Shop like an Egyptian

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You groaned and shifted in your bed, the light spilling out from the window annoying you greatly. You sat up and ran a hand through your dirtied, unwashed hair, your fingers getting caught in many tangles which only ticked you off ever further. 

Stretching your arms over your head, you threw your legs out from under the covers and placed your feet on the cold, wooden floor sending shivers down your spine. You figured this place had a bathroom, so off you went to find it.

'Man I had a good sleep...wonder what's for breakfast.'


You did manage to find the bathroom, but much to your dismay there wasn't a shower or a bath you could clean yourself off in. You'd have to deal with being dirty for much longer than you wanted to, unfortunately.

You walked over to the stairs and was immediately met with Abbacchio and Giorno, the older of the two sitting down on the steps while the younger male stood leaning against the railing. Abbacchio didn't bother to spare you a glance, Giorno on the other hand greeted you kindly.

"Good morning, Y/n. I hope you slept well." the blonde looked up to face you as you carefully walked down the steps. You gave him a smile, a tired one at that.

"Good morning to you too, I did sleep well, thanks for asking." you replied, covering your mouth as you let out a yawn.

You looked past Giorno to see Narancia and Fugo talking, Fugo having his finger pointed at Narancia while the ravenette stood by and listened, although it looked like he was spacing out here and there.

"That's a list of food and other things you need to buy." Fugo started, raising his hand to give Narancia keys to a vehicle, "These are the keys to the car. You can do this, Narancia, I know you can pull it off."

Narancia stared and Fugo for a few seconds before putting on a determined smile, "Okay." the ravenette nodded his head. While Fugo walked towards the open door, stopping at the doorway.

"Listen carefully. No one knows anyone is at this hideout, not even the people at the winery in the vineyard out front." the orange blonde turned around to face Narancia once again, "Once you're done shopping, try going in circles on the same path over and over again. Also try U-turning every once in a while. Check to see if anyone's following you."

You carefully listened to the words Fugo had to say, mentally writing down each and every direction he was giving. Even if it wasn't your place to listen or remember, you still did it anyways, for a good reason too. I mean, how else would you get to sneak onto this trip? You had this planned since last night, nothing can falter your plans now.

"Ah, Y/n, you're awake." Fugo announced your presence, stopping his explanation he was giving to Narancia. "Bucciarati wanted me to tell you that you'll be accompanying Narancia to go buy the items listed for the boss's daughter." 

Oh. Well this was a change of events.

"Really?" Narancia turned to face you with a bright smile, pumping his fist in the air, "Awesome! Y/n gets to come with me!" he cheered.

Your mouth lay slightly open, confused and shocked about how you had been so easily included on this shopping trip. You would've guessed it'd be much more difficult to join Narancia, but apparently not. So much for your plans.

 You realized you'd been silent for far too long and that you needed to give an answer, you did your best to compose yourself so you wouldn't sound as surprised and confused when speaking. "Wh-What for?" you asked, rubbing one of your arms with your hand.

"He said so that you could get yourself new attire, but nothing more." Fugo answered. You weren't sure, but you could've sworn you saw him say 'You need it.' under his breath.

【Fated Journey】 Vento Aureo x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now