Disoriented Battle

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"Go!" you shouted as you bolted around the corner of the alley way you were hidden in, leaving a confused and injured Formaggio in the dark, the man having now returned to his normal size, breathing heavily and raspily as he reached a hand out in a weak attempt to call you back.

"Wait! What about R- Shit..." he cursed, knowing fully well that if he yelled for your attention it would most likely reach the ears of Narancia as well, as well as the slim chance of you not being able to hear him with the loud bangs of bombs. Instead the man took to hoisting himself up off the ground, hand on the wall to keep him from falling over. He had to get back to his team, especially now that he had the information he needed.

Meanwhile, you were hunched over with your hands on your knees, lungs greedily taking in air only for you to choke and gag with all the smoke that filled the air thanks to the rising and burning fires of destroyed cars. Catching sight of Narancia - who was not too far from you - ahead, you quickly brought up the collar of your shirt to your mouth and nose, hoping that it would protect you from the fumes. You ran over to Narancia's side, the ravenette looking far from satisfied as sweat pilled and dripped down the sides of his face, lips curled into a deep frown as he continued to scan the area, getting ready to drop more of his bombs on the already suffering road.

"Narancia!" you wheezed, your shirt doing little to no help against the smoke, eyes beginning to sting. You didn't know what to say to make Narancia stop tearing up the road, your excuses either far too concerning that would only fuel Narancia's fire(literally and figuratively) or too dumb to be believable. You weren't even sure if Formaggio had actually left yet, the man who could very well still be in Narancia's range. It'd be bad for both you and him. The only thing you can do is just wing it and hope for the best. "Stop, I don't know, bombing a whole street? I'm pretty sure you got him by now.." you tried to convince him.

Narancia glanced back at you with a worried gaze, "So you didn't find him?" he asked, muscles tensing when you shook your head with false concern. The ravenette cursed, ready to drop another bomb when a figure stepped out from the black smoke, only to reveal the same blue-haired man that had previously crushed you under his foot, a sinister look in his eye and a sneer on his semi-burnt face. You and Narancia eyed the man carefully, watching the man limp his way closer to the both of you, his harsh and hoarse breath nearly audible from your position. 

"So that bastard died? Serves him right." Ragno rasped, eyes flickering with the smallest hint of grief for only a short moment before returning to the same pissed off punk you very much did not miss, "He held me back anyways, I would've had both of you dead if I were the only one sent on this mission, but that damn Capo insisted on it." that piqued your interest.

'Capo?' you pondered, eyes widening for a brief moment at the realization, 'Does he mean Risotto?'. It would make sense if he worked under him, at least for now, since he accompanied Formaggio in a fight that was only meant for the latter. The idea of it sending dread throughout your body, the grip on your shirt collar tightening hoping that what he was saying meant something else completely and that you were just misreading his 'Capo' comment. Narancia glared daggers at the blue-haired punk, wondering how he had managed to survive for this long given the onslaught of explosions the ravenette had sent down. 

"I guess I don't need to set the whole city on fire now." Narancia spoke nonchalantly, shifting his weight to the other leg as he continued to keep his eyes on Ragno, purple orbs swirling with unknown emotion.

Ragno tilted his head to lock eyes with the ravenette, a smirk tugging at his lips. "So, Tiny hasn't been affected yet?" Ragno teased, reaching into the pocket of his leather coat and pulling out a timer, the chain falling between his fingers. "Only a minute left, guess I gotta make this count before your senses turn to shit." he stuffed the timer back into his pocket, the sight of Narancia's eyebrow twitching made his smile grow wider that it nearly reached his ears.

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