Chapter 2: Another Day Another Universe

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You opened your eyes to find yourself in a dirty alley way that was riddled with broken bottles and various other garbage. Your head was pounding like crazy, it felt as if you were being seven paged muda'd in your skull, and it was not very pleasant. You had no memory on what happened but all you could remember was your best friend and walking home with them, how did you even get here?

You let out deep groan as you tried to lift yourself off the gross, stained ground. You put your hand in front of you to support your weight as you stood up completely. You had now noticed that your clothes were torn with various blood stains, but you had no wounds, not even a scratch. You looked around the dark alley way for quite some time before you found the exit. 'Thank you lord for blessing me with an exit' you thought as you clasped your hands together and stared up at the sky with a thankful look. 

You walked out of the alley way only to be met with stares and whispers. You didn't mind them at all, you were too busy dealing with your headache and the confusion of the place you were at. It looked nothing like h/c(home country), the architecture looked different and the people looked more exotic then what you were used to back at home. But you noticed the language, it was Italian? What was crazy about it is that you understood everything, you could've sworn you never took any Italian lessons at all in your life.

"What's up with her..?"

"Is she ok?"

"Why does she look like that..?"

Ok, ouch. Every bystander you walked past always said something about your well being or the way you looked, which hurt your feelings slightly. No matter, all you wanted to do was figure out how to get home to your family, they're probably worried sick.


After an hour of walking you stumbled upon what seemed to be a school, but the setting looked familiar, you've never seen this school in your life yet it strangely felt as if you should know about this place. You shrugged off the feeling and continued to walk around, the sun was going to set soon and you needed to find a safe place to sleep, maybe if you found a bench around here you could sleep on the school campus, it may be risky but it'll be worth it.

You were about to turn a corner when something orange and red flashed in your peripherals. Fire. You turned your head to see an old man who you assumed to be a janitor holding a lighter, but beside him was a boy who looked no younger then 15, your eyes widened and your jaw hanged open as you stared at the boy in awe.

'T-that hair..It couldn't be..!'

The boy had beautiful golden locks with three curls centered in the front of his hair over his forehead, casting a shadow over his soft pale skin. His penetrating emerald green eyes were gorgeous, something you could stare at all day and not get bored.

This handsome boy was non other then Giorno Giovanna.

'How is this possible!?' you thought to yourself, you moved your hands to your head and grabbed a hand full of hair as you looked at the two completely bewildered. You knew this place seemed familiar but you couldn't put your finger on it, now you could see why the sudden feeling of familiarity you got as soon as you stepped foot onto this campus. You wanted to scream but at the same time wanted to fangirl because it's the Giorno, how could you not?

You desperately tried to calm yourself down, there has to be some rational explanation for this, right? You tried to think of all the possibilities that could help you figure out why this was happening. 

'A dream! It has to be a dream, there's no way this is all real!' you thought, but how were you going to test this theory? You thought again for a short while before the realization came upon you to pinch yourself, you felt kinda dumb for not thinking about that in the first place. You placed your index finger and thumb onto your arm and pinched as hard as you could.

"Ow!" you audibly said, thankfully the two didn't hear you. You felt it. You felt the pain of the pinch you had given yourself indicating that what you were experiencing was in fact not a dream. This was reality! 'Oh sweet Jesus I'm in Jojo.'  visible panic was plastered on your face as you began to pace back and forth. There's no way you're in the Jojo universe, maybe it was one of those things where you feel pain in real life and that pain mirroring itself in your dream, yeah, that had to be it. Any second now you'll wake up.

Any second now..

You waited idly for you to awaken from your slumber when a sudden commotion broke you out of your waiting. 

"You relit the lighter, didn't you?" you heard a robotic voice ask.

You knew that voice, it sounded all too familiar to you. You stared back to the two only to find a third person, or rather thing. It was Black Sabbath! 'This dream is very detailed..' you said in your head as you looked intensely at the scene that was unfolding before you. 

"I'll give you one more chance." the stand said, "You have two possible paths." it continues. You watched as Black Sabbath held the soul of the old janitor in it's metal looking hands as it stared into the eyes of the frightened soul with its emotionless red eyes.

"The first path is to live and become a chosen one." it begins its small speech, "Your only other path is death." it finishes. You remembered how this scene went down, maybe you could use your knowledge to your advantage and step in to help Giorno take down Black Sabbath, it's a dream after all, might as well savor it and try to become a hero.

"You relit the lighter!" it shouts as a golden arrow protrudes from it's mouth aiming for the old mans head. "This is your fate!" the arrow shoots directly into the soul of the man, killing him on the spot.

"This soul..." he speaks up again, "did not belong to one who should be chosen." with that he threw the old janitor back, his body flying in the air nearly hitting the floor before Giorno rushed forwards to catch the body of the deceased janitor.

Giorno began to slowly step backwards, you knew what would happen so you slowly walked forwards as to not drag attention to yourself just yet, but you didn't realized the mistake you had made earlier. You took one final step forwards before being grabbed by your shoulders forcefully.



Hope you're enjoying this so far! Next chapter will be the introduction to your stand! Oo! Ah!

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