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Fenton made Robert sit on the bed in the hotel room. He put his heavy bag down next to Robert and pulled a chair to sit in front of him.
Okay, Mr. Maxwell, let's see what we can do here," Fenton said, opening the bag to reveal all of its compartments. "Let's see what we can do to make you look like a less peculiar fella than you already are in your disguise."
Robert gulped and nodded.
"Alright, since you're freakishly tall, we'll do something to make you look a little older, shall we?"
'Why does everyone say I'm freakishly tall just because I'm six foot eight inches?' Robert thought with a frown. 'Just because this dude is around average...'
He began working on Robert's face.
"Shall we turn you into a geek?" Fenton asked with a chuckle.
"With this body?" Robert said, flexing his arms a little to show his muscle.
"You're right, bad idea," Fenton said with a frown. "How about a tramp?"
"Again, with this body?" Robert repeated, doing the same action he did a few seconds ago. "Mr. Hardy, how does a tramp manage to workout to get muscles like this?"
"I was just joking around, son," Fenton said with a chuckle. "I know exactly what to do with you, don't worry."
Robert nodded and wondered what Fenton was gonna do to him. He felt a little panicked when Fenton stuck a few things on his face.
"Hold still, Robert," Fenton said, putting something on his face. "You're already looking different, don't worry."
Then, Fenton took out a dark brown wig from his bag and asked Robert to bend down.
"Here, wear this," Fenton said, handing him a navy beanie. Robert put it on and looked at him. "There, you're looking good. Now for your clothes. Can I take a look at your wardrobe?"
Robert went to his luggage and opened it. He took out a few things and showed it to Fenton.
"Ditch that scorpion hoodie," Fenton said with a frown. "It's too distinct."
"But it's my favourite!" Robert argued.
"Then you can get caught by those rogues and get butchered to death," Fenton lightly said.
"Fine..." Robert finally agreed. "But I'm not ditching it. Just not gonna wear it."
"That's what ditching means," Fenton pointed out.
Robert just sighed and let Fenton help him chose an outfit. Fenton was actually getting kinda annoyed with him for constantly trying to suggest something that screams 'I'm Robert Maxwell In Disguise!!'
"Mr. Maxwell, please allow me to pick something that would alter your appearance," Fenton said firmly. "I think you need a different style."
Robert sighed and sat on the bed. He laid down on the pillow with his hands behind his head and Fenton noticed how the bed was too small for him since his feet were practically dangling off the mattress.
"Why didn't you ask for a bigger bed?" Fenton asked, looking up from the clothes.
"Biggest bed in the hotel," Robert said with a sigh. "I can only fit on a California King mattress. Apparently the hotel doesn't think it's necessary to have large beds here..."
For the first time in a few hours, Fenton actually felt sorry for Robert. He finally found a decent shirt and held it up to Robert.
"Try this," Fenton said. "It looks plain enough. I have no idea why most of your clothes are... explosive..."
"They aren't explosive, they're just distinct," Robert said to his defence.
"That's exactly what I mean by 'explosive'," Fenton said. "Here, put this on."
Robert sat up and took his shirt off, revealing his toned muscles and a few healing scars from the stab wounds he got two weeks ago.
Fenton observed how deep they were.
"They're pretty deep," Fenton observed. "They must've gotten you pretty bad, huh?"
"Could've been worse," Robert said, pulling the shirt down. "Do I not look like a Robert Jay Maxwell?"
"No, you look like a regular Joe," Fenton said with a smirk. "And I don't mean my son Joe..."
Robert knew perfectly what he meant. He walked over to the mirror and looked at himself. He thought it was a window and became alert.
"Mr. Hardy, there's someone spying on us!" Robert exclaimed charging towards his reflection. "How dare he!"
"Uh Robert?" Fenton said, slightly amused. "That's a mirror..."
"What?!" Robert exclaimed in shock. "For real? Are you saying that's me?!"
He examined his face and was kinda stunned, not recognising himself.
A knock was heard.
"Robert, dad, it's us!" Joe's voice came. "Open up!"
"They allow visitors into the room?!" Fenton asked, equally shocked. "Robert, get out of this hotel! Check into another hotel tomorrow with an assumed name."
Robert nodded and went towards the door. He opened it and the Hardys and Drews looked surprised.
"Oh my, we're sorry, sir," Frank said sheepishly. He gave his brother a glare and turned back to Robert. "We must've gotten the wrong room."
Frank gave a small wave and started pushing his gaping brother away, followed by the Drews. Robert bit his lip to keep from chuckling at how effective his disguise was.
"Boys, you've got the right room, this is just my friend... Liam!" Fenton said, sticking his head out of the hotel room. The young Hardys turned around, surprised. "Come on in, guys."
They turned around and went back to the hotel room. Robert stepped aside and let them in before closing the door.
"Who's this guy, dad?" Joe asked, eyeing Robert from top to bottom. "And why is he here?"
"Guess," Fenton said, crossing his arms with a smirk.
The four guests looked closely at the tall man in front of them and shrugged.
"Not sure, Fenton," Carson said with a shrug. "Your new friend?"
"Look closely," Fenton said, putting his hands behind his back.
Nancy looked closely at him and felt something familiar about him. Something familiar about his eyes.
"Robert?" Nancy said surprised. "Guys, it's Robert!"
"How did you know?" Robert asked in surprise. "I could barely recognise myself!"
"I actually didn't," Nancy said. "It's just the way your eyes curl when you smile."
"Good one, Nance!" Frank complimented.
"He needs to move hotels too," Fenton said before turning to Robert. "Robert, you better check out of here with your run-of-the-mill disguise and change midway before walking into another hotel. Got it?"
"Sure," Robert said. "Thanks, Mr. Hardy. I owe you big time. I'll check out tomorrow."
"Good," Fenton said. "I only live downstairs, you can call me once you check out, I'll help you with the disguise. Okay?"
"Thanks again, Mr. Hardy," Robert said again. "I'll look for another hotel tonight."
"Don't," Fenton warned. "They may have tapped your search history."
"They may have tapped my search history?!" Robert repeated in shock, remembering all the strange things he looked up after returning from the attempted murder.
Seriously, they were really embarrassing. He searched up stuff like 'how to grow shorter' and 'how to sleep on a regular bed despite being a giant'. And since it was October, he even searched up 'Halloween costume ideas for giant dudes'. Yeah, he felt like an idiot...

A/N: Hey guys! I know, it's been a while, a very long while, since I last uploaded a chapter for this book. Don't worry, the books not dead yet, I'm just updating this really slowly since I have a few more books to update.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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