The returns

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Bess and George had been waiting anxiously in their dorm for Nancy to arrive. They jumped up when she finally arrived.
"Nancy!" Bess exclaimed as soon as she saw the titian-haired girl. "Where have you been?!"
"Do you know how worried we were?" George chimed in. "We thought you were lost in the woods!"
"Well, we almost did," Nancy said with a chuckle, putting her bag away before slumping down on her bed. "But luckily, we used the GPS on Ned's phone to get back."
"Oh thank goodness!" Bess said in relief. "That road is so scary, it gives me the heebee-jeebies!"
"Oh Bess, everything gives you the heebee-jeebies!" George said, rolling her eyes. "Anyway, glad that you're back in one piece now."
"Oh and one more thing," Nancy said, remembering the girl they found. "We came across a girl. We left her at the infirmary. Poor thing, she looked really bad. She was a mess! Her hair was tangled, her face was scratched, her feet were bleeding, her clothes were torn and she was covered with scars and bruises."
"Oh my gosh, poor thing!" Bess said, sympathetically. "We should go see her tomorrow."
"And we should also find out who she is," George added. "We need to bring her something too."
"We'll stop at the cafeteria before going there," Nancy said, collecting her toiletries and pyjamas. "Oh look, I forgot to return Ned's coat!"
"What happened to your coat?" Bess asked. "I thought you wore that blue cardigan?"
"No she didn't," George said confidently. "She wouldn't be wearing Ned's jacket if she wore her cardigan right?"
"You're right, Bess," Nancy said with a laugh. "I wore one. But I put it on that girl. She was so cold!"
"And Ned took the opportunity to offer you his," Bess guessed with a laugh. "Oh Ned... he's so cute. But Dave's cuter..."
"Yeah whatever," said George. "Wait, you wanna go take a shower now?! At this time of the day?"
"Yep," Nancy said, grabbing her towel. "I feel... weird. I need to get clean."
The cousins shrugged as the sat back in their beds. Nancy made her way to the bathroom to take a nice, hot shower.
'Who was that girl anyway?' Nancy thought, scrubbing herself. 'What happened to her? Why was she out so late? And why was she so... hurt? Something's up..."
She quickly finished and went back to her dorm. They talked a little while longer, snacking on some chips that they bought.
Then they fell asleep. Bess didn't notice that there was a half eaten chip somewhere in her bed and just went to sleep. The chip broke down and created a crumby mess, unbeknownst to Bess.
The guys weren't so worried for Ned though. As soon as he entered, they punched him and shook his shoulders so hard while asking where he had been.
Ned felt his dinner rushing up to his throat but somehow kept from puking. Though he would've loved to have puked on them, he didn't really like the feeling of it.
"What did you do?" Burt asked, shaking him. "Did you turn into a werewolf of something?!"
"Wait what?" Ned asked, confused. "You're so lame... we lost our way and had a hard time using the GPS due to the poor service!"
"That's even lamer," Dave said, rolling his eyes. "At least the werewolf theory was better."
"But it wasn't so uneventful, really," said Ned. "We found a girl, passed out on the road. She's in the infirmary."
His friends nodded and asked for details.
"Also, where's your coat?" Dave asked, having a late night snack of popcorn. "I thought you wore your leather jacket?"
"How did you even notice?" Burt asked, stealing some of Dave's popcorn. "Oh yeah I forgot."
"Forgot what?" Dave asked, pulling his bag of popcorn away.
"You envied that coat so much," Ned said mockingly. "You even tried to wear it when I wasn't here!"
"No I didn't!" Dave said, turning red from embarrassment. "I did not!"
"You did," Burt said with a smirk. "I even have a photo. I'm the one that told Ned!"
"You snitch!" Dave shouted, throwing one of his stinkiest pillows at Burt.
"Eww!" Burt shouted, throwing it back at Dave. "When was the last time you washed it?! It smells as if it's fresh out of the dumpster!"
"Says who?" Dave said, smelling it with a pleased expression. "It smells amazing!"
His roommates gave him disgusted but amused looks.
Burt made it a point to publicise this fact to everyone at campus.
"Anyway, I wanna go have a quick shower," Ned said, grabbing his stuff. "See ya!"
The next morning, they woke up pretty early and went to church with the others. They decided to buy something for the girl on the way back. Nancy even decided to bring some holy water back for the girl. It might make her feel better.
Frank and Joe wanted to see her too. After all, they wouldn't miss a mystery, no matter how small it was.
They went to the infirmary and spoke to the nurse there. She led them to where the mystery girl was.
"She's fine," the nurse said. "She's really hurt, but not badly. Just that she has many wounds. I have tended to them, don't worry."
Nancy and her friends nodded and went in. The nurse asked them to be silent, to not disturb the girl.
The girl, now looking a little better, was tucked into bed. Her hair was still a mess and there were a few band-aids on her face. Her feet were bandaged and some parts of her arms were too.
Nancy went forward walked towards the girl. Nancy's cardigan was on the chair next to her.
She held the girl's hand in hers, a single tear streaming out of her eye.
She didn't know why she was crying, but she thought it was probably because of the girl's condition.
Though not critically injured, she was still badly hurt and was covered in scars.
"Did she have anything on her?" Ned asked the nurse, walking towards Nancy and putting an arm around her. "Anything that might give us a clue about her identity?"
"Nope, there's nothing," said the nurse. "Only her clothes, and your friend's coat."
Burt came towards them and laid a hand on Ned's shoulder.
"Don't worry, guys, I'm sure she'll be fine," Burt said, giving Ned's shoulder a comforting squeeze. "She just needs to rest."
He turned towards the unconscious girl and took a good look at her. His face turned serious.
Burt dug in his pocket and took out his phone. He stared at something on his phone and then yelled.
"GUYS!" Burt shouted. "You are not gonna believe this!"

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