The Principal

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Early in the morning, Frank and Joe woke Chet up.
"Yo buddy," said Frank. "You don't wanna hit the gym?"
"What...?" Chet asked sleepily.
"You don't wanna hit the gym?" Joe asked, louder. "I knew it wouldn't last long."
"Go back to sleep," said Chet, turning around in his bed. "Aren't you guys tired?"
"Actually yeah," said Frank. "Let's give him a rest for just one day."
"Thank you!" said Chet and went off to sleep.
The brothers slept too. Nancy and George were contemplating whether they should wake Bess or not.
"We should," said George, grabbing a bottle of water. "She needs to exercise!"
She was about two pour the water on Bess, but Nancy stopped her and shook her head.
"Not good, George," said Nancy. "We should let her sleep. We slept really late last night..."
"Yeah I guess you're right," said George, closing the bottle and setting it on the table. "She needs the rest."
"We should go back to sleep too," said Nancy, going towards her bed. "We don't have any classes today."
"What time do you wanna meet the principal for the evidence?" asked George. "You're planning to show her right?"
"Yes," said Nancy. "How about at nine?"
"Sure but I have soccer practice at that time," said George. "The the boys are gone at that time too, and you... you have to go for the writing club, and Bess... Fashion Club. Seriously Bess?"
"After all of that," said Nancy. "We are free in the afternoon."
"Okay," said George. "We have like three hours to spare. We can still sleep."
After a few hours, at seven, they all woke up and went to get breakfast together. George wore a jersey because she was going for soccer practice after that. Ned, Burt and Dave went for basketball practice. Frank and Joe went to the Writing with Nancy. Chet and Jessica went to the Cooking Club while Callie and Iola went with Bess to the Fashion Club. Tony, Biff and Phil went to the Baseball and Softball club.
"Seriously Bess?" said George, annoyed. "Fashion club?"
"George..." said Bess, annoyed too. "Don't think that I'm a tomboy just like you."
"Whatever," said George, rolling her eyes. "So the evidence?"
"Later," said Nancy. "They're safely kept in my dorm. "We'll take them later."
So after all their extracurricular activities, they took the evidence bags from under Nancy's bed to the principal. They thought that it was best to show her first.
Nancy went first, followed by the Hardys. All fifteen of them went. Nancy knocked on the Mrs Lewis's door and she gave them permission to enter. The principal looked up in surprise to see fifteen people entering her office.
"Gracious! What a crowd!" Mrs Lewis exclaimed. "You haven't come here to ambush me, have you?"
"No, Mrs Lewis," said Nancy. "We want to show you something."
"What is it?" asked the head. "What do you want to show me?"
"Evidence," said Frank. "Evidence that Amanda Jones has been kidnapped."
"We found them in the forest nearby," said Joe, to the principal's surprise. "We found lots of important evidence."
"I must call Mrs Jones," said the principal. "Can one of you go and call her?"
"Sure, Mrs Lewis," said Jessica, leaving the room. "I'll bring her."
Jessica left the room and came back a few minutes later with the teacher. She came in with a worried expression.
"What is it, Mrs Lewis?" asked Amelia. "Why have you called me?"
"Have a seat, Amelia," said Mrs Lewis. "You too, Nancy. All of you can sit down. Well.. I'm afraid I haven't got enough chairs..."
"Nancy?" said Amelia, looking around. "Why have all of you come here?"
"These students have claimed that they found evidence in the forest, regarding your daughter," said Mrs Lewis pointing to all of them. "Nancy, what have you found?"
She put all of the evidence on the table. Amelia looked at them in surprise she picked up Amanda's bag and started rummaging inside of it. She took out her phone.
"Oh Amanda!" cried Amelia, tears streaming down her face. "What have they done to you?"
She put the phone on the table and then picked up the evidence bag that had Amanda's half broken glasses.
"Amanda..." said Amelia. "What happened to you?"
"Amelia, calm down," said Mrs Lewis, standing up and trying to comfort Amelia. "Don't worry, I'm sure we can find Amanda."
"We should see if there are any clues in the bag," said Frank, opening the bag. "Let's see..."
He started digging in the bag and took something out of the pocket. It was a picture. In the picture was Amanda with a guy.
"Who's this guy?" Joe asked, taking the photo from his brother and showing it to everyone. "Any idea?"
"That's the president of the Soccer team," said George. "That's Max Irvin. He didn't come to practice just now."
"He has been reported absent in school yesterday too," said Mrs Lewis. "They said he's not well, but it's better to make sure."
"So I guess he's suspect number one then," said Chet. "Anything else in there?"
They searched Amanda's backpack again and found nothing else.
"So he's the only one for now, then," said Bess. "So let's visit he's dorm then."
"Do you think it's a good idea for us to go visit him?" asked Iola. "Like, our whole jingbang just suddenly knock on his dorm room door?"
"I think it's best that only us go," said Ned. "He's in our class."
"Wait there's something behind the photo," said Phil. "It's a date!"
"It's the day before yesterday," said Biff. "The day before Amanda went missing."
"So they took the picture one day before Amanda went missing," said Tony, thinking out loud. "So that means...?"
"It means that he has a connection with her," said Nancy. "Come on guys. We'll wait while you guys go talk to Max."
"Only us?" asked Ned. "Oh come on, Nance! Come with us."
"Well if I come, it will seem like we came to just see him for the mystery," said Nancy. "Because why does a random girl wanna know what happened to him, right?"
"Yeah she's got a point there, Ned," said Burt. "Come on boys, lets go meet Max!"
"We don't even know who he is," said Callie. "We'll wait outside."
They went to the boys' dormitory and waited at one of the outdoor tables. There were many outdoor tables there so that the students can sit around durning break. Ned, Burt and Dave went in after receiving a thumbs up from the others, indicating good luck. They went in and found his dorm.
They knocked on the door.

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