Beating up

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"This is like one of the scenes from KOF or something..." Joe commented, taking a look around the place. "What's that thing?"
"Who knows?" Chet shrugged. "Whatever it is, I don't like the looks of it..."
"Agree..." everyone said at once.
A sound of someone running suddenly came. "Hey! Who are you?!"
"We have company," Frank turned to the voices same, as the rest of the team.
Biff cracked his knuckles. "Looks like something's about to go down."
Biff, Tony and Phil easily beat down the two men that shouted at them. They had guns on them too. Phil grinned and confiscated them. He handed one to Nancy and one to Joe.
"I don't think these are the only guns we'll be finding," Phill chuckled. "Come on, let's go get your father."
They walked around the place, trying to find signs of Fenton or Robert.

Robert woke up in a dark room, strapped onto a chair. He thrashed, trying to free himself, but ended up falling over. He groaned and tried to roll over.
"Idiots! Why are you doing this to me?!"
Someone laughed maniacally and stepped into the room. He flicked the lights on, making Robert blink furiously at the sudden light. His eyes widened when he saw that it was Rawlings.
"So we meet again," Rawlings smirked. He crouched and pinched Robert's cheek. "You went to Maine, eh? Since when is Ouray in Maine?"
Robert scowled. "Just because I'm tied up, don't think I can't hit you back."
Rawlings laughed again. "Well, is that before or after you get eradicated?"
"What?" Robert asked in shock. "You're gonna eradicate me?"
"You have ears, don't ya, Maxwell?" Rawlings grinned. A wicked grin. "You heard me. You're gonna get eradicated."
To his surprise, Robert smirked. "At least if I die, I'd be dying in honour. I'd be dying trying to protect justice. Unlike scum like you!"
Rawlings gave his face a backhand, making him let out a pained grunt. "Ya call me scum one more time, and it's off with your head!"
"I don't care," Robert said again. "I'd die in honour."
Someone knocked on the metal door. "Rawlings, it's ready."
Rawlings grinned and got up. He lifted Robert's chair with difficulty into an upright position. "Get ready to die, Robert Maxwell."

"This place is giving me the creeps..." Chet stated, following his friends around. His stomach suddenly grumbled, not only from hunger, but from fear as well. "Does anyone want some food?"
"You mean you brought some?" Joe asked in surprise.
"Heck yes!" Chet exclaimed cheerfully, unstrapping his backpack. He unzipped it and rummaged through. "Let's see... what have we got in here..."
He pulley out a bag of chips and tucked it under his arm, followed by a few energy bars and some burgers. He handed a cheeseburger to Joe and grinned.
"Is this a cheeseburger?" Joe asked in surprise, looking at the wrapped burger in his hand.
"Yep," Chet grinned. "Courtesy of Jessica. There's enough for everyone too."
Biff and Tony claimed their burgers while the rest, besides Joe, passed on the burgers for now. They walked around the base, chewing in their burgers when they saw a room with a man guarding it.
A man with blue hair. Nancy immediately caught Ned's arm.
"Ned, dad said that Mr. Hardy mentioned a Frost with blue hair," Nancy whispered. "Frost as in his name."
"Is that so..." Ned grinned. "Hey, one of our guys might be in there!"
He passed the message to everyone, mainly the Hardys.
The brothers rolled up their sleeves and silently crept up behind Frost. They nabbed him and beat him senseless, ensuring that a hand was clapped over his mouth. Frost fell limp onto the ground.
"Search him," Frank ordered. Joe rolled his eyes and knelt down, searching his pockets. He smirked when he spotted yet another gun tucked behind his belt. There was also something else too, a mask, and a ring of keys. Joe held it up and shook it. "Great, now which one opens this door?"
Joe stuffed the mask into his back pocket and started testing the keys. He lit up when a key easily turned in the lock. The ten of them stormed in and saw a dark room.
"Hmph you coward..." a familiar voice said. "You tie me up and then taunt me. Well, I guess you know what would happen to you if I fight back."
"Dad!" The Hardys cried in unison.
"Frank? Joe?!" Fenton cried in shock, recognising the voices.
Joe ran into the dark room and blindly tripped onto something, falling down with a clang. "Ouch!"
"Joe..." Frank sighed. He felt the wall for a switch. Light instantly flooded into the room. Fenton was tied up on a chair in the centre of the room. Joe was on the ground, entangled between a stack of chairs and something else. "Seriously Joe..."
Joe scrambled to his feet and lunged towards his father, screaming "DAD!"
And dad went down with a loud crash too. Fenton sighed. "Son, untie me first..."
Joe got up and straightened the chair before untying him. He tied the rope around his waist for future use. Frank helped his father stand up.
"You alright, Dad?" Frank asked, an arm around Fenton's shoulders. "You need anything, Dad? Some water?"
"Some food?" Chet added, unstrapping his bag. He opened it and pulled out a burger with a grin. "Good thing I brought an extra."
Fenton smiled. "Thinking about food as usual, Chester..."
Chet smirked handed the burger to him. "Eat up, Mr. Hardy, it's been at least two days since you last ate."
"Has it been that long?" Fenton asked in surprise, taking the burger. Just then he remembered something. "Robert! Boys, they're gonna kill him!"
"What?!" Everyone exclaimed in unison.
"And they wanna clone him too," Fenton added.
"What?!?!?!" Everyone exclaimed again.
Burt and Dave offered to bring Fenton out of the base towards safety. The others continued to look around for Robert.

"Prepare to meet your clone," Rawlings grinned mischievously. "And then, you're eradicated!"
Robert gulped as he imagined another evil, more ruthless version of himself working for them. He shuddered at the thought and started thinking of a way to get out of there, or at least stop them from cloning him.
"You guys worked on it pretty quickly," Robert commented to stall for time. "Last time I was here, it was still in development!"
"It still is," Rawlings cackled. "You're our first guinea pig!"
Robert gulped. He prayed that the cloning process would be a failure. They untied him and asked him to step into some sort of machine. He took the chance to knock out some of the men.
He suddenly heard a gunshot. He looked up to see Rawlings pointing a gun at him, a smirk on his face. Robert grinned and  twisted the gun out of his grasp, pointing it at him instead.
"On your knees," Robert ordered, pointing the gun at the ground. Rawlings hesitated. "ON YOUR KNEES, I SAID!"
Rawlings obeyed and got onto his knees, his hands in the air.
"Head down," Robert ordered. Rawlings did. "Hands behind your head!"
Robert grinned and knocked him unconscious with the back of his gun. He put Rawlings inside the strange machine, and locked him in, pulling the plug off to ensure that it doesn't clone him instead. The world has enough with one Rawlings as it is.
He ran out of the room and wandered down the corridor. He stopped short when Drake confronted him, dried blood staining the side of his mouth.

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