𝐅𝐎𝐔𝐑: yes, a coincidence

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chapter four


"I'd like to think of it as a very pure coincidence." heeseung said, hands crossed over his chest, as haneul walked around the room, fastening her pace every time the boy spoke.

"nah, there's no way it's a coincidence hee. I mean-" some incoherent mess that heeseung didn't even mind to translate. "forget about it. c'mon, get your lazy ass ready so that we can be first."

she was of course not aware of the smirk building up on his face, as he stood up and wore his jacket. "why are you even hurrying? jungwon's house is always there you know."

"right, unless it decides to grow a pair of legs and walk away." she used her fingers to demonstrate the walking house, him letting out an airy laugh while tagging along with her.

"snacks?" she asked, the boy holding up the two plastic bags in his hands. "check." "soft drinks?" "check." "you?" "ch - wait a minute." "check."

she took one bag from his hands and opened the front door, a yelp escaping her lips that caused the boy to back up and her falling on his hands. "for god's sake I got scared-"

"oh-" sunghoon exclaimed, his hand raised up to ring the bell. "so, this is not jungwon's house?" he questioned, heeseung letting go of the girl's hands and making her fall to the ground.

"bish-" "nope, it's the one right next to it. by the way hi, I'm lee heeseung." he took his hand and shook it, sunghoon giving him an awkward smile. "park sunghoon."

"and the one sweeping the floor is kim haneul." the brunette pointed at his feet, the girl growling as she got up and dusted off her jeans. "thanks a lot seung, I MUCH appreciate your help."

"that's what friends are for." he gave her a wink, walking down the three stairs and waiting for the girl to come. sunghoon kept his eyes on him, until the girl coughed out, making him look at her.

"hello there." he said with a snicker, her fixing her hair while laughing. "well, hi. uhm - guess we ain't lucky enough to be meeting normally huh?" she said, him chuckling and fiddling with the small package on his hands.

"a reason to remember them better?" he mumbled, making her smile as she stepped down the stairs. "so, are you also heading to jungwon's?"

a nod. "yeah, he invited me over since he held something like a friend gather up, and said that I could get to know more people that way." he explained, her grinning at the brunette tapping his foot on the tiles, her index secretly pointing at the one next to her as she bit her bottom lip.

heeseung chuckled, walking towards the house next door, stepping up the small balcony and ringing the bell, haneul and sunghoon left behind, chit chatting with interest.

"hmm, I smell something fishy going on in here." eric wriggled his brows while wrapping an arm around her neck, her frowning upon his words and pushing him away. "stop it."

"I'm just stating what my eyes see." he shamelessly winked and sent her a flying kiss, looking back to see the red haired boy struggling with a box. "hey sung, you know you can just let that thing down and ask for help."

"nah, I ain't as weak as you mr la." the boy said instead, making eric gasp in disbelief, one hand gripping on the cloth near his heart, acting offended. "I feel attacked."

"as you should." haneul whispered, receiving a glare from the blonde and a chuckle from the raven beside her, who had seen everything that went on between the three.

"haneul!" jungwon exclaimed with a smile, coming closer and opening his arms wide to welcome the girl. and of course, she gladly accepted it, seeing as something was oddly different with him today.

yet, in a good way.

sunghoon stared at the two friends' interaction with a small grin on his face, not really knowing what the sting in his heart meant.

it was much common to him, for him spending most of his time in freezing places, so catching a cold was a thing of his. but it felt different, a sting that felt intense and painful, penetrating him in some way that made his brows form a frown.

"welcome sunghoon, I'm glad that you could make it!" jungwon suddenly said, trapping him into a bro hug and offering him one of those smiles that haneul has memorized as the 'for the first impression' ones.

"I could never really miss a party." the raven replied, receiving a small gasp of interest from the girl. "seems like you've attended many of them. I need a life like that."

trust me, you don't.

"so, shall we go in? felix and jake are here already." "what? I thought we'd be first?" jungwon chuckled at her shocked face, sticking his tongue out and wrapping and arm around her neck. "well, wrong you thought."

"bish I swear, I got knocked out by sunghoon and betrayed by heeseung for you, and that's how thank me?" she whined, him rubbing his fist on top of her head. "shush."

"well, they're always like that." the raven boy snapped his head to his left, seeing as heeseung crossed his hands over his chest and stared at them. he frowned. "huh?"

"jungwon and haneul, they're always playful and such, don't think of them as the weird ones." he chuckled, the boy nodding with a smile. "I thought of it, they seem to be good friends."

"I start feeling like she had replaced me with that short bitch." he walked off to the car parked a few meters away, helping sungchan with a few more boxes as eric kept bashing at him.

"why am I here?" he mumbled, but soon enough felt a hand wrapping around his wrist, seeing as haneul beckoned for him to follow. "it's so cold outside, and you don't wanna catch a cold."

he smirked. "I'm the ice prince, you forgot?" he cocked a brow up, as she gave him a grin and started pulling on his sleeve. "well, even the ice prince can freeze to death and fall sick, and I'm sure you don't want so."

he shook his head with a smile and followed closely. "no, but even if I got sick, would you take care of me?" he asked, her halting on her steps and turning around.

"of course I would, who would let an angel suffer like that?" "me? an angel? I don't think I deserve the title." she abruptly stopped, turning her head around for the nth time and looking at him in disbelief.

"if you aren't an angel, then what are you? definitely not a demon." she added with a smile, him chuckling. "you could say that...I'm something in between."

but could he be meaning it? could the blood boiling inside of jungwon be an outcome of his devilish shelf, and the pack of butterflies in her stomach was what his angelic nature caused?

probably, for he was that something in between.

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