A Deserved Rest

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This chapter is mainly going to focus on forming better bonds with the characters, sorry if you wanted something action packed, that is for the next chapter :) For now, enjoy your little rest.


Upon stepping into the building where you could only assume you and the rest of your fictional femboys would be spending the night the first thing you decided to do was plop yourself onto the steps that lead upwards to the rooms. 

You kicked your legs out in front of you and gave them a good stretch. You let out a content sigh, finally giving your sore feet a break from running and walking constantly throughout this whole day. You were so used to just sitting on the couch munching on your favorite chips while watching whatever was on T.V that you forgot how tiring being active was. At least you're finally getting that exercise you've been putting off for so long.

"We'll be staying here for the night, tomorrow we'll get a move on if things go smoothly." Bruno spoke, both him and Abbacchio guided Trish towards the stairs, presumably to keep her locked up for the rest of the day. "I expect you all to act accordingly while me and Abbacchio are busy guarding the boss's daughter, I'm leaving Fugo in charge for the time being." 

You gulped, eyeing Fugo out of the corner of your eye. He was the last person on your "annoy the hell out of" list, you quite liked having an unscarred face. You scooched over in your seat to let the two tall men and the petite girl go upstairs, even though your feet cried in protest. 

After a few minutes had gone by you began to get bored of just watching everyone breathe. You pulled out your phone from your back pocket and looked through your apps to see if anything would pique your interest. You tapped the Instagram app and waited for a few seconds for all of the pictures to load, but there was obviously no service. You furrowed your brow in annoyance, well there goes your plans of looking at memes and cursed images for the rest of the afternoon.

You instead settled on just playing minecraft again, it wasn't what you wanted to do right now but might as well enjoy it. You loaded into the world you created earlier and wandered around for a while, venturing into caves and chopping down trees. 

You played Minecraft silently for a few minutes before a thump was heard from beside you. You tensed up, assuming that it was a person who had sat to your right. You looked up from your phone and stared right into a pair of pretty, violet eyes. 

"What's that?" Narancia asked you innocently, the boy pointing at the object in your hand. 

You looked back at your phone, "This is my phone." you simply responded, but looking back at Narancia's confused and curious expression it dawned upon you that this model hadn't been released yet. Oops. "I-It's a special kind of phone...one of a kind."

Narancia's face immediately lit back up with childlike wonder, the boy now bouncing up and down where he sat. "Really? That's awesome! Do you have any games on there?" he asked you excitedly. You nodded.

"I do, I'm actually playing one right now." you showed him the screen of your phone and watched as his eyes dazzled with excitement, the ravenette more intrigued than he was before.

"Can I play?" he asked while making grabby motions with his hands. His question made you nervous, you really didn't want him to break your phone more than it already was, but you also couldn't say no to him either. Just look at that face.

'Please don't look through my camera roll...'

You reluctantly handed the phone over to Narancia, he swiftly took it and held it tightly with a wide grin placed on his face. He looked at the screen for a few seconds before his face fell to one of confusion. "Uh, how do you play this?" he asked, tilting the phone around.

【Fated Journey】 Vento Aureo x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now