Dead on Arrival

550 27 37

By the chapter name I mean emotionally on your part


You doublechecked your pocket to make sure you still had your phone on you before leaving the vineyard, humming contently when your fingers made contact with the cool, smooth surface of your phone screen. You didn't want to be without it even if the only use it has right now is minecraft and your camera roll full of memes, and it has yet to be proven useful besides for your entertainment. 

"Alright, we can go now." you stepped out the door and onto the dirt ground, stuffing your hands in your pockets with a smile on your face. However, the moment your voice left your throat your smile quickly faded, your joy turning into nervousness in the shape of furrowed brows and the subtle chewing on your lower lip.

You found yourself being the center of attention when announcing your presence, the eyes of your teammates being concentrated on nothing else but you. Mista's eyes were glued to your body, lips puckered in approval while his eyebrows raised ever so slightly. His wandering eyes earned him a painful sounding smack to the face, courtesy of Fugo. Narancia looked away shyly, trying to immerse himself with anything else that wasn't you. The rest of them only took glances, mainly side eye glances. Was there something on your face? Was there a tear in your clothes? It would really be a pain if it was the latter, you just hoped that whatever it is they're so engrossed in isn't something humiliating.

"Uhm...guys?" you chuckled nervously, feeling uncomfortable standing out in the open. "You alright? Can we go now?"

Fugo nodded, flexing the hand he smacked Mista with, the latter rubbing his cheek while giving a menacing glare at the dirty blonde. "Yes, we can leave. Get in the car and we'll be on our way." he answered, motioning towards the car with his now reddened hand. That smack must have been pretty hard.

You let out a sigh of relief, even though not every single pair of eyes was off of you(to which you couldn't understand) your smile returned unbothered, albeit a little forced out of the lingering confusion. You buried your hands further into your pockets, your hands straining the material. "Alright, I can sit wherever." you said, walking towards the car. You were about to reach for the door handle yourself, but your hand stopped midway there to another taking ahold of the handle for you.

"Let me get this for you." Giorno said with a sweet smile, one that held unknown emotions you couldn't decipher. His kind gesture made your ears burn a bright red, your face wearing a similar color that you tried to brush off as you just being hot. Giorno opened the door for you to which you kindly accepted as you took your place on the left side of the car. The blonde took a seat up in the passenger seat.

"Th-Thank you, Giorno. That was very kind of you." you thanked him, looking out the window to stare at the scenery the vineyard had to offer instead of directly at him so you could hide your flushed face. It was beautiful now that you got to take a finer look at it.

Giorno looked back at you through the mirror above him, he gave you a nod of his head even though you couldn't see it. "You're welcome, I wouldn't be much of a man if I couldn't do something as little as opening a door for a lady."

You rolled your eyes, a lopsided smirk appearing on your face. "Oh please, this isn't the eighteen hundreds." you playfully jabbed. Giorno chuckled quietly, finding your behavior entertaining. 

Your conversation was cut off by the two other guys entering the car. Fugo took his place in front of the steering wheel. Your mind drifted to the thought of how you should learn to drive soon, especially now after seeing a boy the same age as you at the head of the wheel, even when you're all sharing a car with a twenty-one year old man. You bit back the small hint of jealousy, instead showing your slight disdain with a lopsided pout while continuing to gaze out onto the greenery surrounding the lot of you.

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