Plans being made

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"I don't know," said Deirdre. "I don't know where she is."
There was a pause as the person on the other end of the line was talking.
"No she wasn't with me," said Deirdre. "I was in class at that time, she was in break. She doesn't take social science, but I do."
"Now who is she talking about?" thought Nancy to herself. "Is it her friend?"
"I don't know where she could've been," said Deirdre almost in tears. "I searched the whole campus for her."
After a few more words, she hung up and started crying in front of the mirror.
"Oh what could've happened to her..." said Deirdre, in front of the mirror. "I hope she's okay."
She washed her face and hurriedly got out of the bathroom. Nancy left too, and was confused at what just happened. She went back to her class and sat at her desk, in between Bess and George. They waited for break to come and they filled out of the class.
"Guys..." said Nancy, seriously. "Something serious is definitely up."
"What is it?" asked George. "What's up?"
"Well..." said Nancy. "Remember I went to the bathroom just now?"
"Yeah," said Bess and George in unison.
"I saw and heard something... weird," said Nancy. "I was in the stall when I heard Deirdre talking over the phone outside the stalls. She looked like she had been crying."
"What?" asked Bess. "But why? What was she saying?"
"She was saying something about how she cannot find 'her' anywhere," said Nancy. "She cried after hanging up too."
"Hmm," said George. "Now that's suspicious..."
"Do you think it has anything to do with Amelia?" asked Bess. "Like both of them are not like themselves lately. This can't be a coincidence."
"I don't know," said Nancy. 'Let's just see what happens, I'm not one to judge too quickly."
"We know," said George. "So what do we do now?"
"I don't know," said Nancy. "Spy on Deidre?"
"Sure," said Bess. "We should see what she's doing."
"We should make Ned do it," said Nancy. "He's the best person to squeeze the truth out of her."
"Yeah she'd spit it out if Ned so much as to just sit in front of her," said Bess, giggling. "Like when you had to find out who framed you for arson."
"Yep," said Nancy. "Deirdre is on break too. Hopefully the boys are too."
"We are," said a voice behind them. "We are on break now too."
The girls turned around to see the grinning faces of their boyfriends.
"Oh so you're on break too," said Nancy. "Perfect. We need you to do something for us."
"What is it?" asked Ned. "Anything important?"
The girls explained to them about the incident in class and in the bathroom. The Hardys and Chet and their girls came too.
"Did you guys notice anything strange about Amelia today?" asked Nancy when they came. "During class?"
"Who's Amelia?" asked Burt. "Is she a new classmate?"
"No she's our teacher," said George. "Anyway, did you guys noticed anything?"
"She looked tense," said Joe. "But we didn't bother much. She is a lecturer after all, and lectures have to deal with a lot of stuff..."
"Well she was also absent minded," said Nancy. "She is usually very focused. She answered a simple question wrongly when I asked her!"
"What did you ask her?" asked Chet.
"The molarity of a solution," said Nancy. "Like that's one of the most basic things in chemistry."
"Then there's definitely something up," said Frank. "She should be a pro at it if she is a chemistry lecturer."
"Yes," said Joe. "Something is definitely bothering her."
"Don't mean to ruin the moment, but um," said Ned. "What am I supposed to do?"
"Oh you're supposed to go and squeeze the truth out of Deirdre," said Nancy and Ned and the others looked astonished. "We need more information on that phone call."
"Wait what," said Ned. "You mean to say that I have to squeeze the truth out of her? As in provoke her, and intimidate her?"
"No no nothing like that," said Nancy. "She'd blurt it out if you so much as to just ask her what's wrong, and maybe if you just give her a few flirts."
"Uh oh," said Ned, pale. "You want me to flirt with her? That's even worse than provoking and intimidating her! Can I just do the second option?"
"You actually want to blackmail her?" asked Burt, snickering. "You actually prefer to intimidate her?"
"Well she's not exactly my favourite person in this world," said Ned. "In fact, she's the exact opposite."
"Oh come on," said Nancy. "You can do this! All you need to do is ask her and comfort her, a little, and she'd pour it all out."
"Yeah Ned," said Frank. "You have the power to get the most important clue!"
"It depends on you," said Joe. "The weight of a mystery lies on your shoulders!"
"Well..." said Ned. "The two of you sound like I can save the world from an apocalypse if I talk to Deidre."
"Oh come on, buddy," said Dave. "Just do it, how hard can it be?"
"Very hard..." said Ned. "You don't know how she is."
"Okay let's make it like this," said George. "You carry out the plan, and we watch from around."
"Won't that be suspicious?" asked Bess. "Like it would be obvious."
Nancy, Joe and Frank suddenly had smug looks on their faces.
"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" asked Nancy.
"No I think you're thinking what we're thinking," said Frank.
"Yes," said Joe. "Disguises are a detective's best friend."
"Is this really necessary?" asked Chet. "Like we aren't even spying yet..."
"Come on, Chet," said Jessica. "It should be fun, I've never been in a mystery before..."
"Fine..." said Chet. "So what are we gonna disguise as?"
"I don't know, maybe a flight attendant?" said Burt, sarcastically. "Chet, this is a college, what do you expect to see in a college?"
"Well," said Chet, thinking. "Janitor, lunch lady, students, lecturers?"
"Exactly," said Burt. "I wanna be one of the students."
"I think I'll be a lecturer," said Dave. "I'll have to act a bit sophisticated."
"I'll be a janitor, I guess," said Chet. "It's one of the easiest disguise."
"I guess I'll join you, then," said Jessica.
"I think I'll be a student," said George. "Bess can be the lunch lady."
"Wait what?" asked Bess. "Now what would a lunch lady be doing in the middle of the hallway?"
"We never said it was gonna be on the hallway," said Burt. "Anyway, I kinda like George's idea. I'll join you as a student, George."
"I'll be a student too," said Callie. "Iola too."
"Then why do I get lunch lady?" asked Bess. "Like, why me?"
"For fun," said George. "It would be great, don't you think?"
"Fine..." said Bess. "What about you, Nancy?"
"History teacher," said Nancy. "All I have to do is wear a sophisticated looking outfit, and wear some glasses and do my hair differently."
"What are you guys talking about?" asked Tony, suddenly arriving with Biff and Phil. "It's been a long time since we talked."
"Yeah," said Frank. "We're discussing something."
They explained everything to them and they listened intently.

Nancy Drew and The Hardys go to collegeWhere stories live. Discover now