Robert Maxwell

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It was a large camera. It had a pink butterfly sticker on it. It was the kind of camera that photographers usually use to shoot weddings, and take amazing pictures with pristine clarity. 
"My camera!" Amanda exclaimed in shock, recognising it. "How did you get that?! Who are you?"
The man took his hood off, but they couldn't really see his face since it was too dark. Biff made an annoyed sound and looked for the light switch. He turned the light on and Amanda gasped again.
The man had dirty blond hair, pale blue eyes. His face had a few healing scars on them. He looked as if he was in his late twenties to early thirties. It was the man that got murdered right in front of Amanda's eyes.
"You!" Amanda said in shock. "You survived! But how? I saw those rogues stab the life out of you!"
"They didn't," the man said, giving her the camera. "They almost did though. You kinda saved my life."
"I-I did?" Amanda asked, taking the camera with trembling hands. "How?"
"You guys really wanna talk in here?" Dave said trying to scratch his back in the tightly packed room. "I can't even move, and it's so stuffy in here!"
"Let's go to our dorm room," Frank said. "Come on, guys."
"Too small too," Burt said, shaking his head. "We would still be packed like sardines."
"Then where else?" Frank asked.
"Let's just go back to Woodland," Ned said. "Amanda, you left all of your stuff behind, right?"
"Oh my gosh, yeah!" Amanda said. "Come on, lets go before someone steals my stuff!"
They went back to the Woodland and sat around with him at the middle table. Amanda was relieved to find that her stuff was just as she left it and started putting them away. There wasn't anyone there since it was Saturday and everyone were done with their extra curricular activities. Some were sitting around in their dorm, some in the library but most were out and about. The Woodland was basically deserted.
"Who are you exactly?" Nancy asked. "Why were they trying to kill you?"
"My name is Robert Maxwell," the man said. "I am a spy working for the police. I went undercover as one of the criminals so that we could track down their next move and get inside information about them. But sadly, I was caught."

Robert POV
I collected enough evidence and called my boss. These rogues would be punished in no time!
"I have it, captain," I said, pressing the button on my Bluetooth. "I have all the evidence that we need."
"Good," Captain Drake said. "Report back to HQ."
"Roger," I said with a smirk.
I turned around to see one of the rogues, Rawlings. He definitely heard my conversation. How could I have been so careless to speak to Captain without realising that I was being watched.
"What is it, Rawlings?" I asked, trying to sound cool. "You look like you've seen a ghost!"
"Imposter!" Rawlings shouted, pointing at me accusingly. "Everyone! He's with the police!"
Aww nuts...
I started running away for my life. If I get caught now, everything will be ruined! I can't lose now!
While I ran, I frantically pressed my Bluetooth earpiece to contact the captain, but sadly, the connection was lost. Great... so it's the old fashion way then...
I ran out and entered the elevator. This place was beneath ground level. These rogues are operating in a large underground base. This elevator would take me up to ground level. Maybe then I can get a connection.
The elevator landed on ground level and I quickly ran out. The entrance of this base was cleverly disguised as a rock.
No one would be able to tell that this rock would lead you to a large criminal base no matter how carefully you look for it. I ran out into the forest and tried to get a connection again. But it didn't work. The service was too low here.
The rogues came after me and I ran as far as I can. I didn't really know much of this jungle and I was definitely running around in circles.
To my dismay, Rawlings appeared in front of me. He was wearing a mask now, but it was definitely Rawlings. His ugly green hair was peeking out from under it.
"No escape for you now, Maxwell," Rawlings said, coming towards me with a knife. "Our secrets shall die with you."
I turned around and saw another rogue there. More rogues appeared and surrounded me. Eight rogues had me cornered.
Hah this isn't my first time. I kicked Rawlings on the head, causing him to drop his knife. I took this chance and ran into the woods. This is an advantage and at the same time not. Because the space is wide, it would be easy for me to lose them, but at the same time, it's easy for me to get stuck.
I quickly climbed a tree that still had lots of branches on it. I looked down and saw one rogue looking around for me. I smirked.
I whistled, causing him to look up. He didn't expect someone to jump straight onto his shoulder and throw him to the ground with their legs.
He was knocked out and I just left him there. He wouldn't wake up for another couple of hours or so. I ran, trying to avoid stepping on any dry leaves or twigs.
I saw another rogue searching for me. I snuck up to him and caught him in a rear naked choke hold. He passed out in a matter of seconds. That's two down, six more to go, I think..."
I ran around the forest as silently as I can. Someone suddenly caught hold my legs from the back, causing me to fall face down on the ground. My nose hit the ground and for a few seconds, I could not see anything. The forest, though dense, was still bright. But now, the light was shadowed by six tall figures.
I got up and faced them. Rawlings was directly in front of me. His eyes smirked at me maliciously.
"You have no where to run, Maxwell," Rawlings said with acid in his voice. "Any last words?"
He pointed a knife at me.
"Yes," I said, grabbing his arm. "And that's TOO SLOW!"
I grabbed his arm and threw him at the other rogues. I bolted and looked for the way out towards the main road. I glanced back to look at them and saw them getting up quickly to come after me. They all got up and were soon running after me again. I put on a burst of speed and turned back to the front.
But to my surprise, the first thing I saw was a tree. I fell on my back and looked up at the sky. The sunlight that broke through the canopy slowly darkened as I lost consciousness. The last thing I heard before my hearing deafened was the sound of someone walking towards me.
My whole body went numb and I lost my senses.

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