said Chet, inspecting the phone. "Oh no wonder. I forgot to flip the switch..."
"Chet!" Both the brothers said, annoyed with their friend.
"Okay okay I'm sorry," said Chet, turning the charger on. "There, now it's charging."
"Way to go, Chet," said Frank, annoyed. "I should have just put it to charge myself..."
"Yeah we never should've trusted you..." said Joe. "Just because your charger was the only one that fit it..."
Someone started knocking on their door.
"Hey it's us," came Ned's voice. "Open up."
"They must be here for the phone," said Chet. "Gosh, we're screwed!"
"No, you're screwed," said Frank. "You're the one that didn't charge the phone properly."
"Frank? Joe?" Ned asked, knocking harder. "What's taking you so long?"
Chet went and opened the door. Before him were Ned and his two best friends.
"What's up Chet?" Ned asked. "What took you so long? Anyway, Nancy's asking about the phone. Is it on?"
"Yeah about that..." Chet's voice trailed off.
"Our friend forgot to turn the charger on," said Joe. "So the phone's still dead..."
"Thanks a lot, Chet," said Burt. "Now it's gonna take forever."
"Sorry, guys..." said Chet. "I'll make up for it, okay?"
"You're buying all of us a full meal from the diner," said Dave. "ALL of us."
"All as in all," said Frank. "Including Tony, Biff and Phil. Got it, Chet?"
"Fine..." said Chet. "I'll buy us all."
"Yay free dinner's on Chet!" Tony said, suddenly appearing. "I want the most expensive one."
They all returned to their rooms. Leaving Chet to regret ever agreeing to their deal.
"Why did I ever agree to you guys?" Chet said. "Also Biff eats so much! How am I gonna cover all the cost?"
"But still not as much as you, Chet," said Joe, rubbing Chet's tummy. "Biff doesn't have a spare tyre."
"Stop it..." said Chet, annoyed. "Anyway, I think we can turn the phone on now."
He sat on his bed and tried to turn the phone on. It did and the phone brand's logo was displayed on the screen.
"Krolmeister," said Joe, reading the screen. "It's one of the best phones!"
"Yeah," said Frank. "Quadruple camera. Fit for a photographer."
The phone turned on and her lock screen wallpaper was shown. It was a picture of her and her mom.
"It's a good thing she doesn't have a password," said Chet, unlocking the phone with a swipe. "There, now we can call the others."
Frank texted the others and they all arrived. They had created a group chat just for the case.
Ned and his guys arrived first, followed by Tony and his guys. The girls arrived a few minutes late since their dorm was on the other end of the campus.
"What did we miss?" George asked, entering. "Did you guys find anything?"
"Not yet," said Chet. "We just turned it on."
"Can we like go sit somewhere else?" Bess asked. "It's getting really stuffy here..."
"We can't," said Chet. "We need to be near the charger."
"I have a power bank," said Dave. "I carry it around just in case my MP3 player or phone dies."
"Yay Dave to the rescue," said Bess. "Come on guys!"
They all went out and decided to go to the gazebo near their dormitory. They sat around, feeling the cool breeze.
"Alright, now we can see the phone in peace," said Frank, plugging the phone into the Dave's power bank. "Alright, lets have a look."
They opened her texts and found frantic texts from her mother, from her friends, from her boyfriend and from Deirdre. They opened the texts from her mom first.
2.45 Amelia: Alright I'm free now
2.45 Amelia: We can finally eat together
2.45 Amelia: Amy I'm waiting for u at the cafeteria!
2.45 Amelia: Lets have lunch together
2.46 Amelia: Amy?
2.46 Amelia: Amy?
2.50 Amelia: Where are u?
2.50 Amelia: Are u stuck somewhere?
2.50 Amelia: I'll just wait for you
2.55 Amelia: Where are u?
3.00 Amelia: I'm still waiting
3.00 Amelia: Amy?
3.01 Amelia: Amanda where are u?
Then they opened the texts from Deirdre. It was all around a few minutes after Amelia texted her.
Deirdre: Hey Amy
Deirdre: Where are u?
Deirdre: Ur Mom is waiting for u at the cafeteria!
Deirdre: Amy?
Deirdre: AMY!!!
Deirdre: What happened to u?
Deirdre: Ur phone must be dead...
"This is kinda sad," said Nancy, reading the messages with the others. "They had no idea..."
"Yeah especially since her mom wanted to have lunch with her after so long," said Chet. "She missed lunch!"
"Oh no she disappeared being hungry!" Bess said, pitifully. "That's really bad!"
"Oh no she missed lunch!" George said, mocking Bess. "She didn't have lunch! It doesn't matter how she is now, what matters is she didn't have lunch!"
"Quit it, you two..." said Nancy. "Anyway, most of her friends texted her. Max had no idea that Amanda was missing."
2.40 Max: Hey Amanda
2.40 Amanda: Hey Max
2.40 Amanda: How's ur leg?
2.41 Max: It's fine
2.41 Max: But it hurts if I walk
2.41 Amanda: Gws!
2.42 Max: I'm bored...
2.42 Amanda: Why don't u watch some tv?
2.42 Max: Boooring...
2.43 Amanda: Play a video game?
2.43 Max: Played too much
2.43 Max: It got boring...
2.43 Max: I wanna talk to someone
2.43 Amanda: Aren't Jack and Ben there?
2.44 Max: Nah
2.44 Max: They're practicing basketball without me
2.44 Max: Those Jerks...
2.45 Max: Y don't you come here?
2.45 Max: U're free now right?
2.45 Max: So U're ghosting me Huh...
2.45 Max: That's fine...
"So she went missing approximately at 2.45," said Ned. "That makes sense. We heard the scream around 2.50, nearly 3."
"So Max is the last person she texted," said Joe. "That kinda crosses him out. He was definitely in his dorm when texting this."
"Yeah," said Frank. "The guy was feeling bored and thought Amanda ghosted him..."

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