The Thunderstruck Appears!

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"Fugo!" Abbacchio shouted, shifting his head to look for said teen, whom to them was still missing. "Where did you go, Fugo?! Hey, Giorno! Didn't you see anything?!"

"I'm not sure. It looked as though he suddenly disappeared to me, as well." Giorno responded honestly, though Abbacchio tsked at the blondes' answer, obviously displeased at what he was hearing.

Abbacchio continued to holler in hopes to earn a response back from Fugo, looking in every direction while maintaining a proximity close enough to where he could still keep an eye on Giorno. The blonde, however, was staring at the mirror in thought. Remembering how Fugo was in hysterics about a simple mirror, appearing to have seen a shady looking man whom was bizarrely hiding within the reflective object.

Placing his hand on the mirror, Giorno stared intensely at only himself, trying to find a clue about Fugo's and your whereabouts. "Is there...something about this mirror?"

Giorno prodded around the mirror, examining each and every inch of the object to get so much as an inkling of this strange encounter. He felt up and down the wooden frame, looked at every crack in the glass, and now he was even checking behind it, his head now having a shadow casted by the mirror. But there was nothing. No button, no lever, not even any remanence of a stand. There was nothing odd about it, but Giorno knew that something was up.

Once Giorno was just about finished with his examination, the anxious voice of Abbacchio caught his attention. "Hey, Giorno...Slowly walk towards me." he spoke in an uncharacteristically nervous  tone, the goth having his jaw clenched and beads of sweat racing each other down his jawline. Whatever the reason, he was shaken up. 

"Slowly what?" Giorno asked, his ignorance striking a nerve in Abbacchio.

"Just come over here, you dumbass! Forget the 'slowly' part! Just get over here!"

Giorno looked at Abbacchio, confused. But he didn't have any time to question any further when just behind the blonde there was a grotesque gurgle followed by other animalistic and primitive noises and squelches. When Giorno looked over his shoulder, crouched on the floor was a purple entity with checkered skin and a helmet atop its head. The creature shook and growled, foam bubbling at the entrance of its bared teeth.

Alarmed, Giorno summoned Golden Experience to land an attack on the 'enemy stand', only to be stopped by Abbacchio.

"Giorno! Forget about that! That's not our enemy, that's Fugo's stand!"

Giorno halted, Golden Experience doing the same. "Just hurry up and get away from it! Don't get any closer!"

When the blonde wasn't acting quickly enough, Abbacchio yelled louder to drill his warning into Giorno's head. "Get away from Purple Haze! Hurry up!"

As if to add more to the tense situation, a sudden crash alerted the both of them.

The two of them tensed, muscle memory and instinct putting them in a battle ready stance only to look at what was once a slightly damaged mirror turned into a pile of multiple, shimmering shards. For a second, their attention was quickly drawn towards the loud sound, but it was just as quickly drawn back to the more dangerous matter at hand once Purple Haze let out a high pitched groan, slumped over body beginning to stand up to its full height. 

Whatever broke the mirror, they both knew that they could rule out Purple Haze.


On the other side of the mirror, you still laid tense on the floor, the shards of glass still embedded into the meat of your shoulder. You bit the bottom of your lip to try and stifle the pained noises that threatened to break through your throat whenever you so much as twitched, a pang of sharp heat rushing up and down your arm. 

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