Chapter 9: Ready or Yacht Here I Come!

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The drive to the docks was not pleasant. Being squished between two fairly built guys was very uncomfortable, and the two guys you were sitting in between was Mista and Giorno. Mista basically fought the others so he could be able to sit next to you, it was pointless really considering it didn't matter but he did it anyways. And Trish was right, he did smell kinda bad, but she may have exaggerated it quite a bit, sure it was a nasty stench but it was tolerable. But you had no room to complain since you probably didn't smell the greatest either, you hadn't been able to have a shower since you woke up here. Oh well, you'd take one when you guys settle down somewhere.


"We're going on a yacht? That's awesome!" Narancia expressed his excitement, it was cool that you'd be going on a yacht, it's kind of funny how you're first experience on a yacht would be in a fictional universe.

"When did you get a yacht?" The goth asked

"We're going to rent one." Bruno answered earning a simple 'huh' from the white-haired man, Naranica seemed bummed.

"Aw, it's just a rental." the headband wearing boy sighed out. 

You tuned out the rest of the conversation, all you were focused on was the snacks you were going to get. Not getting to take a shower wasn't the only thing you didn't get to do, but you haven't eaten anything in 3 days. You could honestly eat anything by now.

You all entered the small rental shop and the first thing you eyed was the assortment of snacks they had in stock. Your mouth subconsciously started to water thinking about all the food you could get, it was practically heaven to you.

"Man, finally some food. One more day without eating something would've driven me crazy!" you said with a little stretch, being cramped in the car took a toll on your body. You looked over to the black-haired male, "Is it alright if I can get something for myself? J-just one snack is all I'll get!" you asked. Bruno turned to you and gave you that same caring, motherly smile. But his eyes were laced with sadness after hearing you say you hadn't eaten anything for awhile, he hadn't even known you for a day but he felt like he needed to protect you, yes it was his duty to protect his gang but with you it was different. He wanted you to be happy, and like the mafia mama he is he will do anything to make that happen.

"You can get anything you'd like, Y/n. Narancia can accompany you." those words put a big smile on your face. That was the first time he had seen you smile like that, now he felt the need to protect that smile even more. And he wasn't the only one who felt that way.

Both you and Naranica took to the shelves filled with snacks. You and the ravenette both grabbed whatever looked good, you limited yourself to two chip bags and one drink while Naranica grabbed quite a lot of snacks while he was jamming out to his music. But when he looked over to you and your small amount of snacks he dragged his headphones down so they were hung around his neck to encourage you to grab more things.

"Y/n! You have to grab more than that!" the headband wearing boy spoke while pointing to the two chip bags in your arms as well as the one drink you had grabbed for yourself. 

"B-but I don't want to waste any more money!" you nervously argued, sure you were hungry and wanted more but you didn't want to be any trouble to them. Plus you'd probably just steal from Narancias stash of goodies.

The ravenette just sighed while saying 'if you say so' under his breath as he waltzed over to the counter, snacks and drinks in hand. "Ring me up, pops!" he shouted happily as he dropped the pile of food onto the counter top with a goofy grin plastered on his face. You did the same but more gently. 


You all boarded the boat and watched as it drifted away from the docks and out onto the ocean. You rested your arms on the railing as you watched the small blue ripples caused from the engine expand outwards till they vanished within the gorgeous waters. You inhaled the salty sea breeze, it making you feel calm and relaxed. The ocean was a soothing place. 
Eventually you moved away from the railings and seated yourself in the same area where Naranica and Mista were chilling, mainly because that's where most of the snacks were.

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