𝐒𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍: a little jealousy

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chapter seven


the next day, haneul stepped into the school grounds with a spring in her steps. she was in cloud nine, sadly the magical afternoon with sunghoon had came to and end, something that felt so heart-wrenching, having to come back to reality.

her legs were in pure pain, something that didn't go unnoticed by her much curious best friend, whose mind could not help but drift to thoughts that put in shame both her and the new boy.

"are you nuts?" "peanuts." jungwon said with his most innocent look, as heeseung gripped tighter on his dark brown locks while staring at the two hanging out from afar.

"if haneul knew that you're thinking so lowly of her, she'd be really really disappointed." he commented with a finger jabbing the younger's cheek.

jungwon slapped his hand away. "and I'm one hundred percent sure of your ass being the one to betray me, am I wrong or am I wrong?" he said with a big frown, something that made him look cuter other than intimidating.

"never!" "whatever, let's just go and catch up with her before this dude lure her with his charms." he did the quotes sign with his fingers once he spat the word 'charms', heeseung not being able to keep his smile off his lips, which unluckily betrayed him.

"dang it, jungwon is jealous! the one and only yang jungwon is jealous!"

"of course I'm jealous! I'm a human too and I have feelings! and seeing him with her the whole time is that one cursed thing that makes me so fucking jealous!"

"heck, he's swearing too! I didn't even know you had such ability!" the boy teased, making jungwon growl under his breath. "hee, stop it please!"

"okay okay, I'm sorry." he sat down on a bench and crossed his legs, looking up in the sky only to wince and look down. "heck-"

"you're THAT stupid to look at the sun on an EXTRA sunny day! I mean, how dumb can you be?" he yelled right at his face, heeseung giving him a look as he shook his head.

"love is bad for you jungwon, and I mean it. it changed you so much."

a sigh. "I'm sorry hee. I by no means want to be mad at you, mad at her, mad at no one. but to him, oh gosh, the urge of punching his face is so much, I'm glad you're around."

"who said I'll hold you?" heeseung huffed, making the other snap his head at his direction. "what?" "eh? nothing."

"hi guys!" haneul jumped up in front of them, both flinching as sunghoon chuckled. "this tall af talented person right here suggested that we should all hang out this afternoon."

"no!" "yes!" jungwon widened his eyes at heeseung, in the terrible attempt to make him shut up, yet he retorted the action. "of course we will, right won?"

"heeseung, I have a taekwondo class to attend today." "it's fine if you don't attend once. you're always stuck in, is this how you wanna spend your youth?"

jungwon puffed his cheeks with his left hand combing his jet black hair. he was right, cause he was heeseung hyung, and hyung knows something more, right?

but should he listen to his friend, or his aching heart? his mind was on fire, thinking of the ways he has to endure the pain of seeing her being happy with someone else, even if it wasn't a hundred percent sure thing.

"y-you're right I guess." he tried to put on a small smile, as haneul sneaked her hand over his shoulder, grinning at him. "jungwonie is finally growing up! so, places y'all wanna go?"

"hmm, my house?" jungwon pointed at his chest, haneul shaking her head. "we've been there multiple times and your parents need silence to work in peace."

"then my house?" "do we have to go to someone's house?" haneul scratched her nape, heeseung shrugging. "well, I thought of somewhere comfortable. besides, it's a little chilly today and I don't think it's good for your─oh my, what happened to your hands?"

haneul looked down at her hands, as the scars on her knuckles caused by the cold weather were now bleeding. she hissed, since she had felt no pain but the blood had now stamped her fingers, even reaching her hoodie's sleeves.

"didn't you apply the cream I gave to you yesterday?" sunghoon spoke up after some time, jungwon side─eyeing him while observing her reaction. she seemed guilty.

"no, I forgot." she whispered, but the boy said nothing. he just took both her hands in his and let his backpack slide off his shoulder. he opened it and a small roll of bandage appeared, the girl silently staring at him.

a disinfectant followed along with a ball of cotton, reaching to the point where jungwon wondered if this boy is a student or a walking first-aid box.

"sit down pleaseu." his broken english accent made her chuckle, as she took a seat next to heeseung, him kneeling in front of her. "hand pleaseu."

she did as told, him holding it ever so gently, as he tapped the soaked in disinfectant cotton on her wounds, at the same time blowing on it so that it won't sting.

"cold." she chuckled, him smiling at her as he cautiously wrapped some piece of bandage around the wounds. "we're done. my mother once told me that you should let them exposed so that they won't...uh─'suffocate', but since we have two more pediods, I think you'd like to keep some notes."

"right you thought. back to the main point, where shall we meet?" "how about my house? my parents have absolutely no problem."

"are you sure?" haneul said with her brows furrowing, sunghoon raising one at her. "would I suggest it if I weren't sure?"

she nodded. "okay then, text us the time and place we can meet and off to your palace we go, oh my dazzling ice prince." she bowed at him, the action bringing a smile to his lips.

"wOuLd I SuGgEsT iT iF I wErEn'T sUrE? bitch kindly fuck off!"

a bewildered jungwon almost tripped on his way home, scrunching his nose up in absolute disgust and menace. oh god, how frustratingly much was he holding himself from punching the hell out of the tall raven.

"dazzling ice prince? the heck is that even, hmm? weren't for that tall ass skinny bitch and his so called skating skills, everything would be normal!"

he kicked a pebble with all his might, his shoe meeting with the ground in an aggressive manner, as he almost lost his balance. right the last second, he extended his hands and saved his face from getting ruined.

"I hate you park sunghoon, I hate you so fucking much!" he hissed out, his eyes brimming with tears of anger, jealousy and unfairness.

no, it shouldn't be like that, sunghoon can't be the one to put a smile on her face, he just can't be the one to steal what he had first claimed.

"wish you were dead. wish you were fucking dead, buried into the ground, not even six feet under it. seventeen would let me live in peace─"

he abruptly stopped his words, feeling his ears and cheeks heating up as he stood up. "jungwon, what are you doing?"

he grabbed his cheeks and ran all the way off the bridge he was walking on, hoping down a couple of stairs as his backpack flew off his shoulders and fell on some bushes.

he kneeled close to the river bank, eyes meeting with his reflexion. with a hand slapping his cheeks, his eyes finally let the tears spill out and form glowing paths on the red tinted skin.

"what the heck is wrong with me?"

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