𝐒𝐈𝐗𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐍: angel or devil

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chapter sixteen


"haneul, wake up." sunghoon barked from beside the girl, making her jerk up with eyes wide open and a gasp of surprise that caused everyone to look at her.

"sorry." she mumbled, shyly bowing her head while glaring at the giggly boy next to her. "I'll warn you once. when the bell rings, you're a dead meat."

sunghoon shivered in pretentious fear while rubbing his arms. "oh shit, my whole life is in danger now, someone pity the handsome man and save him from this psycho."

"shut up." she hissed through gritted teeth, jungwon turning around and facing the duo. "haneul, focus." with a stern face, he averted his eyes to the boy who was still left chuckling, the death glare cutting his laugh short.

"what's his problem." he asked with a raise of his brows, haneul shrugging. "he's been acting weird lately, but I hope that he's fine. let's wait for him to open up when he's ready."

these words made the raven boy's lips form a warm smile, that soon enough got swept away by the thought of the ice prince being the one to sit next to her, when in fact biology was a class him and haneul had taken up to sit together and enjoy some more "best friends" time.

the page he was originally gripping on to flip through got severely clenched by his firm grip, making him stare at the letters and notes becoming a mess he had caused, just like his heart.

"and that's how I got to know that this ice bitch confessed. they're officially a couple jake, I lost my chances." with a pink straw stirring his drink, jungwon finally let go of all the thoughts that have been striking him since the day haneul revealed her relationship with sunghoon.

"I really don't want to say it, but I told you so."

the australian brunette had a look of pity in his eyes, feeling bad for his friend's heartbreak. all the times he's tried to talk him into confessing, he couldn't really say that they were not worth it, but it hurt him knowing that jungwon never got to shot his arrow of hope and have a chance with the girl.

"I know jakey, I'm stupid." he took a sip from his vanilla milkshake, a grin building up on his thin lips. "but hey, it's fine. maybe we weren't meant to be."

jake's eyes grew wide, mouth gaping as he respectively took a sip from his caramel macchiato. jungwon wasn't one to give up that easily, so it came as a literal surprise to both him and the approaching heeseung.

"did I hear it right? you're absolutely fine with it?" he asked, taking a seat across him as he leaned on the table with hands crossed over his chest.

"feels like I'm getting scammed." jake commented, making heeseung laugh while reaching for the little croissants on the small plate. "same."

"guys, I swear I'm fine. if it's for her own happiness, then I have to accept my fate, first as a friend of hers and then as a star-crossed lover." he said, giggling as heeseung side─eyed jake before uttering something he should have never even thought of doing.

"then how do you explain dumping dirty water on sunghoon?" he asked, jungwon stopping midway stirring as his crescent eyes became darker, and jake had none of it, for his oblivious self knew nothing about it.

"wait...is that how sunghoon got wet that day?" he asked with eyes full of curiosity, heeseung subtly nodding as he intertwined his fingers and placed his head on them, looking like a judge eyeing the defendant with pure anger and disgust.

moments filled with tension passed, as jake was left choosing who to stare at and observe, as both seemed to be having mixed feelings expressed at the moment.

"I don't know what you fed yourself today, but it was for sure expired." the raven across chuckled with mischief, standing up as he kept the eye contact with heeseung steady.

"I'll see you guys later." he spat out, grabbing his backpack and sliding it over his shoulders, quickly walking away with hands stuffed in the hip pockets of his jeans.

heeseung stared at his back vanishing with a perplexed mind. the situation seemed so out of control, that he felt like no one was able to take action and bring jungwon back to reality.

everything felt as if they have grown so much, becoming adults in a world made for fools and jerks, where lies rule the humanity and the truth lies under someone's pillow, waiting for the right moment to reveal itself and save them.

jungwon was the fool, a jerk running away with his lies, as heeseung's own truth couldn't reveal itself yet. maybe the moment wasn't right, but though he lost the fight, he was determined to win the war and prove himself.

"hee! I'm talking to you, idiot" harshly blinking the thoughts away, he found jake waving his hand in front of his face with a worried expression that made him panic. "what?"

"lunch bream is almost over, mind walking me to class?" he batted his long eyelashes with hands clasped together, heeseung not helping but laughing at his 'terribly' cute face.

"can I resist that ugly face? nope, and that's a trait of mine that I hate the most." "oh, shut up. I know you love your aussie dongsaeng more than anyone, am I right or am I right?"

"two goods gives us one bad, simple math."

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