First day of college

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So the next morning, the Hardys, Nancy and George were surprised to find that Chet and Bess did wake up early to go to the gym. Chet and Bess were working out hard in the gym that was in the main block. They were not the only ones there, though because there were many athletic students that got up early to train.
"I won't be surprised if we turn out to be fitter than our chumps," said Chet, lifting a heavy dumbbell. "Just imagine, three months from now... we'd be slim trim!"
"Yes!" said Bess, doing half squat while holding weights. "I'll be able to wear that beautiful sundress again! I'm gonna be so fit, goodbye mocks from George, goodbye bursting seams!"
Meanwhile in the girls' hostel room...
"This is fascinating," said George, getting ready for class. "Let's see how long she keeps it up."
"The first day of college," said Nancy, putting on her favourite denim jacket. "Wonder how it's gonna go."
At the Hardys' room...
"Hey look!" exclaimed Frank, pointing to Chet's bed. "He actually went to the gym!"
"Let's see how long this keeps up," said Joe. "I'm pretty sure it won't last that long."
"We'll see about that," said Frank. "Anyway, wanna wait for Ned and the guys so that we can go to class together?"
"I don't think they'd be in our class," said Joe. "They're one year ahead of us."
"Oh yeah I forgot about that," said Frank. "I'd be one year ahead of you too, if you were born one month later."
"It's a good thing I didn't," said Joe. "Or else you'd be calling me a baby!"
So they went to their class. Nancy, Bess, George, Frank, Joe, Chet, Iola and Callie were to be in the same class. Ned, Burt and Dave were to be a year ahead of them, since they were nineteen.
"That's not fair!" said Ned. "Now I'd have to worry about my girlfriend leaving me for the Hardys!"
"At least your girlfriend doesn't go to the gym with another guy who's eyeing her," said Dave. "I think I wanna spy on them during break."
"We need to compare our schedules," said Burt. "We need to compare our break times."
So Ned texted Nancy.
Ned: Yo Nance
Ned: Can I have your schedule?
Nancy: Sure here it is
She sent it to him
Nancy: Can I have yours too?
Ned: Yeah wait a bit
Ned sent his schedule to her too
Nancy: So we have three breaks in common
Nancy: We'll meet you three times a day
Ned: Swell
Ned: So we won't be missing each other much
Nancy: Yeah we'll be seeing each other often
Ned: Yeah
Ned: Please don't leave me for another guy
Nancy: I won't
Nancy: But you should do the same too
Nancy: Or else it's down the ravine for u
Ned: Of course I won't
Nancy: Good to hear
Ned: Bye I have class now!
Ned: Catch ya later
So they went to their respective classes and the girls sat together in a row with Nancy in the middle. The tables were arranged in threes so it wasn't really a problem. Callie, Iola and their new roommate, Jessica sat behind them. The Hardys and Chet sat behind their girlfriends. Chet was planning to try and get to know her better, since he was still trying to look for a girlfriend. Tony, Biff and Phil sat behind the Hardys and Chet. The lecturer haven't arrived yet so they just started chatting.
"So Bess, did you work out well?" asked George with a smirk. "Or did you just snack out with Chet?"
"Hey I worked out, okay?" said Bess. "We did well. We worked out till we were fatigued."
"Hey then I guess we should join you two tomorrow," said Nancy. "It's been a while since I worked out. I think we should join you occasionally. Right, George?"
"Right as rain, Nancy," said George. "We'll wake early with you tomorrow. And then we head straight to class after hitting the showers."
"Yeah okay, sure," said Bess. "The more the merrier."
Suddenly they were startled by the sudden arrival of Joe in front them.
"Tell me, did Chet really work out?" he asked Bess. "Did he really do weight lifting?"
"Yeah he did," said Bess, snickering. "Yeah he actually lifted 10 kilograms, five in each hand."
"Wait you're serious?" asked Frank, joining them. "He did that?"
"Yeah, Bess, the Hardys here didn't believe me when I said that," said Chet, also coming to their desk. "They thought we had a snacking session instead..."
"That's what I thought too," said George. "Knowing Bess, she'd be binging on the energy bars."
"Even Iola didn't believe me..." said Chet, mournfully. Then he looked at where Iola was sitting. "What kinda sister are you?!"
"Hey it was too good to be true," said Iola, with a giggle. "You'd exercise, and then you'd binge eat. That would completely cancel out your exercise..."
"Well you know what we had for breakfast?" asked Chet, pointing to himself and Bess. "We had a a nice bowl of yogurt and berries, with no added sugar."
"And we're planning to have the lightest dinner too," said Bess. "We plan to only have a cookie and a glass of milk for dinner."
"Wow, splendid, Bess," said George, clapping. "Hey I was wondering, why don't we join you two tomorrow at the gym? I wanna get toned up too."
"Yeah, Chet, we wanna join too," said Joe. "Wonder if Ned and the gang would join us..."
"I'll ask him later, during break," said Nancy. "We share three breaks with him."
"That's good," said Frank. "But I think we share only two, since we take Economics and you three don't."
"Yeah," said Bess. "So it's just the three of us then, with the boys."
"Shh the lecturer is coming!" said the person who was nearest to the door. "Quick get back to your places!"
The Hardys and Chet practically flew back to their desks. They sat down just as their lecturer walked in.
"Hello there, students," said their teacher. She looked quite cheerful, but strict at the same time. "I am Amelia Jones, you can call me Amelia. I will be your chemistry teacher this semester, unless the principal decides to replace me with another lecturer. Shall we start our lesson with an ice breaking session, all of you are new here?"
"A prim and proper teacher," said George, in a low voice, learning over to Nancy. "Seems to be English too."
"I hope she invites us to her tea parties," said Bess. "I love eating at tea parties..."
"Oh Bess..." said George. "Always thinking about food..."
"The two of you, Shh," said Nancy. "You do know we are very close to where the lecturer is standing right?"
"Oh yeah sorry," Bess. "We forgot about that..."
"Shall we start with you?" said Miss Jones, pointing to the person who was directly next to the door. "Tell us your name, where you're from and an interesting fact about yourself."
So the ice breaking session started. It started with the first person sitting in the first row. They introduced each other, but obviously the others couldn't very well remember their names. Soon, it was Bess's turn to introduce herself. She didn't realise and she kept dreaming. The teacher was calling out to her but she didn't seem to hear her.

Nancy Drew and The Hardys go to collegeWhere stories live. Discover now