Arrival at college

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"So this is it, girls," said Nancy Drew, stopping her car in the parking lot of her new college. "Our new college."
"More like our new home," said boyish George Fayne. "Bess, quit snacking already!"
"But I'm hungry..." said plump Bess Marvin. "Can we go to the cafeteria first? I'm starving!"
"Yeah and you carry all our baggage, okay?" said George. "We should go put our baggage away in our dorm. Your baggage is bigger than both of our luggage combined!"
"We're lucky our dorm room is on the ground floor," said Nancy, getting out of her blue convertible. "Don't sweat it, Bess. It'll only take a sec. The girls' dormitory is this way."
They unloaded their baggage and went to their dorm room. They had requested to share one room, since each room would hold three girls. They chose their beds and dumped their baggage on their beds. They went to the cafeteria and bought something to eat.
"When are the boys coming?" asked George. "They left later than we did. Bess, you sure you wanna eat that many sandwiches?"
"Well, yeah, duh," said Bess. "That's why I bought them. That was a long ride, don't ya think?"
"Hey ya know what?" said Nancy. "Ned just texted me. He says the Hardys are coming to this college to."
"Wait what?" said Bess. "They're here too? Oh they're so cute!"
"Wait a minute, Bess," said George. "You already have a boyfriend, and that's Dave Evans. Too bad for you, the Hardys are occupied too, with Callie and Iola."
"Yeah I never said I'm into them..." said Bess. "I just wanna have them as friends..."
"Yeah and Chet would be your best bestie," said Nancy. "He can be like you in many ways. He eats like you, he acts like you, he's like you."
"Yeah very funny," said Bess, with a hair flip. "But he doesn't have my amazing fashion sense."
"I call that overdressing," said George. "You always wear so much makeup..."
"Cut it out George..." said Bess, annoyed. "Why do you always pick on me?"
"Oh the two of you," said Nancy. "Your bickering is very fun to watch."
Just then they all received a jump scare. They all screamed and then turned around, only to find the grinning faces of their boyfriends.
"You!" said Nancy while standing up. She started shaking her boyfriend, Ned Nickerson, by the shoulders. "How dare you disturb our meal?"
"Yeah sorry about that," said Ned, still laughing. "We just wanted to give ya a surprise."
"Yeah," said Dave Evans, Bess's boyfriend. "Do you mind if we join ya?"
"Yes we do," said Bess. "Especially since you gave us a scare..."
"Pleaseeee?" said all three of the boys in unison. They gave their pity faces and the girls couldn't resist.
"Fine, join us," said George. "But you owe us."
"Fine we'll treat you to dinner tonight," said Burt Eddleton, George's boyfriend. "All six of us."
"Deal," said Nancy. "That means you too, Ned."
"Of course it does," said Ned. "What's your dorm room number?"
"G103," said Nancy. "What about you?"
"What a coincidence!" said Dave. "Our's is in B103!"
"Wow," said Bess. "Talk about parallel universe..."
"Parallel dormitory's, you mean," said Burt. "You girls have any neighbours?"
"Not that we know of," said George. "By the way, when are the Hardys and Mortons coming?"
"They're coming alone," said Ned, with a hint of jealousy. "The Mortons are coming in with Callie Shaw. Tony Prito, Biff Hooper and Phil Cohen are coming in another car."
"I can sense a hint of sour grapes in your face and voice," said Nancy. "Now why are you jealous?"
"I'm not jealous..." said Ned. "I'm just- just tired, that's all."
"Liar liar pants on fire!" said Dave, teasingly. "You were complaining bitterly how Nancy got along with the Hardys while we were on the way here!"
"Yeah and you were also complaining how Joe ruined your car once," joined in Burt. "You were just jealous and was trying to find fault!"
"Ned, they're just friends," said Nancy. "There was this one time when you were sad because I went to Germany without telling you. Frank called me and scolded me, saying I was neglecting my boyfriend. You remember?"
"Yeah yeah I remember," said Ned. "That was nice of him..."
As if on cue, the Hardys arrived and joined them at their table.
"Hello there," said Frank Hardy. "Seen the Mortons?"
"Nope, they haven't arrived yet," said Bess. "I miss Iola..."
"We're right here," said Chet, grinning widely. "We actually tailed the Hardy's sports car."
"Yeah she's the best," said Callie Shaw, arriving with her. "By the way, she bought you some souvenirs when we went to Malibu together."
"Yes I did," said Iola. "Here they are."
"How's Bayport?" asked George. "Never been there in ages."
"Oh it's still the same," said Frank. "Haven't changed a bit. How about River Heights?"
"Still the same too," said Nancy. "Home sweet home. What about Mapleton?"
"Nothing much changed," said Ned. "Emerson's still there, boring place. That's why we ditched it."
"I'm guessing you missed Chet too," said Joe. "Seriously, you're a girl version of him..."
"Are you sure, Joe?" asked Chet, looking closely at Bess. "I'm that case, I think we should get along."
"Stand back, chubby boy," said Dave, suddenly. "She's my girlfriend!"
"Hey I only said get along..." said Chet. "I meant it in a friendly way..."
"Hey I'm surprised that the Morton jalopy actually managed to catch up with the Hardy sports car," said Ned, in awe. "How is it possible?"
"I got it tricked out," said Chet, proudly. "I modified her by myself!"
"Yeah Chet did a pretty good job with that jalopy," said Frank. "You can hardly tell it's a jalopy, ya know!"
"Chet worked hard on it," said Iola. "He spent a week and a fortune for it."
"I thought you just got the parts from scrap metal and modified it," said Joe. "Like I thought you re-moulded it right?"
"Maybe," said Chet, with a smirk. "Whatever I did, I lost a ton of weight!"
"Yeah he lost one kilogram," said Iola with a giggle. "No more, no less..."
"I guess it's because he was still snacking while working on the car," said Frank. "Isn't that's right, buddy?"
"Yeah yeah," said Chet, annoyed. "It was hungry work..."
"It's about time you lost that spare tire, Chet," said Joe, rubbing Chet's belly. "It can fit for a truck!"
They chatted and finished their meals. They went to the college office for the necessary documents and procedures. They went back to their dorm to unpack their things. The Mortons have arrived. Callie, Iola and Jessica Stone, a girl they never knew moved into room number 105. Then there came a very loud clatter of  running high heels and loud chatter.
"Now what is that horrendous noise?" asked George, looking up from digging in her bag. "Now that sounded like a herd of buffalo."
"No, more like a herd of elephants," said Bess. "Nancy, you're the nearest. "Have a sneak peek."
Nancy quietly opened their hostel door and looked out, cautiously. She groaned and quickly shut the door. She turned to them with a "oh no, why me?" facial expression.
"What is it, Nance?" asked Bess. "Who is it? Anyone new?"
"It's Deidre Shannon and her goons," said Nancy with another groan. "Owwwh and she's our neighbour at that..."
"So we're stuck with her till the end of the semester..." said George. "Well I hope I don't throw her off the ravine..."
"There's a ravine right there," said Bess, pointing towards the window. Indeed she was right. There was a ravine right across the road from the college grounds. "You're welcomed you throw her there."

A/N: Hi everyone! I decided to write this book because I've been reading Nancy Drew and Hardy Boys and was wondering, why not I make a fanfic about this? So this is it. Another thing, I know that Iola was supposed to be dead because of the bombing in the case file series. I decided to add her in because I consider that series to be non-canon. I see the original series as canon and this is just a spin-off. Anyways, hope you enjoy reading my book!


Nancy Drew and The Hardys go to collegeWhere stories live. Discover now