Daddy Drew's Day Off

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Hey guys! So I was playing Danger On Deception Island the other day, and I came across three emails from Hannah. So I decided to write those out in the form of a chapter. I hope you enjoy it!

Hannah saw Mr. Drew off for work and went to the kitchen to prepare herself some breakfast. There were some leftovers she could eat, so she decided to just reheat those and eat them instead. Carson was in a rush, so he technically skipped breakfast, saying that he would eat at the courthouse cafeteria.
Hannah finished her breakfast and went over to the kitchen to put the dishes in the dishwasher. She cleaned the kitchen up a bit, making the counters gleam with pristine clarity.
She almost jumped out of her skin when Carson suddenly walked in through the back door.
"Mr. Drew!" Hannah said, calming down when she saw that it was only him. "You scared me! Why are you home so early?"
"Well, the courthouse is flooded, apparently because of some leaky pipe in the basement," Carson shrugged, loosening his tie. "They had to shut the power, for fear of electrocution, and gave us the day off. So yeah, here I am."
"Oh okay," Hannah nodded. "Well, at least you have a day off."
"Yeah," Carson grinned. "Anyway, I'll go get changed first. I'm starving!"
"I'll start on breakfast right away, Mr. Drew," Hannah said, putting the rag she had been holding back on the rack. "How does bacon and eggs sound?"
"No, I'll make my own breakfast today," Carson insisted. "Why don't you have a seat in the living room, watch some tv for a change?"
Hannah shrugged and made her way to the living room. She sat down on the sofa and pulled out her phone to text Nancy about her father's day off.
Nancy: Why does it have to be when I'm at school?
Nancy: He's never on a day off when I'm at home 🙄🙄
Hannah: Tell me about it
Hannah: He insists on making breakfast too
Nancy: I wish I was there...
Nancy: But semester break isn't here yet
Nancy: 🥲🥲
Hannah: 😂😂
Carson drew descended the stairs and made his way towards the kitchen. Hannah simply smiled and turned the television on to watch something. She settled on seeing a cooking show, jotting down the recipes that she liked.
All of a sudden, a loud alarm blared from the kitchen. Hannah rushed towards the source, grabbing the fire extinguisher as she ran, fearing that Mr. Drew was in danger.
To her surprise, he seemed perfectly fine, standing in the middle of the kitchen as if nothing had happened. The kitchen was in its messiest state she had ever seen in the years she had worked in this household.
There was a burning smell and Hannah saw smoke come out of the waffle iron. Carson quickly took it and put it in the sink, running cold water over it and making more smoke emanate into the air.
"Mr. Drew, what happened?" Hannah asked, seeing how he seemed unfazed as he turned the fire alarm off. "What did you do?"
"I forgot to spray the waffle iron with oil," Carson sighed. "And now it's on fire."
"Oh, Mr. Drew..." Hannah shook her head. "Let me help instead."
"Nah, I don't feel like waffles," Carson said, much to her surprise. "I'll just make pancakes with these instead."
Hannah sat on the barstool by the counter island and watched as he took out a skillet. He washed it a bit and put it on the stove. After it had dried, he put some butter on it and poured some of the batter on it. Hannah sighed, thinking about the mess he made around him. She decided to leave him, praying that he wouldn't set the house on fire, and went back to the living room to resume her cooking show instead.

Carson decided to look at his phone while his pancake cooked. He didn't realise how they were burning, until the smell hit his nose.
He almost slammed his phone onto the counter when he noticed how his breakfast was burning. He flipped them and groaned when he saw how burnt they were. He just waited for the other side to cook and took them off the pan and put them on a plate. They were burnt, but he figured that they were edible anyway.
He poured a generous amount of maple syrup on them and went to the living room to eat his breakfast in front of the tv. Hannah frowned at his plate seeing how burnt his pancakes were.
"You want some, Mrs. Gruen?" Carson offered.
"No thanks, I already ate," Hannah said. She secretly took her phone out and snapped a photo of Mr. Drew to send to Nancy. She particularly zoomed into his plate to show his burnt breakfast.
Hannah then remembered the unruly mess in the kitchen and got up. She went to the kitchen and sighed, seeing how there was flour and sugar on almost everything. He left the eggshells on the counter too, and there was something, she still didn't know what, all over the kitchen, even on the ceiling.
'What did I do to deserve this?' Hannah thought to herself as she scrubbed everything clean once again. 'Note to self, never ever let Mr. Drew make breakfast. EVER!'
Mr. Drew soon came to the kitchen to put his plate away. Hannah was surprised to find that he had indeed eaten all of the pancakes.
"There's extra batter in the fridge, maybe we can have those for dinner?" Carson suggested, putting his plate in the dishwasher. "You don't mind pancakes for dinner, right?"
"Sure, as long as it isn't you who's making them," Hannah said with a smile. "You almost set the kitchen on fire!"
"Sorry, Mrs. Gruen..." Carson said sheepishly. "I forgot to spray the waffle iron with oil."
"Yeah, so I've seen," Hannah said. "Why don't you take a walk, Mr. Drew? The weather's pretty nice today."
"I think I will," Carson agreed. "Seems like a nice day for a jog, doesn't it?"
"Yes..." Hannah said without looking up from the counter.
And so, Carson changed into a breathable jersey and shorts, complete with a sweatband, and headed out the door to have his jog. Hannah sighed, finally managing to get him out of her hair.
She was done cleaning the kitchen too, and settled on the living room sofa again to report everything to Nancy. Nancy couldn't help but laugh at her father's actions, though she was in the middle of a lecture.
"What's up, Nance?" Bess asked, nudging her best friend. "Why are you laughing?"
"My dad is driving Hannah nuts!" Nancy giggled. "It's his day off, since the courthouse is flooded, and he almost set the kitchen on fire in the name of making breakfast."
"Oh wow..." George said, hearing everything from her other side. "I feel for Hannah, I really do."
"I feel for her too," Nancy laughed. "Let's just hope she doesn't end up murdering him."

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