Mission accomplished

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"Captain..." Robert grimaced. "Good to see you, Drake."
Drake lunged at Robert, engaging in a gruelling fight. It was a pretty intense, considering both of them were strong policemen. Though one was corrupt.

"Hey look! An open door!" Joe exclaimed, pointing at a door left ajar. He ran towards it and gasped. "Looks like there's been a fight!"
Indeed there was. It was Drake's office. The chairs were upturned, the glass sheet on the table cracked, the contents of the bookshelves scattered across the floor.
"Whoa what happened here?" Ned stepped in, opening the door wider. He read the back of the door and saw the words 'Boss' written in metallic gold. "It's the boss's room."
Nancy tied her hair up and started searching the room. Ned smiled, he always liked it when she did that. She rummaged through the things with the end of her monopod.
"Guys, take a look at this," Nancy suddenly said, motioning for them to come closer. She picked up a pair of glasses. "Does this belong to anyone you know?"
Frank took it and examined it. His eyes widened when he realised who it belonged to. "Joe, isn't this dad's?"
Joe simply snatched the glasses off his brother's hands, much to his irritation.
"You're right, it is!" Joe exclaimed. "It's his camera glasses!"
He opened a small panel near the hinges of the frame and took out a small SD card. He grinned and pulled out his phone. He popped his own micro SD out and popped the memory card from the glasses into his phone.
"Alright, I'll send this to our friends outside," Joe said, vigorously tapping the screen of his phone. "That way, we have more copies of the proof."
"Good thinking, Joe," Frank said. "Come on, we have to get Robert."
They ran out of the room and started looking for the big man. They came across a few more thugs, but successfully beat them up.

"Joe sent us some proof," Bess said when she scrolled through the mass of videos that Joe sent. "Mr. Hardy, take a look at this!"
Fenton did and nodded.
"They must've found my glasses," Fenton said. "Good thing too, because that thing has seen whatever I have."
Bess and George quickly sent everything to Chief McGinnis and Carson.

"You've gotten strong," Drake breathed as he tried to escape Robert's leg choke. "But unfortunately, I have too."
He yanked Robert's knees away from his neck and held his right leg in an arm bar, making Robert grunt in pain. He used his other leg to kick him on the head.

Nancy gasped when she saw the sight before her. The boys ran and separated the two fighting men. Robert got onto his feet and staggered towards them. He gave him a headlock that knocked him out. Joe quickly tied him up using the rope around his waist while Tony and Biff held him down.
"You guys can carry him, right?" Frank said with a smirk. They laughed when Robert did the honest by easily carrying the older man on his back. "You okay, Rob?"
"I'm fine," Robert grinned. "All I want now is this guy behind bars for good."
They started going towards the entrance when Robert stopped short.
"I feel like we're forgetting something..." Robert said thoughtfully. Then he seemingly remembered. "Rawlings..."
And the green-haired man was still locked in that machine thing. He was unconscious too, since the experimental machine released some sort of anaesthetic to its victims.

Police were waiting outside the forest, by the side of the main road. Amanda ran towards them as soon as she saw them approaching. She looked surprised when she realised how they carried two unconscious men. She grimaced even more when she spotted Rawlings.
"That's one of the men that kidnapped me!" Amanda pointed an accusing finger at him. "Officer, arrest him!"
They were all brought to the police station to file a report. Chief McGinnis and Chief Olaf waited for them.
"Looks like it's a collaboration mystery," Chief McGinnis chuckled. "Well done, Nancy."
"Actually, Mr. Hardy and Robert did most of the work," Nancy smiled. "We just rescued them. Well, mostly the boys."
The two criminals awoke and were surprised to find themselves in a cell. The Ouray police also sent a team to clean up whatever that was left in the underground base. Well, more like whoever that was left in the underground base. And they were surprised to find most of them unconscious.
"Looks like we're just sweeping up whatever we find," the Ouray police chief, Chief McGuffaw chuckled. "Alright, get to work, boys."
The syndicate was shut down for good. But the experiments were further researched.

"Thanks, Amanda," Nancy hugged her older friend. "You brought help just in time."
"It's my pleasure, Nancy," Amanda smiled. "I wanted nothing but for my kidnappers to end up behind bars."
"And that's what they deserve," Fenton said, shaking his head as he watched the police officers load the bad guys into the truck. "Anyway, we deserve to enjoy."
Everyone cheered.
"Burgers!" Chet exclaimed.
"Ice cream!" Bess cheered.
"Get fatter!" George mocked.
Bess started to aggressively shake her cousin's shoulders.
"Robert, you wanna come too?" Fenton said, turning to the younger man. "You deserve a reward too."
"And indeed he does," Chief McGuffaw said, walking towards them. "Mr. Maxwell, what do you say you transfer yourself to our branch? Your suspension would be over in a few days."
Robert looked at the others before turning back to the chief with hope in his eyes. "Really? You'd do that?"
"Why, of course!" Chief McGuffaw grinned. "After how you managed to catch an entire underground syndicate, I'd say your performance ins exceptional. When do you wanna join?"
Robert grinned.

"Congratulations on your new job, Robert," Carson congratulated. He grinned when a waiter laid a large plate of rich chocolate cake on the table. "I say, this is a grand celebration."
"In a restaurant," Joe chuckled. "Well, at least we're not dust-covered like we were earlier..."
Indeed they weren't. They headed off to the campus first, washed up, wore the best looking clothes they got, and went to a fancy restaurant.
"Another mystery solved," Nancy sighed. "One that I didn't even take much part in. Well, at least you guys did."
"Oh come on, tell me it wasn't fun to watch us guys beat all of those rogues up!" Ned smiled boyishly, flexing his bicep. "Tell me, wasn't it like a live-fighting game?"
"Yeah, yeah, it was," Nancy admitted with a chuckle. Her earrings swayed slightly when she turned to grin at her best friends. "You guys missed the fun."
"Are you kidding?!" Bess exclaimed. "Hey! I would've passed out with all the danger going on!"
"Oh Bess..." George smirked.
They enjoyed the dinner, glad that yet another mystery was solved.

Nancy Drew and The Hardys go to collegeWhere stories live. Discover now