The Culprit

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"Who are you?" The man asked.
Robert was enraged. He just stood his spot and glowered at the man. Fenton looked a little confused.
"Ro- Sparrow, what's up?" Fenton asked, putting a hand on his shoulder.
Fenton looked at the man and inwardly gasped.
It was Captain Drake.
"Umm... I'm sorry sir, but who are you?" Fenton asked like he didn't know. "We're new here."
"What's your name?" Drake asked.
"Uh... Hawk," Fenton said. "This big guy's Sparrow."
Captain Drake looked at the fuming Robert. His face was red underneath all that false facial hair. Fenton could actually feel the heat radiating from him and even suspected that he'd burn himself if he touched his shoulder.
"You look kinda familiar," Drake said, looking intently at Robert. "Have I seen you before?"
Robert said nothing. His pale blue eyes were filled with rage.
"Yeah, he's just a little tired after... handling the stocks," Fenton said, trying to pull Robert away. "Come on, Sparrow. Let's take a rest."
He somehow managed to pull the big man away to a place out of earshot.
"Robert, I get why you're angry, but this isn't the time to get back at him," Fenton whispered, trying to calm him down. "We need to get out of here with all the evidence that we have gathered. We can give them to Chief Olaf. He's a very lawful man. I've known him for years!"
"I don't know who to trust now," Robert finally said, dropping to the ground. "My life has been a lie."
Fenton sighed as he gave him a sympathetic pat, sitting down together with him.
"I'm honestly not sure if I should trust you too," Robert said. "I feel very stupid to have been working for the very person that's been behind all of this!"
"Maybe he deliberately cut his line with you?" Fenton mused. "It didn't make sense that he would just... suspend you after what you went through..."
Robert suddenly got up.
"We need to deal with him," Robert said, pulling Fenton up. "Come on, Mr. Hardy."
"The name's Hawk," Fenton reminded.
"Yeah, whatever," Robert said. "Come on! We need to stop him!"
Instead of heading off to the exit, Robert pulled Fenton off to where Drake headed off too.
"Sparrow, come on!" Fenton protested, pulling Robert towards the exit. "We need to leave! Don't make the same mistake again!"
Robert finally budged and followed him to the exit. Another one of those thugs stood at the doorway.
"Those weren't there before..." Fenton commented. "Well..."
"Just don't say anything," Robert said.
"And you don't do anything!" Fenton whisper-shouted. "Stay calm. Get ahold of yourself."
"I'll try..." Robert said. "I just can't help feeling so betrayed!"
"You two!" A voice was suddenly heard.
The two men inwardly groaned and turned around. They were even dismayed when they saw that it was Captain Drake.
'Seriously why?' Fenton groaned. 'Great, as if it wasn't hard enough to calm this guy. Well, let's just pray that this idiot doesn't go berserk...'
Captain Drake led them to his office. Robert had to keep his rage in check the whole time.
"I have a mission for you guys," Drake said, much to their dismay. "You'd be rewarded handsomely."
The two of them just stayed silent, not knowing what's coming their way.
"I want you guys to annihilate someone for me," Drake said.
Fenton took a sharp intake of breath. He could almost sense what he's about to say.
"I need you to kill off someone by the name Robert Maxwell," Drake said. "He's a cop. And he knows too much for his own good."
"W-What does this person look like?" Robert asked, slightly stuttering in rage.
Russell Drake handed him a photo.
Of himself.
"This man is incredibly tall," Drake said. "He's about 6-eight. I think you're around that height right?"
He was speaking with Robert. Robert nodded grimly.
"Great, so you know how rare that height is," Drake said. "So by when can you get him?"
Robert smirked and started taking his disguise off. Fenton could've shot him if his gun was loaded.
Russell stared at Robert in shock but then smirked at him.
"So we meet again," Drake said with a smirk. He suddenly raised a gun at him. "Say goodbye, Robert Jay Maxwell."
Both Robert and Fenton were wearing bulletproof vests. They wouldn't be harmed much by the gun, but still, the impact would still be there.
Fenton quickly jumped and pushed Drake to the wall. Captain Drake was a strong man since he had knowledge in martial arts.
But Fenton knew Judo too.
There ended up being a gruelling battle between them. Robert joined in too and gave Russell a headlock, knocking him out.
They turned around to blow the joint when someone knocked them out.

Fenton woke up, strapped onto a chair.
"What's going on?!" Fenton demanded. "Who are you?!"
Fenton heard footsteps, followed by a bright light shined at his face. He squinted his eyes and saw that it was Rawlings.
"Rawlings..." Fenton said, his face changing. "I should've know..."
"So you know me?" Rawlings said in his Australian accent. "Well, hello there nosy idiot."
"What did you do to Robert?" Fenton asked, going straight to the point. "Where is he?!"
"He's about to get eradicated," Rawlings said with a smirk. "Well... maybe we'll think about cloning him. Height like that might come in useful in this business."
"So that's your plan?" Fenton said, slightly amused. "You kill us and clone us? How pathetic..."
"Oh no, why would I clone an old man like you?" Rawlings sneered. "Well, we were planning to just erase your memories and let you off, but you chose your own poison. So who am I to disagree?"
Just then Fenton noticed that his glasses were missing. Those glasses had all the information against Drake and his syndicate.
"Where's my glasses?" Fenton asked. "I can't see you very clearly..."
"Must've fallen when you beat the captain," Rawlings said. "By the way, good job. That fink never let us do much stuff, so we're keeping him unconscious for as long as we can."
"Where's Robert now?" Fenton asked again.
"Still out cold," Rawlings said, walking around. "Once he's awake, he's gonna get eradicated. I want him to be awake to suffer it. But that bum is sleeping like sleeping beauty..."
'I have to do something...' Fenton thought quickly. 'I need to get out of here. And Robert too...'

A/N: Hey guys! This is to all who's been waiting for an update. Sorry it took so long, it's because I've been busy with some studies. But believe me, this story's not dead yet. I have a lot of ideas for it, but I just need some time. Anyways, I hope you enjoy!

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