Chapter 3: Newly Found Power{{Pt. 1}}

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Black Sabbath held you tightly by the shoulders as it hoisted you upwards so you were face to face with the stand. You clawed at the stands arms so it would release you from its tight grip, but it was proven to be futile, escape was no option.

"You saw the lighter be relit, didn't you?" it began. You thought back to when you first turned the corner and saw the bright colors of orange and yellow, crap! You did see the lighter be relit by the old janitor, you got yourself into this mess without even realizing it. This dream is extremely detailed isn't it.

"Let me go!" you screamed as you squirmed around like a worm in attempt to slip out of Black Sabbaths grasp, its grip only tightened around your shoulders, you faintly hear a cracking sound along with a sharp pain that spread throughout your shoulder to your upper back. The damn thing broke your shoulder! 

"You have two possible paths, the first path is to live and become a chosen one," it continues its little speech, you've probably heard this speech four times by now, guess Mista was right about the number four. "Your only other path is death!" it finished, Black Sabbath opened its large, dark mouth and in the center of it was the golden arrow, inching closer to impale you straight through your throat. 

You tried your hardest to move but the pain in your shoulder kept you from making any harsh movements. Your eyes widened, you stared directly into the face of Black Sabbath as you felt the arrow shoot through your neck. The pain was immense and sharp, it was much worse than your broken shoulder. It practically put your small fracture to shame.

"This soul.." it started up again, the arrow had now retracted itself back into the void of a mouth Black Sabbath had, "Is the soul of a chosen one." it then threw your soul back into your body, luckily for you the injuries it had inflicted on you didn't mirror to your solidified self.

You coughed as you held your throat, there was no longer any pain but you still had that feeling, you know, the feeling of when you swallow a pill but it didn't go down all the way making it feel like you had a lump in your throat. Extremely uncomfortable.

'That pain...that pain was real...I'm not in a dream! This is reality!' you screamed in your head, so you really had somehow traveled into the Jojo universe. You let out a silent 'yes!' as you pumped your fist in the air. But now was no time to be a silly anime fanatic, you had a fight to win.

You looked up to see Giorno sprinting his way over to your side. 'This is a dream come true.' you squealed in your mind. You shook your head violently to rid yourself of these thoughts that kept showing up. You watched as the blonde boy neared closer, you looked at his feet and saw how they inched closer to the trees shadow, he would be caught.

"Look out!" you shouted, but it was too late as Giorno had already stepped in the trees shadow. The stand made its appearance once again, it lunged forwards at Giorno, its hand prepared to latch onto the golden boy. Giorno dodged the attack and landed smoothly onto the stairs railing. You remembered this scene, Black Sabbath would grab Giorno using his own shadow. 

And what do you know, that happened. Black Sabbath grabbed Giorno by his shadow and began to pull his soul away from his body. You pushed yourself off the ground and bolted towards the scene in hopes to help out the golden teen. You grew closer to the action, the blue blob Black Sabbath held then morphed into the one and only Golden Experience, stopping you in your tracks.

'What a beautiful sight!' you fangirled. Golden Experience landed a swift uppercut to the shady stands jaw causing blood to spew out of its mouth. Now you could remember this scene clear as day, and what you were about to witness would send you into a hype overload. 

The golden stand kicked the ankle of Black Sabbath causing it to lose its balance.

"Muda muda muda muda!"

With one final muda Golden Experience threw Black Sabbath towards the ground, but the victory was short lived. Black Sabbath vanished into the shadows once again, leaving no trace of the stand. 

You continued to make your way over to the stairs where Giorno stood, with your knowledge of the events that will soon take place you had a major advantage. 

At this point you were willing to take the risk in order to help out the Walmart version of Martin Luther King. You changed your original path to Giorno to behind the stairs, and now you wait.

Giorno's POV

I watched as the girl who got attacked by the enemy stand rushed over to where I was, but I was surprised to see that she avoided the steps to go around, I lost sight of her as soon as she disappeared behind the stairs. What is she up to?

My thoughts were disturbed as I felt the sensation of being pricked in my neck by a needle of some sort. I turned around to see Golden Experience being held captive by the enemy stand with the same arrow that stabbed the old man and the girl being held against my stands neck.

"W-what?!" I spoke, "F-from within the shadows? Sh-shit!" a burning sensation crept its way onto my neck as steam rolled off the neck of my stand. I let out a pained shout as I was forced to bend over the side of the railing. I couldn't do anything, but the enemy stand released its grip on Golden Experience suddenly sending me plummeting towards the ground below.

But the hard surface of the ground never came, instead I fell into soft arms. I looked up to see the same girl from earlier, she never left, she was just waiting for something like this. But why?

Y/n's POV

 I was able to prevent Giorno from taking that tumble. But of course I'm not athletic, so as soon as Giorno hit my body there was no way I could support both our weight, my knees gave out on impact and I tumbled back onto my butt. 

"Ouch!" I yelped out, that's going to leave a bruise. I looked down at my lap to be met with those gorgeous green eyes. You stared at them for a good few seconds before you felt your face heat up in realization and embarrassment. You cleared your throat before setting Giorno on the ground. 'I just had Giorno in my lap...I just had GIORNO in my LAP!!?' 


You thought is was a stand reveal chapter, but it was I! A part 1 chapter! 
Ok so yeah I got caught up in the fight, I like writing so it's easy for me to get easily sucked into detailing any fight scene. Next chapter I will reveal your stand though! I'm still deciding between 3 stands I made so this will give me more time to decide.


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