Mirror, Mirror on the Wall

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"The place we're looking for is about 100 meters ahead." Fugo informed. It hadn't been that long since you four had arrived at the ruins, maybe around 5 minutes into your search mission, and you spent that precious time admiring the surroundings around you. Sure you had an important mission to focus on, but how could you when you had the heart and curiosity of a tourist? You simply just had to take in information through your eyes, but you knew that your team would not be happy with you if you also didn't take in information through your ears, so you made sure to only take small glances at the ancient city while making it your highest priority to keep an ear out just incase Fugo decided to spout facts about Pompeii again. Or, if your enemy decided to make an early appearance. "It should take us about thirty minutes to get what we need and get back to the others."

You cringed at the time frame that was stated. "That's a really long time to get there, I'd imagined it'd take like, ten at least." you said, admiring a very worn row of pillars. You regretted opening your mouth once you looked up to see Fugo giving you a nasty side glance.

"Pompeii was a city that housed twenty-thousand people, and covered about a hundred-sixty to a hundred-seventy acres of land. You'd have to be a complete moron to think you could scale that in under twenty minutes. Think before opening your mouth." the dirty blonde spat, venom lacing his words. His face was contorted into an annoyed grimace, a look you would usually see directed at Narancia after getting yet another math question wrong. Your face flushed an embarrassed shade of pink having been called out, rather brashly you might add.

'Geez...you didn't have to attack me that harshly..' your voice, tiny and meek, echoed in your  conscious mind. Insulted by a man who dresses like a piece of paper after being incorrectly snapped inside a binder, not your proudest moment.

You silently stared at the ground, wallowing in your own embarrassment and shame until nearly having bumped into Abbacchio, but thankfully managed to stop in your tracks till that could happen. You probably would have been murdered if you'd have just taken one more step. You breathed a sigh of relief after catching yourself, but that same breath ended up getting caught in your throat almost instantly. You leaned your head to the side to look in front of the tall individual, your eyes falling upon the blonde hair of Fugo, and further beyond his head hung a very out of place mirror. Your eyebrows knit together in caution, your eyes once again falling back to the blonde who was closest to the reflective object. Subconsciously, you slowly began to inch your way closer to Fugo, now nearly being shoulder to shoulder with Abbacchio. If you squinted hard enough, you could spot the small image of a shadowy man peaking out from behind a pillar you had walked past not even thirty seconds ago.

And, it would seem, Fugo had noticed this as well. "Abbacchio, Giorno, Y/n, be on your guard." the sounds of the rest of your teammates accompanied by your name being called had your body tensing, preparing for anything sudden that could happen at any moment. With the introduction of a new enemy in your last fight, you had not a single cell of a doubt that the same thing would be happening this time, that thought being the main reason to your constant state of stress and worry. "To think we'd be found so soon..."

"How many are there?" Abbacchio's deep voice brought you out of your intrusive thoughts, though your body refused to look away from the mirror.

"One...for now." Fugo responded. "He's peaking around that stone pillar behind us."

Giorno looked behind him, eyes scanning the terrain. "Pillar? Which one would that be?" he asked, unaware that there was only one pillar Fugo could be mentioning.

"There is only one pillar behind us, Giorno." you managed to answer before Fugo. "Just stay vigilant."

"Fugo, there is definitely a single pillar, but I don't see anyone, either." Abbacchio.

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