𝐅𝐈𝐅𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐍: vicious thoughts

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chapter fifteen


"so, how's school going? I heard that you transferred just a month ago, so it must have been hard for you."

mrs kim asked the young boy in a motherly tone, making him feel more at ease, after the unexpected yet most memorable experience he had with the one beside him.

"well, it's not like I came from another country, but it was indeed a little hard to see new faces, but haneul made it easier for me. I have a bunch of good friends to hang out with, and I can totally rely on them."

"was your experience from the past school pleasant? was there a specific reason you left?" silence followed her words, as sunghoon had averted his look at the plate in front of him.

without her mom noticing, the hold on haneul's hand had gotten tighter, and the girl found the action weird.

"just that, the methods teachers used didn't satisfy both me and my parents, so I asked for me to be transferred to the next closest to our house school."

the mother nodded, smiling contently as she stood up and started picking up the dishes. both haneul and sunghoon got off their chairs, only to be pulled down by the woman herself.

"you two can have some alone time now. lay on the backyard and look at the clouds or play some board games. it's a day off, remember?"

"well, off school, not house chores." as haneul was about to stand up again, sunghoon took a hold of her wist and pulled her down, her giving him one of her most shocked looks. "but─"

"if your mom said no, then no. let's go outside and enjoy the nice weather." he said, the woman slightly bowing her head as a thank you. he took her hand and lead her outside, being met with the blinding light of the april sun proudly hanging by the sky.

"let's lay down." he said, throwing his jacket on the grass and sitting on it, patting next to him for her to follow suit and accompany him in having some quality time alone.

the girl did as said, leaning her head on his shoulder and closing her eyes, feeling the air brushing against her face and making her hair fly at any direction given. sunghoon took it as the great opportunity to finally do what he's been longing for.

he took the stray strands of hair and put them at the back of her ear, his eyes locking with hers into a deep staring session while blocking all the other sounds.

"you're literally so beautiful." he said in his extremely low voice, making her smile in the most genuine way as she leaned her head on his palm, who was now cupping her cheeks, warmth radiating as she shut her eyes close.

"says you, handsome ice prince. many boys wish to have such visuals, but as I said, god has his favs and you, park sunghoon, is certainly one of them."

raising a brow, sunghoon leaned in and planted a kiss on her cheek, the woman staring at them from behind the curtains smiling ear to ear.

oh, how to turn back time and feel the magic of young love once again.

"kim haneul, I swear you never fail to make me fall for you ever again." with these words, the boy sealed her lips in a sweet kiss that made her grin while trying to kiss back. giggles escaped their lips as they pulled away.

"I feel like I'm thirdwheeling in a very sweet love story." a voice from behind them broke their eye contact, haneul smiling at the boy who walked in the front yard with hands stuffed inside his pockets.

"heeseung, you should have texted or maybe called, and not interrupt." she playfully scolded him, him shrugging as he stuck his tongue out. "whatever, I'll leave the two of you alone and go enjoy my single as a pringle life. have fun making out!"

"yah, hyung! stop talking nonsense and join us. we're just hanging out, that's all." sunghoon said, haneul nodding as the tall boy nodded and skipped his way to them, trying to ignore the way a specific someone threw invisible daggers with his eyes from the house next to hers.

"so, it's official now? me and jungwon will be the party poopers of the group from now on?" he asked, the flustered girl grimacing as she shoved him to the ground with a push. "stoooop!"

"but hey, I'm happy for the two of you. I swear it felt like ages until you guys got together." and he meant it, for his lips had curled up in a genuine smile that brightened the whole universe, radiating positive energy and making both sunghoon and haneul happy.

but the eagle─eyed raven from the house next to hers was having none of it. the way his fists clenched under his desk, his eyes brimming with tears as he had to witness what he never did imagine before, it pained him and his wild ego.

yang jungwon was never one to cause trouble, and trust me when I tell you that if you met him on the street two years ago and told him that he'd wish for someone's misfortune as much as anything, he'd call for an ambulance to drive you to the closest hospital.

but there he is, looking at the pair's love blooming, making him aware of the fact that all the sings he believed in where never near the reality he's been dreaming of.

sometimes, truth hurts so much that a human being is able to turn into the most vicious monster, death being a thing they wish for to spread like a fatal disease to the ones they hate.

and jungwon was certainly wishing for a specific someone to find a fate as bad and unlucky as his, making him go through what his poor heart went.

oh, what a relief it would be to see him in such a miserable state, suffering till he can't keep it to himself.

and it hit him, the smirk building up on his thin lips creeping out the little kitten staring at his figure for an hour now. once he became aware of its innocent presence, he hissed, making it jump down the fence and run away.

why sitting down and wishing, when he can do it all by himself? waiting is never worth it, as fate had taught him and struck him like a train.

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