𝐅𝐎𝐔𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐍: starry heart fluttering

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chapter fourteen


"welcome, sunghoon!" haneul's mom cheerfully greeted the young boy that stepped into their house, he himself bowing respectfully with one of his biggest and most sincere smiles.

"thank you for inviting me over, mrs kim. it's a pleasure to finally meet the mother of the most beautiful girl I've ever met. kindness and empathy are just the spills of art in the canvas of kim haneul."

lucky haneul was not there to have a listen in their hasty conversation, yet it took her mom just a spli second to realise how the boy has indeed fell head over heels for her daughter, and she would by no means set barriers in the newly blooming love.

"mannerism and compliments, these are a prince's traits that haneul loves the most, and you rarely meet boys like that nowadays. my daughter do be one of the luckiest out there."

"may I tell you, miss. haneul is one of the luckiest girls not only because she has me─well, she will be having me, as her boyfriend...if I'm lucky enough at some point in the future, BUT she's also one of the few girls that have one of a pure and soft heart, and she's not afraid to care about others, it's just the natural kim haneul."

"gosh, if you have any plans on getting my daughter, I'm more than eager to contribute." she fist bumped with the smiley boy, this being the day when mrs kim and park sunghoon allied to get kim haneul accept the ice prince's love.

"oh, you're here already?" the girl was just finishing up her styling with some feather-shaped earrings that jay gifted her some months ago, when he came back from his christmas vacation in paris.

"no, just my illusion." he teased while walking up to her, embracing the girl in a tight hug that didn't seem to take her aback, and her mom noticed. they were closer than what she'd thought, tears almost slipping down her rosy cheeks as she remembered how her and her husband got to meet.

"dear, why don't you show sunghoon around the house till it's lunch time?" she suggested, her eagerly nodding as she took a hold of his hand. "yup. and first destination, the second floor. up we go!"

sunghoon tagged along, going up the stairs as they stepped into a corridor, customized by three doors each side and many photos hanging from the walls, both family and solo ones.

he noticed how, besides haneul and her parents, there was also a boy, one that would grow up with every photo he passed by, yet at some point there was no boy in the pictures, as well as no solo ones.

"that's sunoo, my brother." haneul did notice the way he curiously looked at the pictures of her brother, wanting to solve all his questions. "he's been studying abroad for two years now."

"I see..." he whispered, biting on his inner cheeks as haneul opened one specific door. "this is my room." she went in, her hand beckoning for him to follow.

"nice hut you got in there." "hahaHA, whatever mister perfecto." she pouted and crossed her hands over her chest, sunghoon reaching for her arms as he pulled her closer. "I'm just kidding, you grumpy old lady."

"then you like teasing way too much." she plopped herself on the bed, him following suit, as they fixed their eyes on the ceiling, a bunch of glowing in the dark stars decorating it, making him gasp.

"so beautiful." he commented, as she stood up and ran to turn off the lights. "if that's beautiful, then watch this."

and with a swift move, the room went pitch black and the stars lit up with their neon colors, glittery white and yellowish gold, making sunghoon let his mouth hang open and doze off.

"this is everyone's reaction, sunoo had even told me that my room's sky is the brightest at night." she laid next to the dazed boy, taking in a deep breath as her hand searched for his.

once she found it resting beside him, she interlocked their fingers, a lock so tight that sunghoon harshly blinked before dragging his eyes off the starry sky of her small room, now all of his attention drawn to his own starry sky.

a comfortable silence fell between the two, both swearing that looking into each other's eyes felt like entering a new world, where nothing mattered but the two lovers falling even more for each other, love being their only strength and joy.

without him noticing, sunghoon had leaned forward, to the point that his breath could be felt brushing against her gentle features, making her eyes flutter.

the eye contact that followed spoke all the words they wanted to utter, but were too shy to even think of. it was the silent consent, the subtle nod of hers that made him lean even more, doing what his heart desired for a long time now.

a blust of fireworks and butterflies, that's what haneul felt the moment his lips touched hers, this being her first ever time kissing someone. she always wanted to keep this special moment for someone worth it.

and sunghoon was certainly worth it.

as he pulled away ─ however dark it was ─ both could see under the dim light of the stars how red their cheeks were, as well as how hot they felt. he smiled, feeling content with how she was retorting the action and showed no regret.

"I think I'm in love with you."

he whispered, giggling as he cupped her cheeks. a laugh from her, which seemed music to his ears. "you think? I, personally, am a hundred percent sure that I am in love with the ice prince."

"you do?" he raised his brows, a hum escaping her lips as she nodded. she climbed up to him and wrapped her arms around his waist, resting her head on his chest.

"and the thing is, there's no way out." she whispered, feeling the beat of his heart rising as his breathing got a tad bit heavier. "and I know you feel the same."

"the heart won't ever betray."

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