Zucchero's New Tattoo

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Starting where we left off!


Confident in your stands new name, you hummed pleasantly loving how it rolled off your tongue, seemingly getting a mental 1-up. Bruno thought your reaction was quite adorable, once again comparing you to a happy puppy, but as his eyes started to wander, they were placed upon your torn up clothes. The holes spreading from your shirt all the way down to the ends of your black jeans. Wondering what happened, he let the question slip.

"Would you mind telling me what happened?" confused at his question, you tilted your head in confusion. Bruno understood the puzzled expression on your face and made a small but noticeable gesture to your tattered clothing. 

Heat rose to your cheeks after noticing the terrible condition of your clothes, some of the holes being left in suggestive areas, one embarrassingly showing off the hem of your (f/c) panties. "O-oh! I-" you paused dead in your tracks, the words getting lodged in your throat once you realized that you yourself had no recollection of how they ended up this way. "I..I don't know..I-I just woke up like this in s-some alley way.." you spoke truthfully, a frown tugging at your lips.

Bruno's expression softened, a look of sympathy and worry evident on his face. Out of all the answers possible, he didn't expect this one. Pondering for a second, he wondered if your sudden lost of memory had something to do with a previous stand attack he was unaware of, or the one that had just taken place. Deciding that it would be best to move on from this topic, he placed a hand on your shoulder and gave you a small but kind smile. "Well, whenever you remember, don't hesitate to tell me. In the meantime, you should relax for a little bit." he spoke soothingly.

You gave him a nod and a smile of your own before he let his hand slide off your shoulder and turn to walk the other direction over to Abbacchio who was idly standing by. You sat down, your back leaning against a wall as your mind drifted off to god knows what, all the while beginning to subconsciously hum Fighting Gold, the theme still fresh in your mind thanks to it being quite catchy.

"O-ow! Hey, right here..." you heard the soft wincing of Narancia as his hands were placed on his head, tears appearing to be in his eyes. "Hey, Fugo...Could you take a look right here?" the ravenette turned to face his green-suited friend.

The blonde complied and went to check where Narancia had told him to look, his face one of concern. "Oh, dear. You've definitely got one. It's pretty big." he spoke sympathetically, although you snickered at his choice of wording. The touch of his hands placed on the bump on Narancia's hand caused the ravenette to wince and complain about it hurting.

And like magic, Narancia's mood swiftly changed from being in pain to being downright pissed off. Narancia aggressively kicked the body of Zucchero, his arms positioned in a strange way. "God damn it, you bastard!" the ravenette shouted, his words laced with venom, "You're gonna pay for that, you piece of shit! I've got a bump on my head because of you!" he then continued kicking the body relentlessly, "I hope you're prepared!" 

Sooner or later, both Fugo and Abbacchio jumped in helping out Narancia with beating Zucchero's body in front of him. Letting out a puff of air, you stood from your position and took your place directly next to Fugo. Furrowing your brows allowing your pent up anger against the slug-haired gangster, you too gave his body a hearty kick leaving some of the boys quite shocked.

"This is for my teammates you jackass!" you shouted, giving him another kick sending his body tumbling back a few inches. Needless to say, you felt relieved, but you weren't quite done yet. And you would make that apparent in a few moments. But for now, you settled on kicking the crap out of his sad body, serves him right for having hair like that in public, dude was asking for it.

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