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Robert was called to Chief McGuffaw's office. He entered and saw the chief sitting down at his mahogany desk. He grinned sheepishly and saluted, making the older man crack a smile.
"Sit down, Officer Maxwell," Chief McGuffaw said, pointing at the chair in front of him. Robert sat down, straightening his crisp blue uniform as he did. "So... the report for the machines those rogues developed have arrived. And I must say, some of them appear to be quite disturbing."
'Yeah imagine working with them,' Robert thought. But of course, he didn't say that. Especially not to his boss...
"What did they find?" He decided to ask instead.
"This machine, that seems to be an undeveloped cloning mechanism, is very dangerous," Chief McGuffaw explained. "It releases enough voltage to even kill an elephant. Worse than their Eradicator."
"So it was a good thing I managed to dodge that?" Robert said in surprise and relief. But then he shook his head. "Should've turned it on when I stuffed Rawlings in there..."
"Oh no if you did that, Rawlings would've died, but another one of him would've been created!" Chief McGuffaw said. "You see, when the scientists used it on a rat, the rat was completely destroyed, but another appeared. It acted confused and even stared at the place it entered in."
"So the rat remembered entering the machine?" Robert commented, raising an eyebrow. "So that means... it was cloned completely? With memory?"
"Yep," Chief McGuffaw chuckled. "If you went in, you would've come out completely normal. At least, that's the theory the scientists have come up with. Not sure if they actually forced a human in there..."
Robert shuddered and thanked him. He left the Ouray police office and decided to pay the campus a visit. They were all on break at the time, hanging out at Woodlands. Robert spotted them and remembered how he told them his story in that very place.
Nancy realised him approaching and nudged Bess, announcing his arrival.
"Hi, Robert," Nancy greeted with a smile. She signalled him to come over. "How's your new job?"
"Great," Robert grinned as he sat down in front of her. "Better than last. I mean, it's the same job, but my current boss isn't a crime lord."
Nancy's face turned serious. "What happened to that Drake? He's behind bars, right?"
"Yep," Robert nodded. "In the most secure prison in America. We couldn't risk him being free now that we know what he's capable of. That cloning mechanism thing could apparently kill an elephant!"
"Whoa!" Joe gasped. "Hey, you shoulda turned it on when you trapped Rawlings in there. He doesn't deserve just anaesthetic."
"Joe..." Frank shook his head.
"What, it's true!" Joe said with a shrug.
"Actually, that was the first thing that left my mouth when Chief McGuffaw told me about it," Robert chuckled. "But yeah. Apparently the cloning thing still worked. Well, at least on a lab rat. It apparently destroyed said rat, and completely cloned it. And the cloned rat looked confused at the place where it entered."
"So it copies memories too?" Frank asked in surprise. Robert nodded thoughtfully. "Well, of only it didn't kill the original..."
Joe started laughing. "No, Frank. There's enough of one of you as it is. No one needs another Frank Hardy."
Everyone started laughing when Frank started strangling Joe.
"Our first semester here, and we already solved a mystery," Nancy sighed. "And I didn't even contribute much in it..."
"Why, sure you did, Nance!" Ned comforted, putting an arm around her shoulders. "You're the one that found Amanda!"
"You were with me too," Nancy said modestly.
"But you saw her first," Ned insisted. "If you didn't, I would've ran her over!"
Nancy chuckled.
"Something tells me this won't be our last mystery here," Nancy said, watching the brothers playfully destroy each other. They evidently heard her and grinned. "I feel like there's more coming our way."
"You can say that again," Joe said with a chuckle. "And I don't think it would be long too."
"This is gonna be one very long year," Bess sighed, putting a hand on her forehead. "And this year is more than ninety years long..."
"And we're still eighteen!" George grinned. "And our boyfriends are still nineteen!"
Everyone giggled at this.
"So I'm the only one who's actually ageing?" Robert raised a brow. "What kind of witchcraft is this?"
"Nancy craft," George teased.
Robert kept in touch with them, while they continued their college life in the campus. They could practically sense a new mystery looming up ahead of them.

Hey guys! I know, this seems like a really short book, but if you look closely, it is roughly around the same size of the original Nancy Drew and Hardy Boys books. So yeah! I hope you enjoyed! Comment down below if I should make a sequel or not.


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