Boss's Orders

591 39 19

It took you nearly 35 minutes to arrive back at the vineyard, the time spent in the car being more nerve wracking and exhausting than the fight that took place mere minutes ago. Thankfully Narancia had helped you learn the basics of driving after you had a small breakdown wondering how the gearshift worked and why the windshield wipers kept turning on. But that was all Narancia was able to help you with since he had no recollection of the directions back, the map he had brought having burnt to a crisp during his search for  Formaggio, so you were forced to roam the streets in hopes of coming across a familiar road.

During the drive back, however, Narancia's hearing had finally returned to normal, but at the same time his sense of smell had been hit. He went on about how the car smelt strange and that he could smell pizza even though you had been nowhere near any restaurants. The teen even told you that you smelt like asphalt, blood and dirt to which you politely responded with "Shut up and help me drive". The drive continued to be like that, with Narancia's senses either enhancing or stop functioning completely and you breaking a sweat at just driving till you poorly pulled up at the vineyard, running over plants and trampling the grass in the process, the only thing keeping you from absolutely demolishing the field was the semi-conscious Narancia that had his head resting in your lap with his hands covering his ears as a precaution.

You removed your foot from the gas petal, unable to cross your legs like you wanted to at the moment due to the teen laying in your lap. You'd had been losing your marbles if this were any other time, but since Narancia was undergoing this mishap you had no choice but to allow him to use your thighs as a makeshift pillow. Also because you were too tired to care. 

Fugo was the first to notice your arrival, having been anxiously glancing back at the window every so often to check if the two of you had returned. He had informed the rest of the gang that you both had pulled up front and immediately took to the door before any of them could respond. 

You perked up at the knock coming from the car window on the opposite side. You were greeted with the violet eyes of Fugo, his face contorting to one of concern as he glanced around the inside of the car only for his features to soften once he spotted Narancia, but his features had hardened once he took notice that the former was laying in your lap, asleep. He found it disrespectful and wrong for the ravenette to do such a thing to a fellow teammate, even if he wasn't aware of the exhaustion Narancia had been feeling after the whole fiasco. Fugo tapped harder on the glass as a warning for you to open the door, but you quickly raised a finger to your lips to tell him to be quiet, gesturing to Narancia.

You gently nudged Narancia out of your lap, giving him a small pat on the head before you opened the door so you could step out, not making the effort to close it all the way. You walked over to Fugo, the teen fully prepared to give you an earful. "What took the two of you so long? This isn't the car that was instructed for you to take." 

You leaned yourself on the car, rubbing your arm in both shame and nervousness at the question. You found it difficult to maintain eye contact, knowing fully well that you were in it for a proper lecture. "We wound up having to steal this car, but I was the one who hijacked it so that you can blame me for." you spoke quietly. Fugo pinched the bridge of his nose with his fingers, listening intently but overall disappointed in both you and Narancia, though he wouldn't mouth it just yet. You took his silence as an okay to continue. "We were attacked by stand users and we had no other choice but to fight, one of them managed to get away I'm pretty sure they found out that we're here..."

Fugo released his nose, a look of disbelief and worry replacing his disappointed expression. "Repeat that one more time." he demanded, voice cracking subtly at the words that had escaped your mouth, it only made the guilt in your chest grow heavier. By this point the rest of the gang had showed up, taking note of your sheepish and guilty body language and the anxious blonde that looked like he was about to snap at any given time, but not out of anger. Mostly. They were also able to catch sight of the now awakening Narancia, the ravenette in worse shape then when he had left, various injuries and bruises present on his body. The confrontation between you and Fugo had already hinted at to what was going on.

【Fated Journey】 Vento Aureo x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now