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Third Person POV
"Why is this so weird?" Burt asked. "Like why does he think I have this glint?"
"Well yeah," said Dave. "You always have that cheeky grin on your face."
"That's just how I smile," said Burt, a little hurt.
"Well then, change it," Ned said jokingly. "Have a more... mature smile."
"Seriously?" Burt said, annoyed. "You guys are so mean."
"Oh Burt..." George said comfortingly. "That smile is what I like about you."
"Thanks George," said Burt. "At least you're nice."
"Yeah and those nice things never come for me," Bess said, crossing her arms. "All you do is mock me."
"Okay back to work," said Nancy. "He sounds genuinely sad."
"He looked genuinely sad," said Dave. "But he's still a suspect right?"
"Not quite," said Frank. "He wasn't anywhere near the forest when it happened."
"How sure are you?" Ned asked. "He might've been faking the whole sprain thing."
"Nah," said Joe. "Frank and I saw him greet some friends at the dorm when we went to our room to get something."
"Oh right," said Ned. "Anyway, who's the next suspect?"
"Can't believe I'm saying this, but I think there's more to Amelia than meets the eye," said Bess. "I feel like we should investigate her too."
"You're right," said Nancy. "We should go meet her."
"Now, who's her favourite student?" Joe asked, tapping his chin. "Oh I dunno. The one's that's been sucking up to her?"
"Very funny," said Frank, annoyed. "But there's one more."
"Who?" Nancy asked.
"You," George said. "You're one of her favourite students."
"Me?" Nancy said in surprise. "Really?"
"Yep," said Frank. "Come on, buddy. You're replacing Joe on this one."
"Glad to have some free time," said Joe. "Wait, aren't you guys hungry?"
"This is the first time I've heard that come from someone besides Bess and Chet," said George. "Anyway, yeah. I'm a little hungry."
"It's a good thing we got snacks," said Ned. "I bought some."
They had a small snack before Nancy and Frank went to search for Amelia.
"Shouldn't we bring her something?" Frank asked on the way to Amelia's office. "Like something to show gratitude or something?"
"Way ahead of you, Frank," Nancy said, pointing to her backpack. "I bought her some chocolates!"
"Oh right!" Frank said with a grin. "Now we have something."
"Yeah," said Nancy. "Something doesn't feel right..."
"What is it?" Frank asked.
"Well..." Nancy began. "Remember the note?"
"Why didn't Amelia give it to the police?" Nancy said quizzically. "Why did she give it to me? That note was valid proof!"
"You're right," said Frank. "Come on, we'll ask her about it."
"Yeah," said Nancy. "Don't forget to record."
They found Amelia's office and went in.
"Nancy!" Amelia exclaimed when she saw Nancy. "Any news on Amy?"
"Not really," said Frank. "They're still investigating."
"We brought you some chocolates," said Nancy, taking out a box of chocolates from her bag. "You like them don't you?"
"Why yes I do," said Amelia, standing up. "But you didn't have to. Why brings you here?"
"We just wanted to ask you," said Nancy. "About that note."
"The note that I received?" Amelia asked. "Yeah I feel like it may have been from someone responsible for Amy's disappearance."
"Yeah that's the thing," said Nancy. "Why didn't you hand it over to the police? They might've dusted it for fingerprints and might've found the sender!"
"Really?" Amelia said, surprised. "Oh shoot, I should've. But it's too late to find anything on it right? Like, the fingerprints should have gone right?"
Nancy was about to say something, but Frank spoke first.
"Actually, no," said Frank. "It's still not too late to find the fingerprints. All they gotta do is cancel out our fingerprints and we're good. They can find the fingerprints written at the exact date, before you even touched it."
Nancy gave Frank a weird look. That wasn't exactly possible because there were at least twenty different fingerprints on that note.
"Really?" Amelia said, looking a little shocked. "They can... do that?"
"Well of course they can," said Frank. "They can do that."
"Are you sure?" Amelia asked. "Because it' s been a long time. Also, I don't really think whoever who sent that note had anything to do with Amy's disappearance."
"Amelia?" Nancy said, realising. "What do you think of Max?"
"He..." Amelia said, her face changing. "Amelia has known him since high school. He seems like an okay guy, but he seems a little... flirty."
"Are you sure?" Frank asked, amused. "He seems more like the jealous type to me."
"What did he do?" Amelia asked, raising her voice a little. "Is he the one that kidnapped him? I thought so! I tried to tell Amy, but she never listened! He's a creep! Popular kids are always twisted!"
"Umm... Amelia?" Nancy said, awkwardly. "That's not what happened. Max actually cares for Amanda and fears that she would be taken away from him, forever."
"Yeah," said Frank. "We know this because our friend, Burt, was Amanda's teammate for Social Science. He has this mischievous look and Max kinda suspected him of being a creep. Just like how you suspected Max."
"Really...?" Amelia said, confused. "Gosh, I'm so sorry. I should go see Max. I owe him an apology."
"Yeah, about that note..." said Nancy. "Do you have any idea who wrote it?"
"You haven't given it to the police, have you?" Amelia asked, a little panicked. "Don't! That would throw them way off track! They would put me behind bars instead of the actual criminal!"
"What do you mean?" Frank asked, confused. "Why would you be behind bars?"
"Aren't you guys detectives or something?" Amelia asked jokingly. "I'm the one that wrote that note! I thought it would've been best if she stayed away from Max. But now, I know how wrong I was."
"Okay then," said Nancy. "But why did you give it to us?"
"Because you were reading Amy's texts and I remember I sent a picture of it to her," said Amelia. "So I figured you guys would ask me for the note sooner or later. And that's why I just gave it to you. Ignore that note, please! It's gonna get you nowhere."
"We will," said Frank. "Umm... we have to get going..."
They left the room and walked back to Ned's room.
"What on earth just happened?" Frank asked on the way. "Like, it was all just... weird..."
"She was just an overprotective mom, Frank," said Nancy. "She just misunderstood things, that's all. Dad kinda felt suspicious of Ned too, ya know? But now, they're literally best friends!"
"Yeah you're right," said Frank. "Mom was kinda suspicious of Callie too."
"You see?" Nancy said with a laugh. "That's how it works."
They went to Ned's room and told their friends everything.

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