Stinky Cheese

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Yes I titled it that, man's stinky.


The car ride luckily wasn't very long, but it felt like it took years just to stop. You nearly fell asleep thanks to the soothing rock of the vehicle and just the general overwhelming ache of dread, but you were jolted awake by the car coming to a sudden stop.

"Hm?" you tiredly rubbed at your eyes, arching your back to get a good stretch in. Narancia didn't spare you as much as a glance as he opened his door and stepped out onto the pavement, standing there while looking in every direction.

"Something's wrong." the ravenette said, continuing to look around just to be safe. And that's when you noticed the other car just a few feet away, a lump formed in your throat. "It doesn't look like anyone's following us, but something feels off."

You hugged the bags with your legs, the crinkling of the bags seemingly much louder thanks to the unsettling silence that now flooded the car. You hunched over in your seat just a little bit so you would seem less noticeable, and mainly so you could keep your stomach settled before your nervousness came rushing up.

A sigh.

You snapped your head back up to look in the mirror, and surely enough there sat the man of the hour. The man looking nothing short of bored and calm, if you weren't so nervous, you'd be a little pissed off at how nonchalant he acted.

Unfortunately, much to your expectation, Narancia had absolutely no clue as to where the sudden sigh came from. "Huh?" 

"Come on already." the man in the back complained, his head resting in his hand. "Where exactly are you guys headed, huh?"

The ravenette bent down on his knees to look under the car. You cleared your throat, albeit hurting a bit due to the dryness while also making sure not to stare directly into the eyes of Formaggio, thankfully Narancia caught your drift as he stood up and looked into the car, his eyes falling onto the intruder behind you.

Formaggio chuckled darkly, his face falling almost instantly. "Hey, so, where are you guys headed? You keep looking behind you, are you being followed or something?" 

From your angle, you had the perfect view of Naranica as he pulled out his blade, you carefully reached for the door handle.

Suddenly, in a swift motion Narancia swung his blade so the sharp bit pointed menacingly at the man in the back, "Who the hell are you!? Get outta the car!" Narancia shouted angrily.

"Woah woah woah, talk about scary!" Formaggio jeered, "I'm the one asking the questions here. Don't answer a question with another question. That's rude."

You gripped the bags tightly in your hand while your other held the door handle, ready to make a run for it.

"Shut up! Get the hell out of my car, you dumbass!" Narancia cursed, the blade never falling.

With a click, the door opened, but before you could hastily make your escape, an arm gripped your hand painfully tight and slammed the door back shut. You didn't dare look at the man who now loomed over you, but you could hear his sigh of annoyance.

"You're not leaving me with any choice." he released your hand, a red mark in the shape of fingers being left on the limb. "My name's Formaggio. I'm a member of the organization. You already know that Polpo died yesterday, right?" that seemed to get a reaction out of the threatening teen.

You once again readied to escape the car, there was no way in hell you were going to share the car with this guy right now, plus you didn't really like the idea of exploding.

"Yet everyone on your team just happened to disappear at once." Formaggio continued, "Right when I had something important to discuss with you guys...I finally managed to find you guys, but why are they gone? Where's Bucciarati and the rest of your squad?"

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