Chapter 8: Abbacchios Special Tea

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Starting from where we left off!

Important announcement at end of chapter!


'Oh no...NOT THE PEE!'

You watched as the white-haired goth lifted the teapot back up from under the table and set it down in front of him. Besides you and Giorno, the rest of the team had a dark shadow cast over their faces, screw them for not trying to intervene. Especially you Fugo.

"Giorno and Y/n, was it? Why don't you two have a seat." Abbacchio offered, although he didn't sound very kind about it.

Giorno took an empty seat that was already at the table, so you had to go all the way to a different table to grab a vacant chair that you had placed right next to the blonde. Abbacchio poured the yellow liquid into two tea cups as soon as you both had seated yourselves, the steam producing off the pee had you concerned and confused, like, the hell do you drink to make your pee steam? Anime logic I guess.

"Well, drink up."

You gulped audibly as you looked down at the teacup that was placed in front of you, there wasn't a lot to do in this situation, you were positive that your stands ability wasn't very useful in this case unless you wanted to break the cup with a shock. Avoiding it was your best bet, but you were sure that Abbacchio would be persistent with trying to get you to drink his own bodily fluid which was disgusting.

"How old are you two?" The goth to your left asked Giorno and you. 

"Fifteen" "S-sixteen" you and Giorno spoke, you spoke more timidly than the golden boy beside you, you really needed to get a grip.

"Fifteen? Ha, you're two years younger than me." the ravenette taunted, "And you're one year younger than me." he then pointed at you.

'Wow, he can do math.' you snickered. Giorno ignored the headband wearing boy and thanked Abbacchio for the tea. But before he could take a sip his eyes widened in realization, the potent smell of piss must've hit his nose strongly. You looked around at the gang members to find smirks on all of their faces. The blonde sat there stiffly with an unreadable expression, the teacup only inches away from his face. You twirled the cup in your hands watching the yellow liquid swirl around, you had no intention of drinking it so you needed to find a way to get yourself out of this, and quickly.

"What's wrong? You just thanked me for the tea that I so generously poured for you two? Since you already thanked me for it, you'll just have to drink it." Abbacchio insisted, "Or do you not want to drink it since it's not very hot?" 

The three around you struggled to keep in their giggles, Narancia wasn't hiding his so well, it was blatantly obvious that he was laughing but at least he's doing his best, we applaud him for trying because that's what matters.

You managed to come up with a solution, perhaps you could use your stand to help you out in this case. You summoned your stand and watched as it appeared under the table so that it wasn't visible. Your stand seemed to understand your plan as you could feel your arm charge up with electricity, you waited for your moment to strike, literally.

"Maybe they don't want to drink it because they don't want to be one of us." the hat-wearing gunslinger taunted the two of you.

"What the hell are you guys doing!?" you heard Bruno shout from behind you, perfect. As the group was now looking away and to the soon-to-be-capo, you took the opportunity to release a small but strong lighting bolt directly at the yellow liquid in the cup, the heat from the small strike was enough to completely evaporate the nasty fluid, you placed the teacup down on the table as it was now painfully hot.

"It's nothing. He went to the trouble of pouring this tea for me and Y/n." the blonde that sat next to you assured the black-haired male. And in one swift motion, Giorno lifted the pee filled up to his lips as he leaned back in his seat dramatically and downed the yellow liquid. You weren't expecting it to look so gross from a different perspective, but it wasn't as disgusting since you knew that none of it went into his mouth. 

The rest of the gang all collectively gasped and expressed their surprise. 

"No frickin' way!" Narancia shouted.

"What did you guys do?" Bruno questioned his group. 

Giorno placed the cup down to show that it truly was empty only to be pestered even more about it. Everyone besides Abbacchio, Bruno and yourself, were asking Giorno questions left and right, like did he actually drink it or if he hid it somewhere. Eventually Mista asked the blonde if he could tell him how he did it.

"Who knows? You're all keeping your abilities secret too, aren't you?" Giorno asked smugly, and once again everyone was surprised.

'Jesus you guys are easy surprise.' you spoke to yourself. You scooted your cup away from you to the center of the table in order to rest your arms on the tabletop, unfortunately the cute ravenette noticed your movements and looked at your cup, to his surprise was also empty.

"H-hey! Y/n's cup is also empty!" he shouted grasping the others attention.

Mista stood up from his seat to get a better look at the teacup, "I-it is! How'd you do that? I didn't even see you drink it!" the gunslinger interrogated you with his index finger pointed straight in your direction.

You chuckled, "Like Giorno said, you're all keeping your abilities hidden." you answered innocently with a small smirk placed on your lips. Your answer made everyone even more shocked, all except Giorno since he saw your stand with his own eyes that day where you helped him fight. 

Everyone kept asking you both questions about what your abilities were. Of course you both didn't break or confirm any of their questions, you just kinda sat there letting your anxiety grow from all of this attention, you brought this upon yourself so you really couldn't complain about it. 

"You're cautious, I respect that." Fugo complimented.

"Does Bucciarati know?" Mista asked the two of you, Giorno responded with a simple 'yeah'.

You shook your head, "N-no, because my arrival was s-so sudden I didn't get the chance to show him, b-but I'm sure you'll figure it out soon enough." you answered timidly, they each nodded their heads, except Abbacchio.

"Quit screwing around. We're going out." Bruno ordered.

"Huh? Where?" Narancia asked his leader. Bruno turned on his heel now facing the doorway and began to exit while motioning for you all to follow.

"Follow me and you'll find out. Hurry it up." 

Everyone at the table shot each other questionable glances. Giorno and you were the first to get up and follow the black-haired male out the door. You smiled to yourself while you were walking.

'Yeah, you'll all find out soon.'


Hello everyone! I'm here to make a small announcement that is important. You see, for the past couple of weeks I've been struggling with coming up with good ideas for this story, I've come up with some ideas that I find interesting and thrilling but other then those I have nothing. Either my ideas are too similar to other's works or just aren't exciting all in all, and with this I can't seem to insert the reader into many scenes, having them just be in the background until the characters come up with the ideas just like in the show. It's very frustrating and I'm trying my best to provide the good story you all deserve. No, this does not mean that Fated Journey is being discontinued so don't get bummed out, even with these minor issues I'll keep on brainstorming! My creativity hasn't burned out yet!

In the mean time, why don't we do a little Q&A? I've been wanting to do one of these for the longest time since they seem so fun! But that is if you have any questions to ask, be it about the book or about myself and interests, every question is valid unless it's a question in which I need to spoil the plot for this story. 

Ask your questions here!

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