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By this point you had already forgotten his question. You weren't even sure if the question was meant for you, at least you hoped it wasn't. Your lips were slightly parted as you starred dumbfoundedly at the blue-haired man in front of you. You didn't remember him being in the storyline, even in the manga you were certain that there wasn't any mentions of a poorly dressed punk rock wannabe. So who was he? Perhaps he was just a random gang member looking to start a fight, not one of Passione. Or a citizen who was just in a sour mood asking for directions. But you recalled him saying that he was working with someone, a person who he called his 'buddy'. Was there someone else you were missing? 

Ragno looked to be getting impatient. Very impatient. His foot began to tap on the tile again, his brows furrowing and lips pulling back into a snarl to show his distaste and aggravation. "Does it really take that much effort to answer a simple question?" he grumbled. He stared on, awaiting an answer that seemed it was never going to come. Ragno hated when people disregarded his questions, especially if they're of importance, to him it's the equivalent of someone leaving him on read. He opened his mouth to demand the two of you again, but stopped when he noticed something out of the corner of his eye, a smirk creeping its way onto his face.

Both you and Narancia caught wind of his strange behavior, but before you even had the chance to catch a glimpse of who Ragno was looking at, a cold liquid was poured onto the palm of your hand. The hand that was carrying Narancia to be more specific. The clear liquid pooled into your palm before spilling onto your lap, the feeling of a sticky sweet smelling liquid making you cringe knowing that your lap was now going to be sticky for the rest of the day. At least you weren't going to be wearing these clothes anymore.

The force of the liquid being poured onto the small teen sent him tumbling off the side of your hand and onto the ground. You were panicking as you tried to reach out to pick him back up but you were pushed over harshly and you too fell to your side with a thud, no doubt skimming your shoulder. You pushed yourself up to look at whoever kicked you over, but in all honesty you weren't surprised to find Formaggio at the other end of the foot.

Formaggio chuckled darkly as he stared at you, but you could see the smallest hint of guilt hiding behind his green orbs. "Now I've got you." he put his foot down on top of Narancia as he would a bug, the small boy desperately trying to get the giant's foot off of his body. "Well shit...You've caused me so much trouble."

"About time you got here." Ragno sighed from inside the alley way, kicking a bottle over to its side. "I thought you ran away like a wuss." 

"Shut up! I was the one waiting for you the whole damn time, I could've been killed!" 

Your brow raised in confusion at their casual bickering. Was Formaggio the 'buddy' Ragno was referring to?

Ragno shrugged, dismissing his ally's angry tone which only pissed off Formaggio even more. The cheese man clicked his tongue before swiveling his head back down to face Narancia, who was still struggling to no end. "Now, you're going to tell me where Bucciarati and his guys are hiding the boss's daughter."

Narancia stopped struggling, his voice hoarse and raspy as he choked out his next words. "K-Kill me!" he said, staring up at Formaggio with a a serious expression. "Damn it, just kill me already!"

You scrambled your way over to Formaggio and Narancia to try and save your teammate, but you were kicked harshly in the gut by the blue-haired man who was in the alley way. You dry heaved as you clung to your stomach as if it were a precious jewel, bile threatening to escape your throat as you pathetically tried to regain your lost oxygen.

"Ah, ah, ah." Ragno taunted, a devilish smile plastered on his face that fueled your anger even more. "Best that you stay down, Princess. Wouldn't want you interfering with our work." he placed his hand on his hip as he looked down upon your shaking form, satisfied with the pain he inflicted upon you.

【Fated Journey】 Vento Aureo x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now