Second day of school

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"I wonder how she's gonna react once she spots Ned..." said Nancy. "Shudder to think what poor Ned will do..."
"He's probably gonna flee the country," said Bess, with a giggle. "Like he literally just ran off when Deidre left to go to the bathroom. All of this happened at the Scoop, ya know."
"Why are you always at the Scoop?" asked George. "Like no wonder you're fat! But I wonder how Deidre didn't actually gain that much weight being in the Scoop 24/7..."
"Hey I'm not fat..." said Bess. "I'm only a few pounds heavier than you... the one about Deidre though, I don't know about that one..."
"Maybe she eats the low carb version?" said Nancy. "Or maybe she just doesn't have a stomach..."
"I'm going with the second one," said Bess, with a giggle. "Because I don't think Deidre even exercises... she's always shopping..."
They all agreed with her. Their first day of college went by like it usually would, with their new teachers, new books, new stationery, ice breaking, and high spirits, though those high spirits may not even last that long...
Soon night time came and they all went to bed. The next day they woke up early to go to the gym together. Bess almost slept in and so did Chet.
"Hey Morton!" exclaimed Frank. "Wake up, buddy!"
"Gimme a few more hours," said Chet, shifting his position. "There's still so much time left for class..."
"You leave me with no choice, buddy," said Joe, taking out his headphones and connecting it to his phone with the loudest setting. He put it on Chet's head, with the ear piece positioned on his ears and played the loudest music he can find. Chet woke up with a jump and attempted to take off the headphones and throw it away, but Joe paused the song before Chet could destroy his precious headphones.
"What was the point of that?!" shouted Chet. "Why can't you let me sleep for a bit?"
"And go to the gym without you?" said Frank. "You did say you wanted to go to the gym right?"
"Fine I'll come..." said Chet, getting out of bed while taking off Joe's headphones. "Here are your precious headphones."
"Thanks," said Joe. "Don't throw them like that! I spent like a month's worth of pocket money on them..."
"Then don't do that silly trick of yours again," said Chet, annoyed. "Why did I ever agree to this weight loss thing?"
"Coz you need it!" said Frank and Joe in unison.
Meanwhile, Nancy and George were having a hard time waking Bess up.
"The problem is, this idiot can sleep through anything," said George. "I believe she can even sleep through an apocalypse!"
"We'll figure something out," said Nancy. "What about loud music? Bright light obviously won't work, since she's wearing an eye mask..."
"See those earmuffs?" said George, pointing at Bess's fluffy earmuffs. "She can even sleep even if there is a very heavy thunderstorm outside!"
Then George's face suddenly lit up.
"That's it!" said George, grabbing a water bottle. "We can just make it rain on her!"
She poured a little bit of water on the sleeping Bess's face. She didn't pour too much because she didn't want to wet the bed much. Bess woke up instantly.
"What is it raining?" asked Bess, stretching out her arms. "Where am I? Am I outside?"
Then she removed her eye mask and earmuffs and were greeted by the sight of George and Nancy laughing. George was laughing even worse because she was literally rolling on the floor, laughing hysterically.
"You're such a meanie!" said Bess, leaping at George. "How could you do such a thing?"
"You were sleeping so soundly that you didn't budge even when me and Nancy shook you," said George, trying to escape. "So we decided to pour water on you instead."
"But why?" asked Bess. "There's still like hours left before class..."
"Well yeah," said Nancy. "If you wake up a few hours later, then how are we gonna go to the gym?"
"Oh yeah I forgot," said Bess, realising. "Okay then I'll be ready in a few minutes."
She quickly changed into her athletic outfit, which was a pink and red floral tank top and a pair of athletic tights and a pair of sneakers. She also packed an extra outfit for class and went to the gym with the others. The rest of the, were already waiting for them there, with the exception of the Hardys and Chet.
"Where are the Hardys and Chet?" asked Iola. "Seriously what's taking them so long?"
They were waiting for them and they eventually came.
"What took you so long?" asked Callie. "You three slept in, didn't you..."
"No we didn't," said Frank. "Chet did."
"So we had to blast him awake," said Joe with a grin. "With some very very loud music. He almost broke my favourite headphones!"
"Who asked you to put it on me then?" asked Chet, annoyed. "Wake me up in a better way next time."
"Yeah fine whatever," said Joe. "Now for some workout!"
So they worked out for about an hour and then had a shower before going to the cafeteria for breakfast. Chet and Bess were warned to not eat as much food as they usually do.
"Phew I'm tired," said Chet. "Wanna get some chow?"
"Yeah but go easy on the fatty food," said George. "Especially you, Bess."
"What?" said Bess. "I was thinking of having a nice healthy salad?"
So they went to buy themselves some food.
"Hey one plate only, Chet," said Frank. "Two is too much, especially since you're having fries with it."
"I never said I wanted another plate," said Chet. "I was only going for one."
"Hey Nance," said Ned suddenly. "How about we go for a date tonight? You know, have dinner at another place instead of this boring cafeteria?"
"Sure why not?" said Nancy. "Yeah I'm kinda bored staying in lately. I miss driving..."
"You only drove two days ago, Nancy," said Bess. "Now that was a long ride too. How could you possibly love Miss driving?"
"I don't know," said Nancy. "I just enjoy driving. The wind in my hair, the nice breeze, the sound of my convertible riding on the road, the..."
"That's enough, Nancy," said George. "There she goes, rambling about her journey."
"Do you girls miss solving mysteries?" asked Frank. "Because me and Joe do."
"Yeah we do," said Nancy. "I wonder if a mystery would crop up here."
"Not very likely," said Ned. "We're so far away, near the forest, and a ravine."
"What if someone gets thrown into it?" asked Iola. "What if someone got thrown down it, died and then buried in the forest?"
"Oh Iola," said Chet. "Even if it happened, we have like a big group of detectives here. They'd probably throw the criminals behind bars!"

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